Batman Arkham City - Thread

Well, I got all but one riddler trophies now (just need to find a collared mob to use the sonic knockout on) and have started the new game+. Also been doing some of the challenges. The campaign challenges are a cool idea.

I like how after you have all upgrades it still allows you to level up, I am level 39 at the moment.
Finally got this game last night. I bought the retail version because I had a gift card so only cost me £10. Wish I had got the steam version though would have been nice to have both this and the first one in my games list oh well.
I hate GFWL it took over an hour for me to install the game from the dvds then I had to do all the updates from GFWL but it kept crashing while updating so had to reset the pc a few times. Also hate the fact I have to have the dvd in the drive to play the game I know its only a small thing but I'm so used to not having a disk in my drive I sometimes wonder why I still have one (well 2 ones a blu-ray)

The game runs great in dx9 with my 6870 I have had no slowdown and it looks good too. Want the patch to come out though so I can use dx 11 without all the stuttering.

I didnt realise how big the game was. Its huge compared to the first took me about 10 mins to get from jokers to the museum and that was without fighting anyone along the way.
I like the cat woman bits I didnt think they would be as seamless as they are.
The combat seems better than the first and I am glad you start off with most of your gadgets from the first one.
I am enjoying the game a lot and its pretty much what I was expecting which is no means a bad thing. I am enjoying the story too

I was in no way expecting the shark in the museum. I was playing with my friend watching me and he told me to just run across to see what happens so I did and fell in. Thinking that I would drown but noooooooo the big freakin shark apears and munch. :eek:
I hate big freakin sharks !!!!!
Oh and I hate how they pronounce Ra's al Ghul's name maybe its the right pronouciation but I am used to how they say it in batman begins
is the catwoman thing an extra? i preordered mine from steam so assume i don't get any catwoman goodness?
One thing I hate about the batman series both asylum and city is it's very much like Dead Space with the camera so close to the character when he walks about. I'd rather the character was in the middle and the camera further back
One thing I hate about the batman series both asylum and city is it's very much like Dead Space with the camera so close to the character when he walks about. I'd rather the character was in the middle and the camera further back

Funnily enough it seams an apparent camera angle within most 3rd person games using the Unreal engine (see Gears of War 1,2 & 3, Splinter Cell Double Agent & Conviction, Ghost Recon, The Club, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, Hunted the Demon Forge, Army of Two & 40th Day, Dark Void, Mass Effect 1 & 2, Monday Night Combat plus loads more I'm sure). 1st game I can remember with this view point (slightly off to the left behind the shoulder) was obviously Resident Evil 4 but unlike those mentioned above the camera was pulled back further whilst the Unreal examples take up 40% of the flipping screen.
The dx11 patch has apparently leaked
It fixes many things but if you install it now you cannot connect to GFWL or save games with an online GFWL profile so do not be surprised to lose save data with it installed.

Someone uploaded it here before GFWL removed it from their temp downloads area which is not for the public just QA testing. At least we all know the patch is here sooner rather than later & about time too :mad:
Should just play the game in dx9 cause it really does look great (probably one of my top games ever for graphics in all honesty) and runs super smooth as well, the only areas from what I have seen so far in pics etc. that you will notice Dx11 is when you are up very close to poison ivy plants and the gargoyle statues, and even then you still have to have the the stuff highlighted for you in order to notice it straight away.

Near the end and the story is great for this, wasn't expecting it to be as good as AA.
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Has DX11 been fixed with this yet?
Yep DX11 + DX9 are fixed according to people on steam forums who tried it with the beta patch I linked to above but if you use that it may screw up saves as its not playable online via GFWL so use at your own risk with an offline GFWL profile & backup the files you copy over until the patch is live as you will need to revert to them when applying the official patch.
Need some help again please.

Rescuing riddlers first hostage, which is near where Bruces parents were killed and standing where I should be, on one wall it has the question mark and 2 neon signs saying "black canary", however I can't see him any where or any doors near by, where is the this hostage?
OMG! :o

I was standing there, looking at that wall in detective mode and normal mode thinking WTF do I do for like 10 mins!!! :D

I have completed the main story line, damn good and was not expecting that ending either!

These riddle challenges are impossible as well!
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