Batman Arkham City - Thread

However when you get mobbed by loads of enemies and have to take them all on with no chance to lose them/regroup i find it a bit of a chore tbh.

Those are the best bits!

When you're trying to take on 40 mobs, a titan and an abromavich twin I find best thing to do is to build up the combo for the multibatarang attack and take them out 3 or 4 at a time every 6 hits and keep the other two tough guys "super stunned". Also doing aerial attack onto the titan or twin knocks them down some what.

Trying to get every gadget and move into a perfect combo is bloody hard! I always seem to forget something.

Pretty much what dave said there, for those intense battles use the take down move when available, can take 3 guys out at once and pretty much keep jumping around and stunning. When against the hammer guy and/or titan and/or the guy that has to be stunned first, I just stun use the cape move 3 times on them and that keeps them down for a bit and I take out the normal guys first. Also the freeze grenades are very handy for those situations.

And yup, a controller probably is a lot better for this game than M+K, but I am use to it and doing well enough :p

Also need some help please dave on the identity thief and the watcher locations, searched non stop for them with sonar vision, but can't see them any where, I have found 2 of the bodies for the identity thief and 3 symbols for the watcher:

The last body for the identity thief was where Batman chats to oracle and oracle suggests that it could be Bruce since his finger prints are all over the knife and possibly due to him being sick or scarecrow or Hugo making him do it
I think the identity thief ones just happen randomly.

All I remember is that there are 4 locations, they spanned an arc going from east to south of the church.
Done all Catwoman combat challenges now.


She is a much better character than Batman as there is less gadgets and moves to fit into the combos and she looks a hell of a lot better too :p

Some DLC for her would be nice, new story for example. A standalone game would be good too.
Would an NVIDIA code from america work ok on a UK account.. ? Fancy grabbing this but only steam codes are in the US on ebay..

Edit just checked and it should be ok. Bought it now so will see...
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I would imagine it is ebay. I got mine well before release from there for a very small amount. Certainly got my moneys worth.
I think the identity thief ones just happen randomly.

All I remember is that there are 4 locations, they spanned an arc going from east to south of the church.

Ok thanks :)

Can't agree with that article, game runs fine for me, not 2 worried about the dx 11 issue, they're are far worse ports imo, finished the main story, great game no doubt

Lol, the website looks pretty crap anyway.

The game runs perfect for me as well, have had no issues what so ever, everything on max apart from motion blur and AA is set to 2x and average FPS is around 50-60 FPS, only the minor micro stutter, happens very rarely though and is prob down to my low VRAM amount.

The game also has much better graphics than console! I watched a youtube clip of the alternative ending for the 360 and the detail, colours etc. looked terrible! :eek: Didn't think there would be that much of a difference!

And indeed! Catwoman seems to take guys out quicker than batman, don't know if it cause she throws punches/kicks quicker and to make up for low amount of gadgets compared to batman, but surely batman should be taking them out quicker than catwoman due to his strength and skill :p

But it is pita encountering and group of 7 armed with guns as you don't have many/any methods of disarming them, just have to quickly attack them all and hit "3" a lot!

And I was also thinking that myself Dave, they could make a catwoman, robin or/and night wing game using the same methods/principles, all they need is a different storyline :p
Oh yeah what is going on with Catwoman btw?
There was a small segment early in the game where i played as her then she was captured by Poison Ivy and haven't seen her since, am i supposed to trigger her scenes somehow?
Oh yeah what is going on with Catwoman btw?
There was a small segment early in the game where i played as her then she was captured by Poison Ivy and haven't seen her since, am i supposed to trigger her scenes somehow?

I thought the same but you just have to wait, nothing is wrong :)
quick question,

I'm getting this and skyrim. I will definitely be purchasing both but I want one now and one for xmas.

Seeing as I've heard there are some performance issues (I'd like to play dx11 at 1080p) do you think this is the one to delay getting until they've maybe got another patch out? Or are the issues exaggerated and this is good to go now?

It looks very good in dx10 anyway tbh and i have heard that the differences are not very noticeable.

I would play this first as Skyrim is so massive and can really consume you so that you might forget about this!
It looks very good in dx10 anyway tbh and i have heard that the differences are not very noticeable.

I would play this first as Skyrim is so massive and can really consume you so that you might forget about this!

fair enough. I've got 10 days off over xmas to indulge myself in skyrim. Thanks.
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