Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Firmly believe my [email protected], 8GB Ram and a GTX 780 will run it without any issues with everything (ok, maybe not EVERYTHING but what matters) on full/maximum.

Also if the requirements suddenly take a jump on a game that's been in development for three years it smells like poor optimisation to me rather than any great leap in quality.

still running on the unreal 3 engine, i imagine the map being 5x larger wont help the cause regarding requirements.
I've not really looked at this game at all but as the release gets closer I find myself being more excited about it for some reason lol. Just watch the E3 footage from last year and it looks pretty great.
This looks good, them requirements are way too high though

What you mean we won't need 4xSLi Titans to run it on medium?

Nobody listen to this man! The games companies have absolutely no reason to be disingenuous about the requirements. They have no ties whatsoever to companies who manufacture and sell hardware and rely on a steady stream of people to feel like they need to buy it to keep up with the latest releases...
£21 on greenmangaming with code!

40% OFF Voucher

Not sure if it works on the season pass included version but £21!
The game does look very pretty. The system requirements are a bit put off for me though. I'd never run this with good settings at 1440p.
TW 3 and GTA 5 run very well for me at 50+FPS, mostly max settings with no aa and only a couple of other things turned down one notch or off completely i.e. hairworks in TW 3 @2560x1080 so hopefully the 290 will provide a similar experience in batman, if not then 980ti or 390x it is!
Was about to pre-order this, however doubt I can now run it (Rig in Sig)

I thought I would struggle with Evil Within and Dead Rising 3 but they were fine. hmmm
Forgive my probably silly question, but what will this game do differently to the previous titles?

I enjoyed the previous games, the combat was fun and I enjoy the Batman world, but the side activities were extremely dull. How is this one going to be different?
I think you will be able to turn the gameworks features off, well the last few gameworks game have allowed you to anyway! Although even that doesn't solve the micro stuttering I get with every gameworks title... :(
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