Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Yeah I am hoping that batman AK runs as well as the first 2 for me, origins had some micro stutter but nowhere as bad as the likes of dying light, ubisoft titles, advanced warfare etc. I do wonder if it is something on my end that causes micro stuttering as others don't seem to notice the micro stutter, perhaps my CPU... I am extremely sensitive to it :(
Yeah I am hoping that batman AK runs as well as the first 2 for me, origins had some micro stutter but nowhere as bad as the likes of dying light, ubisoft titles, advanced warfare etc. I do wonder if it is something on my end that causes micro stuttering as others don't seem to notice the micro stutter, perhaps my CPU... I am extremely sensitive to it :(

origins, dying light and advanced does not sutter for me even when i had two 7950's, it could be the cpu but im not a intel person, i would say clock it higher if you can to see if the stuttering go's away

anyway i just hope this game does not run like a dog
I would need to get a new cooler and all before I try, hitting 73 degrees with my current OC :( (actually goes to 3.8 with turbo). Hopefully getting a free/g sync in the next month or 2, which should eliminate/reduce the stuttering.
I know someone who says he already has his pre-download code from CD Keys, but I don't seem to be able to access mine yet. Has anyone else had any luck?

I don't want to be in the position of having to download 50gig odd of game on release day!
Yeah I am hoping that batman AK runs as well as the first 2 for me, origins had some micro stutter but nowhere as bad as the likes of dying light, ubisoft titles, advanced warfare etc. I do wonder if it is something on my end that causes micro stuttering as others don't seem to notice the micro stutter, perhaps my CPU... I am extremely sensitive to it :(

Micro stutter purist is here I actually just got around to them by chance because i have my 980 and 4770k and i tried it on my old rig and both exhibited no stutter. In Unreal engines you have to tweak it killing floor 2, Chivalry etc. There is one odd stutter that happens when you load into a new area and that remained even on my new pc.

In these games find the right config and set the b_smoothframerate to min 0 max to 60 or 120? Use this as a framerate cap and things should feel a lot better. Disable the smoothing on the mouse also in the input ini too incase. Oh and do not forget if single card always pre-rendered frames 1 though do experiement because on my old one it was 3.
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Got a free code with the 980ti. not played any of the Batman games since AA, Have they moved on from the button bashing boss fights? That let the whole game down for me so much when fighting the joker :(
Micro stutter purist is here I actually just got around to them by chance because i have my 980 and 4770k and i tried it on my old rig and both exhibited no stutter. In Unreal engines you have to tweak it killing floor 2, Chivalry etc. There is one odd stutter that happens when you load into a new area and that remained even on my new pc.

In these games find the right config and set the b_smoothframerate to min 0 max to 60 or 120? Use this as a framerate cap and things should feel a lot better. Disable the smoothing on the mouse also in the input ini too incase. Oh and do not forget if single card always pre-rendered frames 1 though do experiement because on my old one it was 3.

Cool, will try that out if AK stutters for me, thanks! :D

And yeah, FPS cap can be a god send for some games i.e. wolfenstein, it is necessary to set a FPS cap of 59 to get rid of the stutter, same for witcher 3, need to set it to 60FPS cap.

We really shouldn't have to do this stuff though :(
Also got my key registered with steam but cannot pre load.

To be fair I will just hit the install button before work.
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Hmm under £16 on G2A, tempted for sure but I have many games still not finished!

Edit* £18.86 with VAT.
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Anyones order dispatched from shopto yet? Mines still processing.
PC is not getting a retail release in the UK unless you pre-ordered from that is before late March 2015 ! After that date WB announced they would only press the number of copies pre-ordered on amazon up to that date I believe (as everyone has 100Mb internet right :rolleyes:).
Cool, will try that out if AK stutters for me, thanks! :D

And yeah, FPS cap can be a god send for some games i.e. wolfenstein, it is necessary to set a FPS cap of 59 to get rid of the stutter, same for witcher 3, need to set it to 60FPS cap.

We really shouldn't have to do this stuff though :(

120hz and a controller would help you a hell of a lot. It did for me there are games i used to find disgusting that i now find perfectly fine. It doesnt sound like it is your setup because frankly i had it when i used 60hz too. Clamping with controller at HFR is just incredible even in Batman.
Yeah I use a controller for pretty much every game now except anything which requires shooting online, it definitely helps give the perception of a smoother experience.

Currently using a 60hz monitor but thinking of getting a 144hz freesync screen in the next month or so hopefully...
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