Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Thanks for being beta testers for this :-) I will get it when its cheaper and most of the issues have been sorted out.

Got it free with my GPU purchase, so I'm not overly fussed, glad I didn't pay for it though, at least not directly.
Well I am glad I only paid £13 for it. Will finish the Witcher 3 first and wait till this is fixed before firing it up.
Glad I got it for free now as I'd be annoyed if I'd paid full price and it's in this state.

I feel sorry for you guys who bought it having high hopes :(
Guess I am lucky, played for a couple of hours without issue and really enjoying the actual game at the moment.

Not unlocked the framerate yet, but 30fps hasn't annoyed be enough yet to play around. I know this makes me a witch or something but while its working fine I don't want to fiddle :)
Unlocked the framerate here and FPS all over the place when driving batmobile.

Other that - looks incredible (all options on other than AA).

I have a PS4 but would rather play on PC with occasional wobbly framerate + high fidelty gfx. (and pay about £30 less of course :) )
I guess it is easy to make a decent port when you have 19 months to do it after the initial release of a game. If it wasn't GTA people would have been screaming that the PC got ignored for so long

Don't get me wrong, I'm still ****ed it too them that much time to bring it over to PC and we all know they could've ported it a lot faster but monies. However, it doesn't change the fact the game is top notch and worth every penny.

Leaving GTA aside, was it really so much hassle to make a 2015 game run at 60fps natively? Shouldn't really require that much time, should it?

It's not really a matter of available time. If they decide to realease a game for PC they should make sure it at least meets the criteria of quality considered a bare minimum for the target platform. Shouldn't the mere decision to make something for a given platform equal devoting enough time to polish it to at least an acceptable level? I think that's the way it should be done. But it isn't.
Lol! Those Steam reviews, spot on, what a flop. Shoddy effort and bad practice on the publishers front.
I played last night until 4am, didn't notice the 30fps cap (I didn't have fps showing in AB, only temperature (65'c) and vram usage (4GB+))

It didn't crash once, one of the cut scenes near the start did stutter a little bit but I can't say I noticed anything untoward. I honestly don't get how so many people have issues yet I have very few?

i5 2500k @4.2ghz, 8gb ram, game on a Samsung SSD and a GTX780 6GB not overclocked above factory clocks.
I got a voucher for this game with my 980 Ti but am holding off redeeming it because of the problems I have heard.

Does anyone know if you can sell the codes in the MM for example? May as well buy this game in a month or so time whilst I still have other games on the go and hopefully by then the game will be patched and playable.

Dam modern games these days always needing patched, I still have TW3 sat here for over a week doing nothing until they patch that even more.

I got a voucher for this game with my 980 Ti but am holding off redeeming it because of the problems I have heard.

Does anyone know if you can sell the codes in the MM for example? May as well buy this game in a month or so time whilst I still have other games on the go and hopefully by then the game will be patched and playable.

Dam modern games these days always needing patched, I still have TW3 sat here for over a week doing nothing until they patch that even more.


Codes have been sold on the MM - but only for £15.

You might as well keep hold if it.
Codes have been sold on the MM - but only for £15.

You might as well keep hold if it.

Ok cheers, will have to think about it then because I am interested in the game but selling now for that only to buy it again probably for about double doesn't seem worth it unless I put the game off for a few months then try and pick it up cheaper.
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