Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

It's not perfect, but a bit better. Still can see some stuttering issues in the Batmobile.... This is with an SSD and a 970.

If i use adaptive vsync it seems to help smooth things out,
Gave it about 5 mins before they patched it and it was garbage. Played a good few hours yesterday and it's so good. Not one hitch/stutter. always smooth and looks great. Now we just need SLI support (well I don't need it but I want it ;))
Took the plunge with this after hearing its been patched, £12 for premium edition, whatever that means.

Got my recent B-grade GTX 980 to play it on too :D
Yay now working a lot better after the patch. Still getting severe frame drops here and there but the game is quite playable and its utilising both my GTX670's.
So decided to give the game another shot today after installing it yesterday for the first time, got a crash again - rendering thread exception* :-/
Will certainly try this when I get home tomorrow, although I don't think it will make any difference at 4K since Crossfire still doesn't work
definatly smoother for me now with the patch I get about 60 fps with all the settings on with aa x4 in 1440p but i am only getting 13% usage on my 2nd gtx so wont be playing it still untill we have sli support!
Given up now with the trophies and some other minor side quests being finished - at 82%. Apart from the way it runs, overall equal to city in my view.
Game is better than what it was on release but my 970 still struggles at times. When some scenes are first loading I'm down to below 10FPS. Don't think my VRAM being maxed out at 4GB helps so might have to tweak some graphic settings.

Got the fright of my life just now when Joker appeared in the chemicals factory:D
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I put off playing this untill the most recent patch, I don't know how it performed before, but I am having no problems playing at 4k with everything on high and all gameworks stuff disabled.

I am about 10% complete according to my save game stats, seems a decent story so far, but my god is the batmobile overused, it's like every puzzle has to involve maneuvering the batmobile into some convoluted location to use the winch or the charger.

I think it would have been much better if the batmobile was just for getting around, and the occasional chase scene, rather than some kind of silly strafing battle tank...

Thankfully the parts that don't involve it are awesome, and I love the stealth predator parts as much as the previous games, nothing is more fun than doing an inverted takedown and leaving a goon strung up from the ceiling.
10% in too. I've played through gritted teeth so far at how poor this is in comparison to the others. Everything offends me about batman himself - eyes popping out of his head, terrible voice acting, even worse lip-sincing.

The batmobile is an attrocity. I wasnt expecting much from reviews, but after the first riddler track i think it ranks as one of the poorest vehicles in any game. Its worse than transformers war for cybertron.

I wish i hadnt just played origins for the first time. It ***** all over this turkey
10% in too. I've played through gritted teeth so far at how poor this is in comparison to the others. Everything offends me about batman himself - eyes popping out of his head, terrible voice acting, even worse lip-sincing.

The batmobile is an attrocity. I wasnt expecting much from reviews, but after the first riddler track i think it ranks as one of the poorest vehicles in any game. Its worse than transformers war for cybertron.

I wish i hadnt just played origins for the first time. It ***** all over this turkey

Well I have to disagree with this, It's not the best in the series but man that's a weird reaction to it, eyes poping out? Do you have a glitch with your game that I don't have? Voice acting is pretty good, as good as it's ever been remembering this is a comic book game, and the bat mobile takes a bit of getting used to but then I had no problem with it.
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