Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

Definately worth £15 you will get your moneys worth couple of nice tracks & 4 extra episode brief but worth playing.

Main game alone is worth £70-80 to me (only cost me £28 with all content back on release though as I got the game free with my GPU so bought the season pass DLC at a reduced pre-order price from Steam).

Remember you also get ALL the other Batman Arkham games on PC free if you do not already own them (WB are still deciding if you already own Arkham games on Steam if you get giftable copies or not).
Well played the main and DLC and running sweet as a nut for me. Generally sitting around 80-90 fps with everything maxed out on a Titan X/1440P including all the GameWorks. No problems here phew :)
Well since the patch I am getting between 45-75 fps with 1 980 as the mian gpu and the other as a physx card . Thats at 1440p with everything on full wack aa x4. Runs smooth so far with gsync for the -50 drops . They seem to happen in the batmobile of flying about . So no glitchs or blue screens and I am about 3 hrs in so so far so good
^ What are your specs?

4790k + 970, so quite a bit slower than your setup.

I've downloaded a pirated copy before all the patching happened to check whether the optimisation was really that bad (obviously uninstalled it afterwards). It did, inf fact, run very poorly without the tweak tool. With it enabled, the game was pretty playable but still with some hitches and I had to resort to 30fps to avoid fps fluctations. And that was on an SSD. Took a lot of enjoyment from the experience.

if I buy it, I'll have to install it on my HDD this time round, since a significant chunk of my SSD space is taken up by GTA V and music software.

Do I have any sort of chance of running this between 45-60fps at 1440p almost maxed? My 970 is clocked at 1505mhz, 4790k is left at stock (didn't see a point in oc'ing it).

The deal is sweet as I'm getting all the DLC + the entire Arkham library with the game for a decent price, but I'm still hesitating.
I didn't bother playing before when it was released due to the uproar so waited till yesterday. Maybe the GFX have been nerfed but they look OK to me while playing.

i5-3570K, 1 x 980 Ti, 8GB RAM, 2 x SSD (RAID 0), Acer X34 21:9 3440x1440.

All settings at max and Gameworks options all on. 3440x1440 res. V-Sync off.

Afterburner hardware monitor capture. FPS is the very bottom graph. Capped to 60 fps as it plays more smoothly with it enabled and the GPU runs cooler (I do this when there's an option in any game).
The capture covered running, flying, driving, fighting and walking around the police station.

Screen capture from my X34.

As a comparison here's the capture while playing on a AMH A399U VA 4K UHD monitor I have sat above the Acer. I was using it while waiting for the X34 to be released and will probably move it downstairs to replace my 1080p TV.

Afterburner hardware monitor graph. As above the FPS is the bottom graph. Clearly can't maintain 60 fps more like 45 but it was still smooth. Just a hint of tearing as I forgot to turn on V-Sync which would have helped. Everything maxed though still.

Graph. Compared to the 3440x1440 capture the GPU working it nuts off to draw at 4K!

Screen shot
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