Batman Arkham Knight - Official Thread!

I really want to buy the game, but the last sentence makes me think a bit...

I know it'll run decently at 30fps but I don't think I really want to play at such framerate again. It's not that the game looks amazing enough to warrant those ridiculous requirements and random framerate dips.

An oc'd 970 should be enough to play it at 1440p at 60fps with some stuff turned off.
Plays fine for me in 1080p , everything maxed except shadows medium . chromic off , blur off and aa off all this on a lowly fx6300 , 8 gig of ram and r9270 with 4 gig of vm.

average 60fps in the video stress test
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I really want to buy the game, but the last sentence makes me think a bit...

I know it'll run decently at 30fps but I don't think I really want to play at such framerate again. It's not that the game looks amazing enough to warrant those ridiculous requirements and random framerate dips.

An oc'd 970 should be enough to play it at 1440p at 60fps with some stuff turned off.

I personally found 30FPS to be completely unplayable with blur on or off, I'd agree that's not good enough. Prior to the last patch I was able to sustain 50-60FPS on a single GTX 980 with Gameworks off at 1440p, but it was far from satisfying. Using my then second 980 for PhysX gave me 40-60FPS with Gameworks on.
I personally found 30FPS to be completely unplayable with blur on or off, I'd agree that's not good enough. Prior to the last patch I was able to sustain 50-60FPS on a single GTX 980 with Gameworks off at 1440p, but it was far from satisfying. Using my then second 980 for PhysX gave me 40-60FPS with Gameworks on.

Man, that's ridiculous for an UE3 game... I think I'll just give up on it, still seems to be a complete joke.
^I suspect that if you turn off the GW features - except perhaps rain - and drop the textures to medium you may find it playable at 1440p on your 970. Out of interest do you have 16Gb of RAM? I'm finding the game pushes my memory usage up to around 7.3Gb, whilst commit charge is closer to 12Gb.

Having said that, I'm inclined to agree that given the age of the engine it's very poorly optimised.
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No, I've got 8gb. Well, I think the fact that it's poorly optimised is the only conclusion we can arrive at.

I know it'll be playable at 1440p with some tweaks but I might have to go back to 30fps to avoid stuttering/drops, which isn't really how I want to enjoy the game. I tried it maxed before the patches at 1440p and it was fairly painless but 60fps feels miles better.

And having to turn every GW feature off is an even bigger downer since interactive smoke/debris looks cool and you shouldn't have to have an SLI Titan X setup to use it:p

Who knows, I might still risk it since I don't know how it performs with all the patches.
^ That's what's most surprising, it's not like this is a boundary pushing next gen title. Whilst certainly very pretty in places - a lot of which is down to art design - there's little justification for the power the game seems to demand.

Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying the game and have been since the previous patch and having moved away from SLI, but it's not acceptable that satisfactory performance is out of reach to many. Like yourself, I didn't want to begin the game until I could sit back and enjoy it without having the immersion ruined by inconsistent performance.
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We are very sorry that many our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. We worked hard to get the game to live up to the standard you deserve but understand that many of you are still experiencing issues.

Until the end of 2015, we will be offering a full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight PC, regardless of how long you have played the product. You can also return the Season Pass along with the main game (but not separately). For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues that we cannot fix.

Thank you,

Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
Ooops, an official statement spells trouble:p Too bad I just caved in and bought it since I'd found a reasonably cheap premium key. Guess no refund for me if things go south, since I didn't buy on Steam.

But hey, at least I've got WB's continued support kindly telling me what they cannot fix:D
Full refund only applies if you bought directly from Valve. If you got it free with your Nvidia GPU or bought from anywhere else including retail or a key reseller it does not apply.

Still very generous considering the game has been very playable since day 1 for many of us on high end GPU's.

Now they are also giving the entire Arkham PC library games away as well if you buy from Steam so amazing compared to other publishers.

Still unsure what exactly is so broken :rolleyes: its perfectly playable and has been for 4 months :D Just edit the texture streaming value from 1024 to 2048 is all you need to do and anything above 1080 needs the most powerful GPU you can afford ;)
Full refund only applies if you bought directly from Valve. If you got it free with your Nvidia GPU or bought from anywhere else including retail or a key reseller it does not apply.

Still very generous considering the game has been very playable since day 1 for many of us on high end GPU's.

Now they are also giving the entire Arkham PC library games away as well if you buy from Steam so amazing compared to other publishers.

Still unsure what exactly is so broken :rolleyes: its perfectly playable and has been for 4 months :D Just edit the texture streaming value from 1024 to 2048 is all you need to do and anything above 1080 needs the most powerful GPU you can afford ;)

I think we've been through this already. I used the tweak tool, just as I told you back then. What you're arguing is just a case of "it works on my machine", so I don't exactly care if it works all right for you or what you think about it. Plenty of people had problems with the game, what do you find so hard to comprehend about it?

And what kind of an argument is "anything above 1080 needs the most powerful GPU you can afford?":rolleyes: I can play Mad Max on ultra settings at 1440p at locked 60fps, GTA V almost maxed at 60fps with some drops in grassy areas and Witcher 3 with decent fps, yet I should need the most powerful GPU to play a not particularly strikingly looking UE3 game with sub-par texture work? Don't be ridiculous:rolleyes:

"Many of us on high end GPUS":rolleyes: It should be playable for people with different hardware, it's easy to say "it's runs absolutely fine on my SLI Titan X's".

If you want to shove your opinion about how the game's perfectly playable down other peoples' throats, then at least think up some reasonable arguments. For example: "it runs fine for me, but I acknowledge there's a tiny bit of possibility that other people might have some very minor problems with the game".:p


I have had plenty of crashes now and the game seems to be inconsistent with its performance too... Last run there, I was only getting 23FPS where as the last time I played, I was getting 60+ fps, the game actually ran better for me without any patches and just using Kaiden's tool.

As you said, mad max and gta 5 run perfectly and they both have a massive game world and look just as good as batman, if not better.

I hope every one who is still having problems make good use of steam's return policy.

Warner Brothers and rock steady should be ashamed of themselves.


And another crash.....
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Yeah, Mad Max performs simply superbly at 1440p and looks very good. And I got it ridiculously cheap. Why can't this?

I've just tried it and it does seem to run a bit better than before with all GW effects on except light shafts, but there's still a lot to be desired during batmobile sections. I can't monitor the framerate because neither Fraps nor AB's OSD work with this brilliantly optimised gem, but I can feel the fps hover around 40-45 fps in certain places when driving the batmobile.

I can't get a refund since I bought it off some bloke, so I guess I'll plod through it sometime down the road. But when I think I could've used my money on Fallout 4 or Just Cause 3 instead...:o

EDIT: Do you still use the tweak tool after the patches, Nexus?
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