I really want to buy the game, but the last sentence makes me think a bit...
I know it'll run decently at 30fps but I don't think I really want to play at such framerate again. It's not that the game looks amazing enough to warrant those ridiculous requirements and random framerate dips.
An oc'd 970 should be enough to play it at 1440p at 60fps with some stuff turned off.
I personally found 30FPS to be completely unplayable with blur on or off, I'd agree that's not good enough. Prior to the last patch I was able to sustain 50-60FPS on a single GTX 980 with Gameworks off at 1440p, but it was far from satisfying. Using my then second 980 for PhysX gave me 40-60FPS with Gameworks on.
We are very sorry that many our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. We worked hard to get the game to live up to the standard you deserve but understand that many of you are still experiencing issues.
Until the end of 2015, we will be offering a full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight PC, regardless of how long you have played the product. You can also return the Season Pass along with the main game (but not separately). For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues that we cannot fix.
Thank you,
Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment
Full refund only applies if you bought directly from Valve. If you got it free with your Nvidia GPU or bought from anywhere else including retail or a key reseller it does not apply.
Still very generous considering the game has been very playable since day 1 for many of us on high end GPU's.
Now they are also giving the entire Arkham PC library games away as well if you buy from Steam so amazing compared to other publishers.
Still unsure what exactly is so brokenits perfectly playable and has been for 4 months
Just edit the texture streaming value from 1024 to 2048 is all you need to do and anything above 1080 needs the most powerful GPU you can afford