The one shotting is really putting me off this game, I'm normally pretty rubbish with a rifle, but was able to kil loads last night using a rifle and just aiming in their general direction, the aiming feels off to me in this game.
Kills by rifle, sniper or not should not be so easy with little to no aiming, and in that respect it's nothing. Like COD2 was.
I really want to like this game but struggling a bit, I will def give it a go on release, but time will tell if I play it a lot.
Originally I was gonna create a clan in this game, just to have some fun, but will not be doing that anymore.
I played 1000s of hours of cod2 besides the colouring/visual this game is nothing like cod2, I led a clan that was no1 in the world on clanbase on both ctf, and demo, so think I know what cod2 played like.
I must have killed 30/40 with a bolt action rifle, it was **** easy, would never have killed 5 in a day with a rifle in cod2.
It's ridiculously easy to kill with a sniper rifle no scoping
I haven't played Battalion yet, but it looks way too fast and twitchy compared to how my rose tinted clan day memories of vanilla 1.4 patch CoD was. My youtube suggested I watch a phantasy CoD video (mp_railyard) which seemed to be modded with sprinting and a silly reticle when you shot someone, so if they've based it on that sort of experience then I'm not surprised some of the original cod players are a bit confused.
I never did Cod 2, it was a console mess of horribleness (my god the maps were awful). I'd echo the above posters comments about how no-scoping rifles seem to be over powered, and this is coming from someone who only ever used rifles for a good old 1 shot kill. Its not the fact they are a 1 shot kill, can't put my finger on it from watching the footage. The accusation of large hit boxes is something I label at the new cod's, but I don't think Battalion is guilty of this.
Meh....maybe I'm just old now.
That said, I think the games looks a lot of fun, I hope it does well.