Battalion 1944 (ww2 game )

its odd you dont like it especially when you look at your name :p

if you were in from the start you maybe did watch the devs playing cod 2 every day getting it similar.if you knew cod 2 was like on pc then you would know that strafing corners is normal.its simple to combat you will hear them coming if they going to do it and adjust aim to the air and where they land. they will make noise because they will have to run to strafe.the sound is very good and you can hear the footsteps from miles away.

many people dont like strafing because the player is either used to camping the corner knowing someone will come which is pretty lame.also easy to predict you the attacker will strafe jump and preshoot your camping spot.standard practice.the other main reason is bad aiming.normally the same corner you are waiting in ambush to kill attacker.he walks round you drill them straight down. so this time attacker jumps round corner bad players dont adjust aim and they kill you.

this game was never meant to be like arma or realistic. it was made to honour the oldskool ww2 fps titles that many of us played. strafe jumping was always in them.its part of the gameplay.

as you say im sure there will be servers with no bunny hopping listed in the title (even though its strafe jumping !!!!!! :mad: :D why people cant just understand its not bunny hopping is beyond me :p ) but those very servers will often be run by the old trust power admin that if you kill him one too many times you instantly kicked.:D seen it for many years.on old cod games.they set up their servers just so they think the rules will suit them and because they bad players in normal games and cant aim any player that beats them is gone ! :p
i dont get why people play a game they dont like :p

games great already.not bothered about player numbers. cant wait for update.
well it is aimed at the comp scene so they want to get the teams involved to help make the game a need to put up money to get the teams involved for the events.

people may not realize this but the comps for games like this help make it succesful . csgo did the same. promod for cod 4 was the same.

they are doing fine. just the same as any early release people rant cause there is bugs.the funny thing is the game plays pretty well now. hardly any crashes i can play hrs on end with no issue now.that with very early builds.give them a few months never mind years and this will be rock solid and a nice core community behind it. its not battlefield 1 and im glad it isnt.
basically he was blaming google because at launch there servers wernt working correctly and he said it was googles fault not theirs.yesterday the same happened again and he snapped on twitter saying we are not taking the blame this hed kept quite about the issue and took the hit himself but wasn't going to take it this time.he asked if amazon wanted their business.then google apparently contacted them and fixed it.

so it worked. ideally you wouldn't rant away on twitter if its business and keep it professional but...some people are passionate and maybe it was a good move in getting them to fix it and maybe no more issues in the future because of it.who knows.

all the sinking ship its doomed kinda people kinda sad.maybe just go play bf1 or arma.the game is going to get better plays well already. if you truly want a oldskool fps title making why are you trying to **** on it at every chance ?

if this does go under because of all the negative nancies just wont get a game like this again for many many one will want to gamble on making it because of the instant negativity it attracts. the worst thing is most of it is from people who never played early cods comp wise or just play modern cod games which are stupidly easy. so when they step in this get head shotted instantly they start ranting.

double xp is on this weekend.plenty playing go enjoy yourself in game.give it a chance.
lawbreakers was dog **** lets not compare them with this lol.

player base is fine. 150,000 people have brought the game concurrent players daily is about 2500+ in early access will rize as the game progresses.this isnt bf1 or pubg . the base is not going to be that huge. the thing is for eg. i played dirtybomb since it came out similar earlier alpha. it has had for 3 years 3-5000 players since launch.its fine.still growing and still many playing.this game is being developed over years ! so its nothing to worry about.
i have nothing to do with the game. lawbreakers was dog**** i played it from the very first build never got better was buggy and just a bad game.this is not the same its alpha but is getting better with each patch which are coming regular.

i mentioned dirty bomb and yes i know its free to play i played it for nearly 2000 hrs lol because of its playerbase number which is similar to what the concurrent rate of battalion is.which rise.

the funny thing is as gamers we are becoming ass holes in general.if you a older gamer and remember how games used to work and patches you expected servers to be down or crash on release and things to go wrong its part of the gaming process .

now its like day one issue this games over ! devs are useless. want my money back. it is so easy to be negative with new games.
its not purely just for the " pro scene " but what many don't seem to understand is you need to get the tournes and lans and events going with the pros to get people playing.this is what csgo did and most competitive titles.

why would anyone think they only catering for the " pro scene " when they got arcade mode in the game ? :confused:

as i pointed out earlier.people are too fast to rubbish anything.especially games.or just don't understand what a game is about.which is clearly the case with this game.
csgo was made this way. its done lans and pros playing is very important.the thing people getting mixed up about is because the comps and tournes are being done and cash put up that its only for those people.

its media.its promotion.the only reason i mentioned cod 2 pros or pro scene is cause people have slated the game and not even played pro mod or competitive cod 2. go read back the thread its the same people over and over. im not putting down anyone lol. thats even a weak bait from you who trolled me for years on here in dayz thread lol. im just saying give the game a chance stop being negative if you dont understand the game or how its being made.which is clearly the case for a few posting regular and being negative.go read the last 5 pages.same handful of people who have no idea.

boycey there is a couple in here being negative thats all.i know its a easy troll for you to come in and say whatever but the game has already earnt what it needs.its going to get better.its got the funds and plays great already.numerous patches from the get go . if all we going to do is just say the same old bait why even bother.its a waste of time.give it a month or two see if its progressed. do you play it ? how many hrs .lets see. 0 ! you don't even own the game.
i dont get why so many cant grasp its not about the numbers for this game !

it only needs a small player base. enough to keep servers busy. its early access so more will play as it gains popularity. also those that cant play it well wont anyway and quickly rubbish it. in a way im glad as all those players do is rage all round then quit after getting slaughtered. not bringing anything to the game . the quicker those are gone the better.then people like me who really enjoy it can do without joe battlefield player getting raged cause he runs everywhere or cant aim. :D

the players that enjoy this kinda game will play it regardless of whether others wont. whether it be competitive or the arcade.

as shroud says it is a great game but not for your avg pc fps player.thats is why 90 percent of people wont like it.
because the reg is so clean. so comes mainly down to player skill with aim and movement/ reactions.if you bad you get your ass handed to you because good people wont miss. so this leaves a huge gap between good and bad players. cs you can sit off corners know the map still do well and because you wont mostly get one tapped you have a battalion most decent players will kill you in one shot. so you make a bad move you dead instantly. there is no safety net. you only have to look at csgo weapons bullet spread to see how stupid it is. if you want pure skilled games. you give people simple to use items then it comes down to who is the best at playing the game naturally not knowing a ak fires up down left right 360 and you get a hit on 19th bullet.:p

look at the early quake games for eg. pure simple . pure skill.

csgo wouldnt have been so big if cod 4 came out later. all the pros were playing cod 4 promod the money was there. csgo came when there was nothing fps competitive about and no one was playing cod 4 for decent pros went played other dota lol.cause thats where the big money was.
watched review on this, kinda seen what the devs have tried to do here and yes it does give me some nostalgia but nostalgia is a powerful thing which can blind us, does this appeal to the masses, were all the right decisions made?

Is it worth 8.99 on cd keys for a quick bit of nostalgia? Hmm probably.

its not made for the masses.its made for people who played the compside of earlier cods. i think this is part of the marketing got wrong also people who related new cods/battlefields and general fps games into older genre. newer fps titles are a lot easier to do well on.even if you not very good.

if you want some oldskool style ww2 fps with a learning curve and general higher skill player base you may like it. if you like bf1 and newer cods then no you wont like it.its worth the price of the game.

humanlaptop nothing wrong with having a voice on what you feel is right or wrong. there is no lag on corners. i play with 200fps locked doesnt move no lag.not sure what pc you using the one i play it on though isnt even high spec.

for new players. usa play thompson and garrand get used to them.thompson is amazing just crossfire hipfiring it.this is why you probably get rinsed if you struggling as the split second you aiming up with it some one will hipfire you with it. kar98 and stg for germans. it does help if you have played earlier cod medal of honour style games.not vital though.if you decent at fps you will do decent if you so so you will struggle rant probably say its a bad game. like most.
well thats not what they wanted.from the start it was clear to many what the game would be. i understood straight away what it would be as i played the games that is was modelled on too much.

what many dont seem able to grasp is you dont have to have battlefield numbers or call of duty sales to be can have small amounts and still do very very well.people just relate each fps title to each other and compare when thats not how it works. this game is fine if only 2000-3000 play it. dirtybomb does this has done for nearly 5 years same figures and made multiple millions and kept player base happy.

this game just came out some more tweaks additions new map soon and fixes and the numbers will rise.also lots of comps to gain exposure and show the people what its like when played well.its sort of shock to play to many people as its so basic but punishes you so easily for bad play.which is not what many modern fps do . as they are so easy to play and do well even when you garbage. it is actually tiring trying to explain the idea of the game to people who i know basically wont play it. or wont play it for long cause they get stomped or...didnt understand the project from the get go.

give it a go tom.get a refund after 2 hrs if you dont like it.
you do have to realize that i started out that way then the enthusiasm was blown out by mainly the same people going on saying the games basically **** . im not really surprised how its gone as i have said its not kind to new players.when you think of most of the fps playerbase and gamers many are probably too young to have played the early cods on pc or medal of honour. or played them on eggbox which is a whole different level of easy :p
quitea few patches over last day and lots of changes if you are a fan of the game or not sure give it a try. new map.weapon changes. more people per server in arcade added really playing well now.
this is the problem with modern fps vs oldskool fps.majority just cant handle a higher skilled wont play it.shame.everything is just easy to play now.

oldskool fps isnt about big number servers.comp fps isnt.they have made servers with more players . upped the limit. too much cornfed battlefield and modern day cod.

worst thing is that if the project does bomb because people want such a easy game or silly wont get it again ! no company is going to make a raw oldschool fps title as the masses wont buy, handle it.

i think the only way you could get this game to work in todays market with todays players big massive public servers for all game types.then split off the comp side. this is how promod was.there was never that many playing all day but was a comp stable in fps with big teams. i wish more people would give it chance but realistically i cant see it happening.too much negativity.too much xbox public players that just want another battlefield or cod.shame.
Your posts is pretty much whats wrong with the game in all honesty and it stems from the developers.

They have pushed themselves as some huge Esport game, they slagged off CSGO and PUBG (2 games infintely bigger than them) and just harp on about how Esport everything is.

This flows into the community as when someone does a little well at the game, then they are a demi-god and all of a sudden any who dares question the game or have an opinion, are immediately shot down and screamed at to GO BACK TO XBOX!

The game is early access, its riddled with bugs, riddled with game mechanic problems... and to solve them, surely they want a casual day to day player base out there to help develop things and improve it. Instead, that casual crew have left the game en masse... leaving the Pros whose head is in the sand as this is 'their chance' to make it big like the CSGO circuit. Well, sadly, that wont happen... the 'top' B44 streamers get what 60 viewers, thats hardly appealing to the big sponsors and when these huge lans take place and those who dont have the game see the mess its in, then its a final nail.

Its nothign to do with old school FPS at all, its about a game company and its developers going full on' WE ARE PRO' before even having a game worthy of playtime.

The saddest part of it all, is that if you are talking of ex COD2 players coming back etc... then all this vitriol in the community is coming from adults who are probably mid-20s to 30+.... a little less on the COD4 side, but still,its a desperate situation and when in peak US times there are less than 300 people playing then you know there is a problem with it.

you have spoke nothing but negativity against the game since playing.anyone go read his replies to this game for last few pages.its not the devs fault or mine how this game is percieved. the problem is most people who played cod played in public big servers and want that kinda of game with ww2 setting. that was never promised the game is more like promod . peoples perceptions because of how most played cod 2 thought that is going to be battalion.

they have pushed for comps true. to get the game noticed amongst the pro teams. this is also publicity. which anyone can understand. you have to remember they are not activision.they havent got 100 million for advertising. i believe they have 100,000 pound. now how would you promote this game publicity wise ? on such a small budget ? the idea of cups lans is a good one.

they mentioned pubg as a cant be like that dont come around often.also many people dont understand how long its actually took to get pubg right probably 10 years.since the first mod ideas were all they were saying is basically dont expect big numbers like pubg as its a rare phenomenon that comes round every blue moon.

battalion doesnt need big said previously with fps people compare other fps titles with each other and if one has lower numbers its failed ! when its not true. some games operate on smaller numbers and run for many years succesfully.

the game does suit why wouldnt you say that ? how can you even be mad or surprised at that ?

i agree some things can could be done better but pelting them with rocks at every opurtunity isnt helping either. thats much of a issue at the moment. many people play in groups. one two of your group get fed up screw battalion not playing it.lets go steam write some crap which is standard practice now for all games . then the trolls jump in get it popping some more then it just spreads.

i dont believe you should accept a bad game or bad rather people point out bad design in gameplay but just shooting down a title for the sake of pretty lame especially when i know no big companies will make this kind of fps title again after this. thats why battlefield wont do it or cod. it suits a too small player base for them to make enough money. so it will be gone.

which is a shame.

what comes next is they either make it more like public big servers and more easier for anyone to play just to quiet the ragers and avg joe. i think that will probably happen now and we just end up with a spoon fed normal cod game which every loves of course. lol.
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