How do you fly the plane?! I just crash all the time its sooo hard.
How do you fly the plane?! I just crash all the time its sooo hard.
Anyone else think the support class needs another gadget or two to make the class feel more useful or worthwhile? All they have is trip mines and ammo...
I think they should have dynamite and maybe something else..
I thinks support is pretty good TBH, although perhaps giving them dynamite as an option would be good. I suspect DICE are trying to prevent the unlimited supply of explosives that support could deliver though.
The LMGs are good when you get to grips with them, there are choices for CQC and medium range.
The trip mine is useful in Rush for defending an objective against a chancer.
They lose their usefulness as a class when your LT tank driver discovers they can excrete giant ammo and medical boxes though..
They lose their usefulness as a class when your LT tank driver discovers they can excrete giant ammo and medical boxes though..
Its hard for me as I fly on joystick and you cannot map joystick in beta, I tried xbox controller and i went like 0 to good luck
We weren't meant for the sky's mate
On the ground is where the flags are at
you know you can take flags in a plane too ?
are you getting this ?
We weren't meant for the sky's mate
On the ground is where the flags are at
Pre-ordered, I'm having a ball playing this at the moment.
^ This man knows!
weak i thought you said you will not preorder
also refer to post 4008
And you can take E flag in the plane. Unless some bright spark is on the pom pom..
Already got that sound clip
I think that is more a 1tap score
Pre-ordered, I'm having a ball playing this at the moment.
Just more proof that Tanks are overpowered. Me and my squad were pinned down by a light tank at "E" last night so I spawned as Assault with my trusty mines (since the rocket rifle and the tank nades are pretty much useless) and laid some right behind him. Imagine my excitement as I watched him slowly back over one.....BOOM!
"Engine Disabled" WTF!?!
The guy just calmly got out of the tank and shot me in the face.
on a bad day lmao
Jokes aside though, these idiots are as brain dead as the idiots making these cheats. Disgusting to think this is even possible in Beta, I guess Dice couldn't care less. Oddly though, I've seen loads of FairFight bans appearing at the top of the screen, good to see FairFight is banning the right ppl right
Glad your enjoying it though dude, that's all that counts right
I have really grown to love the horses, they arent a whole lot of use for too much really but you can really rack up loads of kills with them if you use them for circling behind enemy lines and just doing hit and runs.