Personally the server "choice" has been one of the reasons why all the previous BF games have been killed for me: bf 3, 4 + hardline, this is more evident since they are/were at the end of their life due to the listed reasons, mainly stupid ticket amount, fast spawn and usually only 1-2 maps on rotation, combine this with me playing with at least 5+ other people where I/we have to find a server that one of us aren't banned from (usually due to some badadmin) and that has space for us (more so if we want to get on the same side), it just hit the point where we spent more time trying to find a good server that didn't have any of the above than playing the game and then when we do finally get into a good server, one of us, usually me... would get kicked to "make room for VIP"... I don't mind being kicked to make room for clan members.
There are only 3 reasons why I would want custom servers, vote map (not overly bothered about though), for the stupid auto balancer to be turned off and for admins being able to ban cheaters, everything else is just a nuisance/annoyance to the game/servers imo and I think with the 10+ others I play with, they would mostly agree with the above in regards to servers going to
**** after a certain period of time.
Now, I definitely wouldn't want to see all control completely eliminated, however, I would like to see some limitations put in place.
PS at the start you say "killed for me" once again i am not talking about my personal choice of server but more woried about the community base.
Just looking at bf 4 now and the server choice is utterly retarded, fast spawn, 3200 tickets, golmud, lockers or whatever 24/7... and for BF 3, it is even worse. If that is what the majority of people like to play these days then what can I say, the BF franchise is doomed
And no, I try/tried to look at server description before I join as usually I would have 5-10 others joining on me so would want to avoid the queuing and the inevitable alt-f4 etc. only to look for another server with a fresh round and 5+ slots... but unfortunately, not all server owners put the required info. in the title.