*** Battlefield 1 ***

Better than mine Gilbert

You fall into the 0.0001% bracket :p Meh just being a little salty considering what I get for what I pay but without Fibre I don't even get 1MB down :o

I was downloading a piece of academic of software the other day and it was going at 80KB/s...

Then my Steam started doing updates and went at 4.8MB/s :p

Yeah, Steam always utilises my full speed! Nothing worse than when those download links can't give you a half decent speed.


Onto BF1 :) I had a quick look at the SP and the graphics really do look fantastic. I have played a few MP maps and so far enjoying it although I'm pretty poop! but I imagine after a couple of hours it'll come back to me (CSGO has made me terrible at any other FPS game it seems) Would be great to squad up with some of you guy's once I get the hang of it. (Origin - Gilbertttt)

For those who are wondering it runs great at 1080p Ultra on a 4690k @ 4.4 / GTX 970 with G Sync.
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It's actually okay. Not terrible, not great. If they scrap or heavily nerf hero classes, fix spread, nerf melee, fix the sound, give medic at least one decent gun, delete Sinai, and fix the many bugs it'll be playable for longer than a couple months.
So I'm interested to know out of all you haters that wasn't going to buy the game but did for one reason or another, how are you enjoying it now? Genuine question.
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Overclocking the cpu to around 4.5-47ghz, most 290's will do 1150-1600 but some will not.

Try clocking your ram to 1600mhz.

Thank you, I'll download the game when I get chance, I'll play a round with everything at stock and then another overclocked to compare, never overclocked RAM before I'll have to check that
I've managed to have a good go at this and I'm enjoying it far more than I thought I would be. I never got that into BF3/BF4 but this is far easier to pick up imo.
I like it, but I can't kill anyone which is super annoying. It seems if you use the sights you're at a disadvantage and it's really just spray and prey. Perhaps I'm just playing it wrong. Looks lovely, I'm just ****e at it.
After 2 days of direct x errors and memory errors, i bit the bullet and installed win 10 and ran it again, what a difference. 2 days of no issues and outstanding performance. Have to say, they have surprised me with this battlefield, seems like a more pure combat game than the previous games, hit reg seems good and the maps are well thought out.

Anyone know if it is possible to turn the hints off?
After 2 days of direct x errors and memory errors, i bit the bullet and installed win 10 and ran it again, what a difference. 2 days of no issues and outstanding performance. Have to say, they have surprised me with this battlefield, seems like a more pure combat game than the previous games, hit reg seems good and the maps are well thought out.

Anyone know if it is possible to turn the hints off?

I think it's under Settings>Gameplay>Advanced
The total lack of squad orders in 90% of the rounds is the only thing that is getting my wick up.
Even when i'm leader and issue orders, I still get spammed with requesting order :mad:
but when you land in or form that perfect squad, ah bliss :)
you get to use dx12 thats about it.:D oh and a worse op system.

there is a loop hole anyway where you can still upgrade to win 10 for free now and isnt ending anytime soon.would rather lick wasps tbh.:p
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