*** Battlefield 1 ***

Played Operations for the first time last night albeit only for 20mins, I couldn't see what was so special it's basically Rush isn't it? Or am I missing something?:o

It's a cross between conquest and rush and it very fast paced. With 8 of us, we just about managed to win roughly 3 games in total. It's a new game mode but after last night, enjoying it more.
It's a cross between conquest and rush and it very fast paced. With 8 of us, we just about managed to win roughly 3 games in total. It's a new game mode but after last night, enjoying it more.

Seemed a bit of a meat grinding fest, got my ass proper handed to me, with give it some more time at the weekend, every-one raves on about it.
Seemed a bit of a meat grinding fest, got my ass proper handed to me, with give it some more time at the weekend, every-one raves on about it.

It's totally map dependant I might add. The US and French maps are probably the best ones to play on and it's worth changing your load out accordingly. For Aimes, I would start as support and use the mortar to defend/attack and as you move closer to the town, change to assault/medic as you have more cover.
GBBO was more preferable to playing BF1.

Some nights getting killed 7 times in a row by a sniper is very tiresome.

This will be music to nexus's ear lol. It ended up a bloody good night, most pleasing a 46 kill spell in the noob ship lol.
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I'm really enjoying Operations as it reminds me of my preferred variant of conquest with attackers and defenders; where the round starts with all points belonging to the defenders.

Incidentally, why did they get rid of that type of conqust entirely? Karkand and Camp Gibraltar were awesome because of it.
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This will be music to nexus's ear lol. It ended up a bloody good night, most pleasing a 46 kill spell in the noob ship lol.


I did say that once the hype starts to die down, the flaws will start to get on peoples nerves and it will be hardline/battlefront all over again :p

Thought behemoths were fine as well???? :D :p

Dirty behemoth whore ;)

But yeah starting to see lots of moaning about the behemoths and snipers now so it is only a matter of time until DICE take out the nerf bat and make them utterly useless :D Saw some tweet the other day from some youtuber that supposedly DICE are looking at removing the one shot one kill to the upper body for snipers completely or nerfing the damage and/or range considerably :cool:

PS. Watched one of x's videos the other day and noticed this:


Does that map play out like that a lot i.e. more or less both teams just spending most of their time at D flag despite the map being pretty big.... Is this the new lockers/metro choke point map? :p


Either way when you see posts like Josh's and this:

I think sniper's need limited on server. I counted 22 snipers on the opposite team and 18 on my own! Made my life a nightmare, i do use smoke nades but two only get you so far on the open maps.

It will only be a matter of time until the majority of server admins start to limit scout class to something like 2-5 per side, same happened with bc 2, more so for the hardcore mode.
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Goes to watch GBBO just as half of us had joined on you, but stays in a full squad with strangers leaving us in squad-less limbo.. Team player award :p

You didn't have to join on me, I was 50/50 playing anyway, that's why I didn't join the party/squad you were in.

I was a team players, just team GBBO not team sniper target.

IMO the only thing that needs looking at is the snipers, I tried to grab a picture last night where on one hill top there was 7/8 of them all prone. Considering that's 1/4 of a team miles from a flag and contributing nothing but their own K/D they either need a limit or a nerf.
I'll be on later today and you can find me sat on Discord, don't be shy come and say hello or if you don't have a mike you can just listen. It's better to squad up with folk you know than randoms.
You didn't have to join on me, I was 50/50 playing anyway, that's why I didn't join the party/squad you were in.

I was a team players, just team GBBO not team sniper target.

IMO the only thing that needs looking at is the snipers, I tried to grab a picture last night where on one hill top there was 7/8 of them all prone. Considering that's 1/4 of a team miles from a flag and contributing nothing but their own K/D they either need a limit or a nerf.

Could always play the game, troll the sniper, go as support/medic and just keep dropping the big bag in front of their scope until they rage quit :D
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