*** Battlefield 1 ***

And you have to give it to Dice regarding optimisation. The games looks phenomenal and will play on ultra settings on older hardware.

I base this on my 970 coping very well at 1200p ultra.


They should also improve the DX12 performance in the coming months as well through patches.
And you have to give it to Dice regarding optimisation. The games looks phenomenal and will play on ultra settings on older hardware.

I base this on my 970 coping very well at 1200p ultra.


They should also improve the DX12 performance in the coming months as well through patches.

game runs like poop on some maps
And you have to give it to Dice regarding optimisation. The games looks phenomenal and will play on ultra settings on older hardware.

I base this on my 970 coping very well at 1200p ultra.

They did well on dx11, dx12 not so much. They only use dx12 to render the game but there's visually no difference or specific dx12 effects, just worse performance for some reason.

Not really sure why they bothered to put it in besides it being a checkbox feature. Maybe it will be expanded on and get some dx12 only effects in the future.
And you have to give it to Dice regarding optimisation.
DICE are wizards. This game has no right to run as well as it does given how amazing it looks, being 64 players, large scale and extremely dense and detailed environments, crazy draw distances and having an *insane* amount of stuff going on around you at all times with seriously impressive deformation, destruction, smoke and particle effects, explosions and dynamic weather systems.

It is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most impressive game ever released in terms of technical accomplishment. Uncharted 4, while still ridiculously beautiful and perhaps even the better looking game in some respects(especially characters and animations), is just not quite on the same level as a whole. I'll be really interested in seeing if anything can dethrone it over the next 12 months. I kinda doubt it.

They did well on dx11, dx12 not so much. They only use dx12 to render the game but there's visually no difference or specific dx12 effects
DX12 is not built to enable special graphical effects. It's not like previous Direct X evolutions in that sense.
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Good vid from JF's here, pretty much sums it up right now.

Overall I think the games good, a few balance tweaks are needed as per his vid, but that will come in time.

Playing Empire’s Edge earlier and I had destroyed the fortress gun with the light tank. Turns out if you're on top of it when it respawns you get stuck under there and can fall through the map.

Enjoying support at the moment as the BAR is quite possibly the only fun gun in the game. Praying they give medic a decent gun or at least fix the spread on DMRs. They're so inconsistent.

Gas grenade/mortar them. They'll have to put on their gas masks :D

Also crouching in front of a teammates mortar can kill them when the round is fired.
I'm conflicted about the sniper problem. On the one hand there are generally too many and it causes a boring match/balance issues.

On the other hand, I love playing as sniper and always have. Seeing a hilltop lined up with snipers just means an endless supply of kills and sniping for me.

The problem with lots of snipers actually is that they're generally pretty **** at sniping and don't camp anywhere that's actually useful such as to attack the current objective.
My main gripe is that the guns for the Assault Class seem a bit rubbish. Not a huge fan of shotgun play and the SMGs are useless at anything but the shortest range. Basically means you are limited to running straight into the fray. You might get plenty of kills, but you also die a hell of a lot.
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