*** Battlefield 1 ***

If your a fly boy or like to hop in the blimp, you should always know where the AA is and expect someone to be in attendance. Stay clear or deal with them early and it's not a problem.

The only place out of range of the flak cannons is the spawn screen. Off the top of my head Ballroom blitz has 5, St Quentin's scar has 7, Fao Fortress has 5, sinai has 4, Monte Grappa has 6 and Empire's edge has 5 or 6 as well. Combine that with flak cannons on behemoths that you can't take out and the artillery truck which can be anywhere and good luck staying clear.
The only place out of range of the flak cannons is the spawn screen. Off the top of my head Ballroom blitz has 5, St Quentin's scar has 7, Fao Fortress has 5, sinai has 4, Monte Grappa has 6 and Empire's edge has 5 or 6 as well. Combine that with flak cannons on behemoths that you can't take out and the artillery truck which can be anywhere and good luck staying clear.

Agree entirely and yes AA is OP regards it's range, but whenever I'm in the air I make sure those positions are my priority then go about my business until the next person mans them.
Agree entirely and yes AA is OP regards it's range, but whenever I'm in the air I make sure those positions are my priority then go about my business until the next person mans them.

Best thing to do is to get them with a bomber or attack plane when they are focused upon the Zepp, If you can destroy the gun then the enemy have to wait for it to re-spawn.
GG's last night - well no actually they weren't GG's as our team bar us were shockingly bad but at least we all tried to do something aside from camping on Mt **** Off sniping.

Nice to see a few new names on the channel, things could get fun if we get 10-15 odd players all trying to join a server!
Has anyone had the freezing/stuttering problem and managed to rectify it? I have tried everything that has been suggested on other forums but cant seem to get it to stop. I upgraded my GPU drivers which has not stopped it soundling like a jet engine trying to take off but still freezing.
What server do you guys play on? or is it just random servers like with bf4 :p

Are you going to get this then mate? Give the origin access trial a go if you're unsure..

GG's last night - well no actually they weren't GG's as our team bar us were shockingly bad but at least we all tried to do something aside from camping on Mt **** Off sniping.

Nice to see a few new names on the channel, things could get fun if we get 10-15 odd players all trying to join a server!

They were good games, it's a shame our team was so poor. Had some epic wrecking sprees with both the Light tank and the BAR trench :)
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Has anyone had the freezing/stuttering problem and managed to rectify it? I have tried everything that has been suggested on other forums but cant seem to get it to stop. I upgraded my GPU drivers which has not stopped it soundling like a jet engine trying to take off but still freezing.

I have an issue where the frames crash every now and again and it feels like it stutters a bit for a few seconds. Happens very rarely though. Is that similar to what you're experiencing?
GG's last night - well no actually they weren't GG's as our team bar us were shockingly bad but at least we all tried to do something aside from camping on Mt **** Off sniping.

Nice to see a few new names on the channel, things could get fun if we get 10-15 odd players all trying to join a server!

The joining friends or game system is beyond messed up in this game, it's so infuriating. So your friends are in a game, in origin you click their name but no join function, only invite to party. So you either ask for an invite to party or use shift+f1. Finally into a party but if that party already has 5 in a squad, you basically wait for an age in the bf1 main menu for a space to open up in the game. 10 minutes later you enter, but like before that squad of the player you joined on is full, so now you can't join any other squad even if there are free spaces, and you can't even then create a squad so you then just have to lone wolf it on that map.

I've seen some retarded things in games, but for a MP game where squads and friend play is priority, this takes the biscuit.
The joining friends or game system is beyond messed up in this game, it's so infuriating. So your friends are in a game, in origin you click their name but no join function, only invite to party. So you either ask for an invite to party or use shift+f1. Finally into a party but if that party already has 5 in a squad, you basically wait for an age in the bf1 main menu for a space to open up in the game. 10 minutes later you enter, but like before that squad of the player you joined on is full, so now you can't join any other squad even if there are free spaces, and you can't even then create a squad so you then just have to lone wolf it on that map.

I've seen some retarded things in games, but for a MP game where squads and friend play is priority, this takes the biscuit.

They really need to make fixing that a priority. You can work around it if the person you joined on leaves their squad, but it's annoying for them. It's not helped by the server browser which doesn't really give you much clue which server you are on and doesn't let you see who is on the server. If DICE fix the server browser and friends system then this game will be massive.
I have an issue where the frames crash every now and again and it feels like it stutters a bit for a few seconds. Happens very rarely though. Is that similar to what you're experiencing?

Try turning off DX12 - worked for me. Makes no difference to the visuals and seems to improve performance generally.
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