*** Battlefield 1 ***

They did well on dx11, dx12 not so much. They only use dx12 to render the game but there's visually no difference or specific dx12 effects, just worse performance for some reason.

Not really sure why they bothered to put it in besides it being a checkbox feature. Maybe it will be expanded on and get some dx12 only effects in the future.

Early this year, January time maybe Battlefield 1 was reportedly being touted as the first true DirectX12 title it was reported on this very forum. IIRC Star Wars Battlefront uses the same engine and people found DirectX12 references in the console thinking it could be also enabled in that due to a future patch then other doubters said it would never be as Battlefield 1 is the first DX12 title.

Well BF1 is here, sounds like its pretty good but the DX12 exclusive touted back then is not mentioned much now.
What headset did you get?

Rather liking my new G4ME ONEs, still can't believe my PC320s packed up on the day my new ones arrived.

I got Sennheiser GSP300 and oh my... :eek::eek: Just incredible. I've loved my SB Tactic3Ds for the past 4 years but they're starting to show their age and well, the coupling holding the speaking on to the headband snapped about 2 years ago. Slightly bigger screws have been holding them together.

These are incredible though, seriously impressed.

I have to have the cable across the front of my desk as they're not quite long enough to go round the back so I think I'll be getting myself a DAC around Christmas.
DICE are wizards. This game has no right to run as well as it does given how amazing it looks, being 64 players, large scale and extremely dense and detailed environments, crazy draw distances and having an *insane* amount of stuff going on around you at all times with seriously impressive deformation, destruction, smoke and particle effects, explosions and dynamic weather systems.

It is, without a shadow of a doubt, the most impressive game ever released in terms of technical accomplishment. Uncharted 4, while still ridiculously beautiful and perhaps even the better looking game in some respects(especially characters and animations), is just not quite on the same level as a whole. I'll be really interested in seeing if anything can dethrone it over the next 12 months. I kinda doubt it.

I must admit to being very impressed, it does all the things you mention very well and what's more it is a very good game, the battles and variety in the is amazing and I've only really scratched the surface, just levelling up the medic class and getting my ass kicked whilst doing it.
They're rage inducing, everything about them is massively OP.. damage, range, rate of fire!

Surprised people think the AA is overpowered. Admittedly haven't used them much but in my last game started taking out the airship with one. One pass by a bomber later me and the AA gun are dead and it never re-spawned

Looks like you just have to take it out and its problem solved, this then makes the airship seem overpowered because without them I don't know how to take it out.
I've loved my SB Tactic3Ds for the past 4 years but they're starting to show their age and well, the coupling holding the speaking on to the headband snapped about 2 years ago. Slightly bigger screws have been holding them together.

Lol! Mine did exactly the same. Thank god for 3mm bolts!
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