*** Battlefield 1 ***

tbh what many need to remember is you are doing two or three things at once when recording. so yes not all are great players but remember many will have lag input wise or concentrating on getting great gameplay while doing the shots.

i dont watch any of them who do battlefield and played with many of them :p

If we're talking Twitch then of course many want to interact with chat as well as play the game and record.

There are some great games that I enjoy watching rather than playing but I have noticed some reputable streamers getting significantly less viewers when playing BF1 from the usual games they play.
Man, I miss the days where you could actually rage quit a game. Why can't you just /quit in console. It takes so long to close, FFS

I can't even quit normally. I seem to have to wait until the next round starts then choose to quit (taken me a while to work out the power button symbo is the quit button...it's tiny at 3440x1440)
Right I have 2 days off work mon/tues... so I have 4 days all together. So am going to blast on this for the full 4 days! SP and nighttime MP.

Whats with the grouping of friends? I joined HazardO party... put me in on server waiting list. Then I played another game, slot was available... then back in server list.... after about 5 min I joined in. There squad was full ok fine.... but then after the first game just split us all up over both teams!

I've played all BF games more or less lone wolf, but BF2 I was in little group all the time and that worked fine... so is buggered?

Also are there hacks for planes or server hit reg messed up? Because last night I was on a map with fort... jumped into the AA as this plane was coming... hit it about 20 times and he just flew off like nothing happened!

Normally the AA wold just take it down in 3 hits? but nope.... hit it but no damage what so ever!!! madness.

Anyone I'll be on around 6-7 tonight for some games, so I'll try and join you guys. And have my mic sorted. Might have to do some testing first in discord on mic... then am ready to go!
Also are there hacks for planes or server hit reg messed up? Because last night I was on a map with fort... jumped into the AA as this plane was coming... hit it about 20 times and he just flew off like nothing happened!

Normally the AA wold just take it down in 3 hits? but nope.... hit it but no damage what so ever!!! madness.

Sounds like a bomber, they got a huge hitpoint buff after beta. Too much really, but Im sure it will get tweaked down
Whats with the grouping of friends? I joined HazardO party... put me in on server waiting list. Then I played another game, slot was available... then back in server list.... after about 5 min I joined in. There squad was full ok fine.... but then after the first game just split us all up over both teams!

I've played all BF games more or less lone wolf, but BF2 I was in little group all the time and that worked fine... so is buggered?

The squad system is slightly broken. The key problem is that if you join on someone, and that person is in a full squad, you get left in limbo unable to join a squad until that person leaves the squad they're in.* This is exacerbated if you have a party of 6 or more players as when you join the game at least one person is guaranteed to end up in limbo.

The first instance could easily be solved by the game moving a player out of a squad when you join on them (as happened in bf4). It would be annoying, but at least no-one gets left in limbo.

The second problem I suspect will not get fixed as I think that while DICE want to encourage squad play, I think they've learnt from the likes of us** and the CFA that if you can get 3-4 squads together on one side of a server you can really ruin the opposition's day.

* There may be an exception to this as I'm sure I managed to join a squad the other day while in limbo with someone else who was both in my party and also in limbo.

** I've had complaints on the EA official Friday night BF server while EA reps, DICE employees and CFA players were on, that *we* were stacking... :D
I don't think you will have to worry about the CFA guys on bf 1, lets just say they aren't exactly pleased with bf 1 and dice's "vision" ;) :p :D

To be fair I'm not sure DICE were entirely pleased with the CFA's "vision" given that it was just clearing servers. :D

Anyway, there's one who's going to get it isn't there Nexus?.. ;)
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To be fair I'm not sure DICE were entirely pleased with the CFA's "vision" given that it was just clearing servers. :D

Anyway, there's one who's going to get it isn't there Nexus?.. ;)

Their vision of farming casuals was/is glorious :D Kingbeef posted saying, "I will get the game if only to grief the casuals" :D

And that is a negative :p ;)
Their vision of farming casuals was/is glorious :D Kingbeef posted saying, "I will get the game if only to grief the casuals" :D

And that is a negative :p

Bah, it was fun trying to disrupt their farming. :p
We need an Casual Anti Casual Farming platoon! or [AFK] Anti farming kasuals!

Double Post FML :(
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:eek: What make/model? How old? Have you tried a hard reboot (power out) just in-case the BIOS was having a "moment"?

It was a 2nd hand 480gb from the MM, not sure how long I had it but it wasn't overly cheap. Not in the BIOS, which was reset, and not showing as a connected device anywhere.

I'm instilling BF1 on C: but it'll take a while (2.5h). Won't be getting another M2 drive, standard SATA will be fine but a replacement will have to wait for a month or 2 lol
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