*** Battlefield 1 ***

One thing I hate on operations is there is no end of round score sheet once you progress to the next level. Totally bossed the first round 49 to 17 as medic and came out MVP but got totally owned on the second map as I was John ramboing as assault. Finally getting back into the PC fps world as I have been consoling it for the past ten years. If anyone wants to squad up add Brickhazard.
One thing I hate on operations is there is no end of round score sheet once you progress to the next level. Totally bossed the first round 49 to 17 as medic and came out MVP but got totally owned on the second map as I was John ramboing as assault. Finally getting back into the PC fps world as I have been consoling it for the past ten years. If anyone wants to squad up add Brickhazard.

I play tonnes of operations, will add you :)
Really good so far, although I'm not keen on 1-2 maps. Seem to be drawn to playing scout this time round. I'm glad the heavy and light tank splash damage seems to be effective against infantry. Given the framerate and visuals, it must be one of the best optimised games going.
Sounds like a bomber, they got a huge hitpoint buff after beta. Too much really, but Im sure it will get tweaked down

It was a bomber. Never knew that.... never read the change log! even though I posted it haha ..... :rolleyes:

The squad system is slightly broken. The key problem is that if you join on someone, and that person is in a full squad, you get left in limbo unable to join a squad until that person leaves the squad they're in.* This is exacerbated if you have a party of 6 or more players as when you join the game at least one person is guaranteed to end up in limbo.

The first instance could easily be solved by the game moving a player out of a squad when you join on them (as happened in bf4). It would be annoying, but at least no-one gets left in limbo.

The second problem I suspect will not get fixed as I think that while DICE want to encourage squad play, I think they've learnt from the likes of us** and the CFA that if you can get 3-4 squads together on one side of a server you can really ruin the opposition's day.

* There may be an exception to this as I'm sure I managed to join a squad the other day while in limbo with someone else who was both in my party and also in limbo.

** I've had complaints on the EA official Friday night BF server while EA reps, DICE employees and CFA players were on, that *we* were stacking... :D

Seems a bit of mess. That needs fixing if there pushing squad play. Or they want it like battlefront casual play? Anyway I will always be in limbo then! :p Sound aright for me and my whole life.. haha So don't mind. As long as i can get my little tank am fine!

I'll be on around then, ill send you a lobby invite or send me one?

Haven't played with you before ... but your on my origin list. So I'll join in if I can.... with the mess that BF1 party setups.

Tea time, then get me Jamesons out and some nibbles, then am set!
Anyone coming on Discord tonight? :)

Yeah will be on from about 8ish tonight. The Friday night late session will be sponsored by thornbridge, magic rock, nene valley brewery, weird beard, beavertown and cloudwater ;)

So don't mind. As long as i can get my little tank am fine!

Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.. Unless Waylander gets there first :p
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Yeah will be on from about 8ish tonight. The Friday night late session will be sponsored by magic rock, weird beard and cloudwater ;)

Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine.. Unless Waylander gets there first :p

We do need a decent team playing tanker ;)
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