I had similar issues with stuttering after the creators update.. Going to Settings->Gaming-> and turning everything off in all 3 categories(Game bar, Game DVR, Game Mode) fixed my stuttering issues on my 1080ti.
LUL. Thts almost as bad as the BF4 no kill servers.If any-ones struggling with any of the new assignments like 15 tripwire kills or 2 plane kills I found a handful of servers if you search "unlock", people in there will help you if you help them. Took me 10mins to get 15 tripwire kills.
Is that MSIAB?
yes, if your wondering how to change colour/font its inside rivatunerLUL. Thts almost as bad as the BF4 no kill servers.
Is that MSIAB?
I think I'm done with BF1 until they sort out the server lag, it's making it hard to play the game and just taking all the fun out of it for me. No big loss as there are some good games coming out in the next month or so.
Where can I find patches/updates? I loaded up Origin and got a 9GB odd update. I haven't played in months, never touched online yet.