*** Battlefield 2042 (Console) ***

That's just a symptom of there being only one lock on launcher (with 3 shots) and lots of new players not knowing what they're doing. Give it a few days after launch in the full game and people will have the AA stuff down. I even joined a squad on the last day of the Beta full-time manning a Condor basically taking take out heli's with the 2x miniguns and driver lock on/guns. They were very efficient!!! Also there'll prob be a balance pass as previously it's been attack heli's with rockets and minibirds only with machine guns, having both, plus the condor and yet limited tanks/AA is a bit one sided.

Thoughts from me on the Beta on PS5 (137hrs in BF4 on PC & 500hrs in BF3 on PC): Core gameplay good, but deffo some niggles like framerate taking a dive after a few games needing a game restart, no aim assist, no controller layout (took me a while to figure out the quick gun customisation menu).

The use of the haptic rumble on PS5 was brilliant, esp when in a tank firing the main gun.

For me, it'll ultimately be down to how many of my mates buy it, solo can be good if you get lucky and get a decent squad, but it can also be very frustrating.

I didn't do much assault rifle play as I was arsing about with sniper, but deffo felt like there was some aim assist on the assault rifle. Either that or I'm better with a pad than I thought I am! (Hint - I am terrible on pad).

Or maybe I imagined it......

I'm second guessing myself now lol :p
I didn't do much assault rifle play as I was arsing about with sniper, but deffo felt like there was some aim assist on the assault rifle. Either that or I'm better with a pad than I thought I am! (Hint - I am terrible on pad).

Or maybe I imagined it......

I'm second guessing myself now lol :p
A COD "YouTuber", but he's not your typical Faze wannabe / pub stomper yelling idiot ... so I like his content and analysis.

He's done a comparison between BF on the PS5 and his gaming PC and which he'd play over the other. He raises the controller aim assist VS mouse in his analysis;

His comments on how sloppy gunfights felt and and how many bullets he spends was interesting, as I felt exactly the same way.
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A COD "YouTuber", but he's not your typical Faze wannabe / pub stomper yelling idiot ... so I like his content and analysis.

He's done a comparison between BF on the PS5 and his gaming PC and which he'd play over the other. He raises the controller aim assist VS mouse in his analysis;

His comments on how sloppy gunfights felt and and how many bullets he spends was interesting, as I felt exactly the same way.

Oh I tried so hard to play on console as my PC is ancient. 7700k & RX480 but I played about ten minutes and gave up. I played BF3&4 exclusively on console and found it fine but since then I went back to PC for 1 and 5. No matter how good and well it played on my Series X. I just ended up on medium setting @ 1080p on my PC because the controls just sucked.
I had so much hope for this earlier in the year but this has turned out to be the worst Battlefield I have ever played :(
I tried for ages to play last night, got into 1 game then gave up after getting an error continually. The game seemed very disjointed compared to previous ones but will try and play a bit more today to see.
I had so much hope for this earlier in the year but this has turned out to be the worst Battlefield I have ever played :(

I just got my copy refunded. I was all hyped up but yesterday I found I'd rather play Forza instead.

Get the feeling the core 2042 part will fall off and everyone will migrate to Portal for BC2 and BF3. Hazard Zone just felt like a really empty version of plunder from CoD. Also had more fun jumping back into V the past few weeks than this and with Halo rumoured to be dropping the MP on Monday I'm more excited for that.

I'm a bit gutted we BF was always my shooter of choice, I'm not really fussed by CoD. I might pick this back up down the line on sale.
I've been enjoying it, admittedly Portal mode more than standard but I think that is because of the familiarity with maps and weapons. I feel the game has potential with future updates and more maps being added.
I tried for ages to play last night, got into 1 game then gave up after getting an error continually. The game seemed very disjointed compared to previous ones but will try and play a bit more today to see.

Thats how I felt, I think with time though it will improve massively, at the start everyone is just running around like headless chickens. Also I guess people are learning what does what, so any decent objective play goes out the window.
Didn't log out of the game last night after multiple attempts of trying to get a game and failing because the warning that I should do only popped up this morning.

10 hour trial has now timed out in my sleep. Awesome.
Just had a game where I couldn't revive people. The prompt never appeared. Then towards the end I died but pressing A or X didn't do anything, had to quit out.
I managed a couple of games last night and tbh can’t say I’m that impressed. It plays a bit rough and is fairly buggy. Gave up and went back to Forza…..
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