Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Has anyone ordered the game from ASDA? If so, what is your delivery status? Mine states 'On Backorder' which suggests to me they have't actually got my copy to send to me and waiting on getting more stock in from the supplier?
Has anyone ordered the game from ASDA? If so, what is your delivery status? Mine states 'On Backorder' which suggests to me they have't actually got my copy to send to me and waiting on getting more stock in from the supplier?

Why would you pre-order from a supermarket? Surely people know they don't stock anywhere near enough copies of pc games?
I’m keeping a really really close eye on all the feedback on our servers, I havent’ actually played the game myself despite it being downloaded and installed haha.

We’ve read that all servers are experiencing lag spikes and occasional rubber banding on the 64play maps. Also I cant remember the name of the night map but we’ve take that out of rotation due to DICE confirming issues with stability when servers full.

Anyone has any problems with the server please please send me a message via trust so I can kick MP *** to sort it out.

I am a proper stats whore when it comes to our servers, if people aren’t happy I’l try my best to get it right.

I’ve created the same platoon I did I BETA, but its already full, DICE only allow 100 members to join then every1 else has to become a fan, we have a second platoon up but that to is now full.

We’ll defo be looking to change the server set up once we get all the feedback from our guys.

Good to hear man!!!!

Not sure mate, I’ve seen a few people who are getting disconnected but not just from our server. Could you let me know if its only happening on our server (TFU)

I hope it is :D

LOL THAT’S EPIC!!!! Gona have to screenshot a bigger one and have it as my desktop :D

Yeah, the server always lag especially when using Heli, JETS, tanks, but most the time its OK on foot.

and thanks for banning the ****ing cheater "Artificial_BF3" yesterday. this stupid noob was a hacker, using SVD to kill somone accross the map ? 30 kills in less than 2mins, and 0 death. I just spwand at the US deployment and boom got shoot 800 meters away behind rocks and trees and building. WOW

OMG, he is a hacker, check google for Artificial_BF3
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Well after playing for a few hours last night, the old beta build was miles better performance for me.

This build just seems really laggy and I seem to have lower FPS with the same settings. Tried both Beta/New Nvidia drivers.
Anyone else get a sort of lime green flash across the screen randomly every now and then? literally for 1 frame every 30 seconds or so randomly?

Yep i get that from time to time,new drivers dont seem any better than the old ones think i`ll do back to them to try.

Has anyone who pre-ordered through Origin received their PWP code yet?

Not yet but ive been playing scince monday and im with origin :)
Finally got to play last night, loved it, going to be playing this one a while.

Had a weird kill cam like bug though where I'd be stuck watching someone until they died (I guess the person who'd shot me). Watching someone else for 5 mins before I could spawn was annoying.

Can't you just use setpoint to map the buttons to keystrokes? (That's what I've done on my G500).

Nice one :) have just set my mid mouse button to stabby stabby :)
Well after playing for a few hours last night, the old beta build was miles better performance for me.

This build just seems really laggy and I seem to have lower FPS with the same settings. Tried both Beta/New Nvidia drivers.

WOW, I wasn't expecting any reports of that, after playing it myself I thought it felt much smoother and just generally more responsive/ less clunky than the Beta and this has been the finding of all my friends playing too?
I read something, to get it all working you need to unbind all joystick binds and then redownload the joystick drivers then rebind the joystick keys.
Anyone noticed when walking into building from outside its incredibly dark for a second and then the lighting adjusts and things get brighter? Is that part of the "realism", I find it annoying. Some areas are really dark inside, and the shadows being pitch black dont help.
Love the game but the inconsistant performance is annoying! Only happens on MP. Runs smooth, then gets worse, then smooth again.

Caspian Border is a horrible stutterfest too
Anyone noticed when walking into building from outside its incredibly dark for a second and then the lighting adjusts and things get brighter? Is that part of the "realism", I find it annoying. Some areas are really dark inside, and the shadows being pitch black dont help.

Turn it off? It's in the Video settings.
I pop on to the OCUK mumble occasionally but tbh nobody ever plays in the BF channel... there seem to be like 30 people all in the rift channel?

I popped on last night but it was late on,

I would usually be on it from time to time with a couple of others.

On a side note:

What are the shortcut keys for the perks in tanks (to deploy IR Smokes etc?)
try it at stock speeds ;)

Why should i have to change my stock speeds, this isn't a hardware issue it's a bugged game, EA Forum has thread of 14 pages of people reporting the same issue, Battlelog has numerous ppl encountering the CTD. and Dice are just sitting there smilling because over 3 billion people have brought there game thats buggy. rant over!
Well after playing for a few hours last night, the old beta build was miles better performance for me.

This build just seems really laggy and I seem to have lower FPS with the same settings. Tried both Beta/New Nvidia drivers.

What settings were you using? Although it was selectable in the beta Ultra wasn't working, so if you're setting to ultra now its completely different than what it was before.
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