Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Lol, 3 billion?

I had the CTD during the beta, a lot. I downclocked everything and that improved it, but it still happened.

lol i meant 3 million, it's more of an agrovation than anything.

MP loads up i get into the game, make some kills enjoying.

then "crash" bf3.exe has stopped working" FUUU:mad:.
Well, my crossfire RAM usage issue has been resolved by upping to 8GB Ram.

Runs smooth as butter now.

What resolution and settings are you playing at? Im curious as to how upgrading your computer RAM solved the alleged VRAM issue. Also Windows Task Manager shows BC3 using just 1.8GB of RAM.
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Hi, I managed to fix this by creating a profile. Basically, the profile makes the x and y axis the same as the mouses x and y axis; then in game, just make sure you have no joystick bindings for these axis and it should just work.

Create a .pr0 file, put this in it, save it, and then load it:
[profile=Tingle1942 version=0x00000004
    [controller=e81d998b-c604-4d71-be97-35ca01439c7e group='Flight Control System'
      [member=c7719f41-f667-4514-bbb4-3f38c9e4d05a name=X52 shortname=X52]
        [button=0x00090001 name=Trigger]
        [button=0x0009000F name='Second Trigger']
        [button=0x00090002 name=Fire]
        [button=0x00090003 name='Fire A']
        [button=0x00090004 name='Fire B']
        [button=0x00090005 name='Fire C']
        [button=0x00090007 name='Fire D']
        [button=0x00090008 name='Fire E']
        [button=0x00090006 name='Pinkie Switch']
        [button=0x00090009 name='Toggle 1']
        [button=0x0009000A name='Toggle 2']
        [button=0x0009000B name='Toggle 3']
        [button=0x0009000C name='Toggle 4']
        [button=0x0009000D name='Toggle 5']
        [button=0x0009000E name='Toggle 6']
        [button=0x0009001F name='Mouse Fire']
        [button=0x00090020 name='Wheel Button']
        [button=0x00090021 name='Wheel Scroll Down']
        [button=0x00090022 name='Wheel Scroll Up']
        [button=0x0009001E name='Clutch Button']
        [slider=0x00090018 name=Mode
          [button=0x00090018 name='Mode 1' latchable=false]
          [button=0x00090019 name='Mode 2' latchable=false]
          [button=0x0009001A name='Mode 3' latchable=false]]
        [hat=0x00010039 name='POV Hat 1']
        [hat=0x00090010 name='POV Hat 2' way=5]
        [hat=0x00090014 name='POV Hat 3' way=5]
        [axis=0x00010030 name='X Axis']
        [axis=0x00010031 name='Y Axis']
        [axis=0x00010035 name=Rudder]
        [axis=0x00010032 name=Throttle]
        [axis=0x00010033 name='Rotary 1']
        [axis=0x00010034 name='Rotary 2']
        [axis=0x00010036 name='Precision Slide']
        [axis=0x00050024 name='Ministick X Axis']
        [axis=0x00050026 name='Ministick Y Axis']]
        [shift=cd957a00-26bf-4577-89ff-676166fe3b28 name='Mode 1'
            [button=0x0009001F role=bands
                [band=1 command=7dc57d1d-436a-4cbd-b00c-2a6020b67c65]]]
            [button=0x00090020 role=bands
                [band=1 command=d6d668ab-dc2b-4daf-af63-dfd98c234faa]]]
            [button=0x00090021 role=bands
                [band=1 command=c84f0ec5-50bc-4f85-8a7c-818bd055255b]]]
            [button=0x00090022 role=bands
                [band=1 command=fee538b8-6ba8-48ae-9a82-4c46bb3c1476]]]
            [axis=0x00050024 role=mouse-x
            [axis=0x00050026 role=mouse-y
        [shift=9fc9dcb2-8bbf-482e-9dd0-c76e22bbc381 fallback=cd957a00-26bf-4577-89ff-676166fe3b28 name='Mode 2'
            [button=0x0009001F role=unprogrammed]
            [axis=0x00010030 role=mouse-x
            [axis=0x00010031 role=mouse-y
            [axis=0x00050024 role=unprogrammed]
            [axis=0x00050026 role=unprogrammed]]]
        [shift=e536be07-7569-4d2f-878a-795457b889d7 fallback=cd957a00-26bf-4577-89ff-676166fe3b28 name='Mode 3'
        [shift=d056b485-0877-477f-952b-0ba8be61cee7 fallback=cd957a00-26bf-4577-89ff-676166fe3b28 name='Mode 1 + Pinkie'
        [shift=1cab9df5-4c24-4b13-b2e5-9a07957bb1fa fallback=9fc9dcb2-8bbf-482e-9dd0-c76e22bbc381 name='Mode 2 + Pinkie'
        [shift=b7522229-9442-4aa0-b7b5-4c120a716742 fallback=e536be07-7569-4d2f-878a-795457b889d7 name='Mode 3 + Pinkie'
    [actioncommand=7dc57d1d-436a-4cbd-b00c-2a6020b67c65 name='Left Mouse Button'
        [action device=mouse usage=0x00000001 page=0x00000009 value=0x00000001]]]
    [actioncommand=d6d668ab-dc2b-4daf-af63-dfd98c234faa name='Right Mouse Button'
        [action device=mouse usage=0x00000002 page=0x00000009 value=0x00000001]]]
    [actioncommand=c84f0ec5-50bc-4f85-8a7c-818bd055255b name='Scroll Down'
        [action device=mouse usage=0x00000038 page=0x00000001 value=0x000000FF]]]
    [actioncommand=fee538b8-6ba8-48ae-9a82-4c46bb3c1476 name='Scroll Up'
        [action device=mouse usage=0x00000038 page=0x00000001 value=0x00000001]]]]]

This will help with the intermediate deadzone, where you have to push the stick all the way to get a reaction.
Here's a match with someone on support using a Mortar for the whole round

Seems a bit OP for the small maps when crowded with 64 players but supposedly the opposite side is told where you are when you set up the mortar, can't say i've noticed that.

It's quite good but on the bigger maps, it really does blow. As you can see from the video it needs to literally land right on top to kill.

So for that map, it will absolutely own due to how compact the map is and how bunched up people are.
Has anyone experienced any sound issues? I'm experiencing crackling sound mainly in the game menus.

In game it seems to be better, but i'm still not convinced its 100% it seems to go quiet on occasion? If I switch on the stereo enhancement then turn it off again, it seems to reset the sound, which is very nice but then some issues eventually creep back in

I'm using a logitech g930 wireless 7.1 headset that uses a USB soundcard. It works perfectly fine with all other games and even the bf3 beta
Has anyone experienced any sound issues? I'm experiencing crackling sound mainly in the game menus.

In game it seems to be better, but i'm still not convinced its 100% it seems to go quiet on occasion? If I switch on the stereo enhancement then turn it off again, it seems to reset the sound, which is very nice but then some issues eventually creep back in

I'm using a logitech g930 wireless 7.1 headset that uses a USB soundcard. It works perfectly fine with all other games and even the bf3 beta

I haven't had crackling but i have had a lot of stuttering sound, even on the menu when the game first loads up. It's not as bad now since i messed with the graphics settings but it's still there, though that could just be coincidence.
It's quite good but on the bigger maps, it really does blow. As you can see from the video it needs to literally land right on top to kill.

So for that map, it will absolutely own due to how compact the map is and how bunched up people are.

Tried the Mortar kinda sucks. It needs like quoted above to land on their hand, and you are very exposed to your dog tags being taken..lolz.

But, I'm loving BF3. 13 hours of MP now.
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My pc is running bf3 well on a mix of high& ultra. But load times for bf3 can be slow, I guess that's just because of the size of the maps.
Anyone manage to get the mortar? I was getting killed constantly by mortar last night. Need another 5k point to get mine.

Yeah had mine for a little while, tried it on the big maps but it's a little harder to do well. It's amazing on the smaller maps or if your targets are not moving all over the place like headless chickens ;).
Anyone manage to get the mortar? I was getting killed constantly by mortar last night. Need another 5k point to get mine.

I unlocked it last night, its not bad but a direct hit is required unless they are already hit, very little splash it would seem,
Tried the Mortar kinda sucks. It needs like quoted above to land on their hand, and you are very exposed to your dog tags being taken..lolz.

But, I'm loving BF3. 13 hours of MP now.

So true, it doesn't suck you just need to be 100% accurate with it. It should have a bit more splash damage though to be honest. It needing to land directly on top is a bit lame, everyone knows mortars have splash damage.

But it's a good tool if you don't want your mines or c4 or it's an enclosed map.
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