Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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It say it "softens the entire picture and has a low performance hit"

Yeah, post aa, in an attempt to get rid of jaggies at the lowest performance hit possible, will affect the entire image, rather than just the edges in question.

But this has a side effect of blurring textures aswell as the edges that require it.

MSAA will soften only the jaggy edges without affecting texture sharpness, but obviously has a bigger performance hit.

Just using MSAA 2x with Post AA OFF will give you better image quality.
Talking of settings, does anyone have suggestions for a GTX560?

Specfically the Anti-aliasing and using deferred or post, if using deferred, what level? Or, drop them all the try the FXAA injector?

Can't remember what I am specifically using (at work) but I think it is 4*MSAA, no post and other settings a mixture of med/high (shadows low). I am running at about 40-45 fps generally, drops to about 25-30 in high stress moments.

Some of it might be limited with my processor (E8400 @ 3ghz)


Hey Tenzo,

I'm using (well not using until Mobo back) a GTX460 oc'd to 860 core/ 2200 Memory with a phenom II 960T.

Getting 45-60 (vsync on / 90 vsync off) with all setings on high, no MSAA and high Post AA.

While I was using a dual core it was limiting me to 25-40 max. Although your chip is far superior to my old one, I'd suggest that you'd will see massive improvement with a quad/ hex core.

Really looking forward to getting a replacement mobo, crossing all 27 webbed fingers and my 13 thumbs & toes (country boy) that I can get a 990FX chipset to do which case HELLO 2nd 460!!!
I took post processing off there and bumped texture quality up to ultra. Having a hard time seeing things so I think I'll just keep it the way I had it
7970 here and i run bf3 on low af x16 msaa x4! Capped fps at 120! So good for seeing the little buggers!

Yes mate, but you are a blooming death machine! You could run it @ 1024x768 on a pentium 4 and still wipe he floor......You ******* ***damn hill walking **** jam cod**** tank ***** jesus christs toastie machining ***** and **** when you **** ***** ********* & ****** rumplestiltskin
Raider, u mad?


4 days without BF..........Or PC in general.........Yes i'd say i'm starting to go a bit....


Thats a cuckoo, for those not aquainted with british bird species...and ****
Thought id share this my new way of attack crane wookies (not a c4 vid)

oh and instant vehicle respawn server so im not harming anything :) what you guys reckon should i go for more kills like this

You so needed to tea bag the snipers after you defib'd them.

Nothing more rage inducing than having somebody kill you in a humiliating way then tea bag your dead body.
Hey Tenzo,

I'm using (well not using until Mobo back) a GTX460 oc'd to 860 core/ 2200 Memory with a phenom II 960T.

Getting 45-60 (vsync on / 90 vsync off) with all setings on high, no MSAA and high Post AA.

While I was using a dual core it was limiting me to 25-40 max. Although your chip is far superior to my old one, I'd suggest that you'd will see massive improvement with a quad/ hex core.

Really looking forward to getting a replacement mobo, crossing all 27 webbed fingers and my 13 thumbs & toes (country boy) that I can get a 990FX chipset to do which case HELLO 2nd 460!!!

I suspected it might be the processor, but no $$ for les upgrades.

I might try the no MSAA and high post AA, just to see if it get anything better.

Then I need to play with settings, so I can see people a touch more clearly. I find it a bit of a strain in the eyes sometimes....getting old innit :(
Feel free to add me, Ballist1x... bigjimmauk...i play most nights on ltMatts server.

Accept that you will die a lot, but even if your dieing make sure you take out your target. thats my best piece of advice really, find a target and make sure. Dont get distractedcos then its likely you end up kiling no one and just dieing.

Also AT mines when you have unlocked them, there are a few users here who seem to have a 6th sense and drive right to them!

Question. Is there ANY point using mines in hardcore? Considering friendly fire is on?

Yes use them, the team vehicles dont die on them.

Hwoever if you notice that all vehicles (when they kill you) have thermal optics, then either you need to be really crafty with them, or just turn them off for some other perk.
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