Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Yall frikkin serious? I use this mod because I want my game to look nice and the way it should have been looking If Dice actually found some more colours then washed out grey.

In no means this injector makes me a better player. And even if I spotted a player sooner it wouldnt matter because ****** netcode would decide to butthurt me anyway.

This FXAA injector isnt invented for BF3. It has been around for a lot of games.

Maybe its better to just stop posting here because in some way it always results in pointless arguments like this.

Wouldn't say its pointless, it makes for a good discussion and reading :)
Fair enough.

The major advantage it does give is it allows this higher image quality without needing hardware that can max out MSAA, the default post processing AA does this to some extent, the injector just lets you choose the level applied.

The benefit to using it to tweak the colours is you don't have to screw up your colours outside of the game, some people just find the washed out stock colours unpleasant.

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Anyone know what happened to MissileMoose aka Mussolini??

He seems to have vanished.

Picture relevant

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Not sure what the fuss is about, if you get run over by a mav then A) your deaf and B) your blind

Is there some sort of knack to MAV road kills?

I had a go at it on Op. Firestorm the other day. There was a recon player on the roof of the warehouse. I managed to drop my MAV on his head 5 or 6 times, and run it into him a few times, it did absolutley naff all :/
Yeah there is, something about hitting them with a corner of it or something.

I've never been able to master it, I just head straight for them and it never seems to work so I don't bother anymore.

Making people commit suicide with Jeeps is a lot more fun.
Can you run this with MSI afterburner yet? Use it for OC'ing and recording

To make Afterburner work with the mod you need to create a profile for BF3 in afterburner OSD. Then go to C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\Bundle\OSDServer\Profiles Edit the BF3.exe.cfg and replace the 'hooking' section with this:


Save exit etc and voilà!
omg had early night and came back and read last 3 pgs so funny :p

some epic trolls :D

the mod is just a replacement for msaa (its used in other games like skyrim for eg )

in other games you can use like in the mod as normal menus settings just dice chose to do it there way. so someone decided to do it the other way and included it in a mod. people saying its a hack uninstall games maybe windows go have a lie down .

from one of the heads over at pb who has been checking the injector out

from the horses mouth . maybe now the crying can stop lol
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the mod is just a replacement for msaa

in other games you can use like in the mod as normal menus settings just dice chose to do it there way. so someone diced to do it the other way and included it in a mod. people saying its a hack uninstall games maybe windows go have a lie down .

Is there some sort of knack to MAV road kills?

I had a go at it on Op. Firestorm the other day. There was a recon player on the roof of the warehouse. I managed to drop my MAV on his head 5 or 6 times, and run it into him a few times, it did absolutley naff all :/
just make sure you have a decent run up to them, you are also more likely to kill them if they are running towards the mav (but they can see it a lot more easy)

i dont think you can kill them by just dropping it on them

The problem is so many people are using it there is no way on this earth that pb could start banning people for using it. I believe that at worst it would come under a restriction violation, which will mean a kick. Until that happens though im going to keep using it, because i had difficulty spotting enemies at stock.

Call my bluff - but isnt that the idea on BF? ie its meant to be pretty difficult to spot the enemies? By making it easier for yourself you are cheating through means of artificial image processing that does clearly (no pun) give you an unintended advantage against people who are not using this particular mod.

DG said, because we had this discussion pages ago, it was simply to speed up the processing. This is not true, as you said, it has a direct impact on how you view the maps and how it makes it easier for you to see opponents.

in other games you can use like in the mod as normal menus settings just dice chose to do it there way. so someone decided to do it the other way and included it in a mod. people saying its a hack uninstall games maybe windows go have a lie down .

So why is Tehran highway lighter in colour with this mod? if it was just a speed increase why does it help you to see your opponents?

Its a cheap hack, designed to alter the way the game is presented and make it easier for the user to spot others. This has been stated now.
time for a nap ballistix :p

its just a option

msaa or fsaa

go play some of your other games with this process already in it. dice decided to go with the msaa option but they could have used the injector way but didnt. they are thinking of including " the hack " in a patch soon for all :rolleyes:

go read about different ways of doing the process . its quite interesting .

also if you not to sleepy did you just see the big white pictures of one of the heads of pb and his response?
Brb guys. Im going to have to destroy the brightness buttons on my monitor. Also im uninstalling nvidia drivers since they seem to have options to change the tone of colours on my screen. Cant have that..unfair advantage.

While im at it im selling my 560 ti's and reinstalling my voodoo2 card with 12mb ram on it. Wouldnt be fair to people with ****** computers to keep em in.

Also i threw my glasses away. I guess i just have to learn how to play better.
No its not just to do with the anti aliasing. It changes the colour palette and provides easier identification and differentiation of objects either as intended r unintended consequence.
Anyone else getting problems with crashing and Jets? Last night everytime I sat in the Jet my game would just minimise, I could hear the game but I couldnt open it up again to play :( Just heard myself suicide as my plane crashed :(

Also someone drop me a link to this Injector malarky please :)
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