Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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The havoc is getting buffed. HOOOORAAAAH. So is the F35, though I've never had a problem in it and find it an absolute blast going into hover and obliterating a heli or a tank and flying off again.

I might be making some heli videos soon once my uni project is finished. Tempted to make a tutorial too from a more advanced perspective.


DAMNIT, I was late to the party :(
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Hmmm sorry it appears I was banned on the ocuk server and not some random public one which I thought I was playing on tonight (joined one of my origin contacts without taking notice of what server it was, just wanted to fly around and lols on jets :p).

I blew up a jet as I flew past their ship in my jet, the ban note also says "flying into people" so I assume that meant the one time I bumped past the enemy chopper (NOT above their base, above land) as I was machine gunning it and it clipped the top of my jet which ultimately crashed him! So let me get this right, touching the enemy aircraft with yours regardless of where it is, accident or otherwise, is not allowed? Seems a bit of a silly rule if so :/

Sorry about that either way ^_^
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By ocuk server do you mean LtMatts conquest 24/7 server?
I belive the rule is no flying deliberatly(sorry prossibly bad spelling there) into other vehicles. obviously accidents happen and if its a one off or obvious the person is learning to fly then it shouldnt be a problem.
If you pop onto you should be able to appeal the ban and as youve apologised i personally cant see there being a problem.
Conquest 24/7 |All Maps|Vote| {OCUK} according to Battlelog (I think that's the one anyway). Just checked, can't see a section to check?
Hmmm sorry it appears I was banned on the ocuk server and not some random public one which I thought I was playing on tonight (joined one of my origin contacts without taking notice of what server it was, just wanted to fly around and lols on jets :p).

I blew up a jet as I flew past their ship in my jet, the ban note also says "flying into people" so I assume that meant the one time I bumped past the enemy chopper (NOT above their base, above land) as I was machine gunning it and it clipped the top of my jet which ultimately crashed him! So let me get this right, touching the enemy aircraft with yours regardless of where it is, accident or otherwise, is not allowed? Seems a bit of a silly rule if so :/

Sorry about that either way ^_^

easy mistake to make

their are a bunch of cretins out there whose idea of "dealing" with a good chopper pilot is to deliberately crash into them and send them crashing to the ground.

When they have no other skills to call on and can't take down the chopper, they resort to dirty tactics like that. NIce to hear yours was an accident.

After the patch however, this won't happen as both will blow up and get suicides.
For a returning player who once kew what every weapon & mod was like, I'm sure the balance has been turned on it's head and is nothing like it used to be.

Any decent resources to see what does what? damage charts?
I'd really like to see transport choppers getting a buff, perhaps making them more heavily armoured or having more countermeasures. Being able to get troops across the map quickly and safely would be a great trade off for being slower and having little or no offensive capability.
I'd really like to see transport choppers getting a buff, perhaps making them more heavily armoured or having more countermeasures. Being able to get troops across the map quickly and safely would be a great trade off for being slower and having little or no offensive capability.

lol the cannons on transport chopper destroy infantry and even jets and choppers if they get a good spray on you, packed with engineers it's almost invincible and needs a good team effort to bring it down. No buff needed just more team work.
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