Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Oh dear.....

Apparently IRNV is back to being useful again in the latest patch :rolleyes:

Some are saying it is just as it was before the nerf others saying that it doesn't work for long distances as it use to.

Oh well, I guess it will help us to see the campers in a corner/bush easily again :D
Been using the DAO-12 a bit, unlocked the frag rounds in a high ticket game - went from 29 kills to 99 kills with it before I got bored of the round (it was never ending). I know I swore I wouldn't turn into a USAS ho, but it makes leveling up a lot easier....
yer i gt it today on ps3. Big changes tbh plays differently lots of people struggling to aim and hit things lol (or i was playing noobs for ages).

IMO L85A2 is now a beast and what it should be still get smashed CQ against faster shooting AR. (thats running foregrip and heavy barrel and iron sights)

M240B is my new favorite LMG same damage as PKP but faster fire rate can drop groups of people in seconds.

M4A1 is nowhere near as good as before seem accuracy with suppressor foregrip has really taken a hit on this weapon so instead i used the G36C again and that was much better close and mid range but still shocking for long range, a-91 not too different but bullet spread with suppressor is ridiculous as with a lot of guns now.

Helicopter duel is kinda messed i dont think they balanced it well, basically flares only stop missile hitting you ECM works as before but more reliable and better. So me and my housemate using coms ECM pilot and Flares gunner, we dominated on caspian, he went 28-0 i went 8 or 9-0 got hit by one igla disabled and repaired before he could reload and lock. When attacking i was shooting 1 heatseeker (which lock on insanely quick) waiting for the flares then giving it 2 seconds and guaranted hit if they arnt in coms or gunner using flares (give it 2 other wise the missle goes mental as doesnt hit) also i found with it bang on 2 secs i could get then 1st reloaded heatseeker to hit heli aswell before pilot could flare again then get 2nd one off and hes dead.

Tanks citv and soflam still lock onto choppers and guided shell still hits though somtimes if pilot flared on little bird early the citv would restart locking sequence.

Hip fire when moving seems really inaccurate.

They have changed a lot of the graphics for spawn screen and end game screen looks so much better with nice little icons, seems small difference but when you see it you will notice how poo the old way was.

and the great new FRAG ROUNDS ARE USELESS YIPPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think thats everything just ask if ive forgotten anything

o wait the as val is a pig now so much recoil and the extended mags (200kills) take capacity up to 30 and 1 in chamber

Just remebered something else. The havoc is much more agile and the climb rate i think is better than viper got me out of a few sticky situations, the round my housemate(gunner) when 28-0 was in the havoc
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From (PS3)

- Possible slight camera and animation changes: Heli’s and jets seem to explode and break up a lot more smoothly

- Can hear footsteps, reloading as well as voiceovers much more clearly <--OMFG YESS!!!!

- Easier to see what spawn point is selected on map when selecting spawn

- Other squad leader objectives are marked on flags

- Can spawn into AA guns

-All air vehicles now start with flares as a minimum - noobs rejoice!

- Scout heli on Sharqi Rush added for attackers.

-Ground vehicles can be locked onto even when no person was or is in it <--ok this one i HATE...

- Can change squad without leaving the current squad. - OMFG yes!!!

- Shorter game start countdown

- No minimum player count: Players can move around right away, points begin to count after 8 players join - YESSS!!!

- On Grand Bazaar Rush, the attackers get a tank after the first set of objectives, instead of the second - OH SNAP!
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o wait the as val is a pig now so much recoil and the extended mags (200kills) take capacity up to 30 and 1 in chamber

If you already have 200 kills will that mean you'll get it automatically? :)

I don't yet, but more than likely will before the patch.
Some good chopper lols yesterday, shame it was ruined with the enemy chopper base raping my chopper later on though!

Getting better at chopper flying now, can do evasive manoeuvres nicely :D
Battlefield 3 User Interface was outsourced

If you had problems with the Battlefield 3 user interface, well, you’re not alone. The massive waste of space on the PC version indicates that the UI is primarily designed for consoles. Not to mention the odd design choices and complete lack of intuitive controls. We wondered many times how DICE could make such a bad UI for a game, and now we know how: they didn’t. They outsourced the UI design to a company that doesn’t make games — they make flashy animations and such.
If you want someone to blame for the horrendous UI, blame the guys from “River”, a digital agency that specializes in user interface design, Flash, and stuff like that. Watch the video above and hear them brag on about Battlefield 3?s user interface.

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