Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Generally it's just a laugh and I can deal with it every so often. But it gets tiring after a while. Then again, I've had some genuinely good games on it.

This morning on Matts server, playing as US we managed to take the ticket hall from the RU team. Then we pushed out of the ticket hall into the cafe area, the best part of the map. Then the server switched to Seine and we played that. Then everyone voted Metro back on. Wtf.

Outside of the ticket hall the map is actually very good, but the fighting always seems to stay inside. In most cases, whichever team takes the ticket hall is content to sit on their two capture points and just wait until the tickets count down while they rack up the kills, rather than actually push on to the third point.

cause there is no point in going for a third point ! as with any other map in conquest you keep one more flag than the other team you win.

metro is so bad in choke point design that if you start a side you have as long as you dont have a moronic team youve won before starting if you keep a and b which isnt hard.

why venture to c get people sneak by then spend rest of map trying to get back what you already had :confused: bad design at end of day.

this is why you always ignore c on start if you spawn that end and sprint none stop to b and hammer near b very fast to stop them doing same. it is basically a race for who controls b metro.
I need to start playing the LMG on Metro again. What did he use to cut recoil? That gun was hardly moving, and there was no suppressor on there.

Just had a round on Metro with the LMGs: it's actually possible to run around and still have reasonable chances of killing people with the M60E regardless of attachments, whereas before it was pointless. The foregrip helps though. They've definitely made them a bit more mobile in the new patch.
Had a scream last night on Firestorm.

Went up on the hill and put my soflam down and was racking up loads of points plus I couldn;t seem to miss with my sniper rifle.

Then an enemy sniper came and got me, cue me parachuting down to the top of the hill 4 times to try and kill him and take it back but he got me every time.

Chanegd class, spawned in base, loaded up c4 jeep, drove to the top of the hill and jumped out just as he turned around and the jeep took off the slope over his head and puched the c4 button. So wish I had been recording.

Even the guy I killed thought it was funny :D
Played a round on Caspian for the first time since post patch. Was not impressed with the suppression buff. I just kept on shooting in the general direction of a enemy at Hilltop (D), I was at Gas Station, and he never once put a single round on me. I was standing still, in plain view of him. He knew I was there, he was firing back, but god knows where his rounds were ending up?
If this happened Pre patch, I would have Been killed in a matter of milliseconds.

I dearly hope that they (DICE) go back and revisit the suppression mechanics. The game does not play well in its current format.
They're trying to make the game easy for crap players with no skill so they can feel they're actually doing something useful.
I need to start playing the LMG on Metro again. What did he use to cut recoil? That gun was hardly moving, and there was no suppressor on there.

Yep, been using that same gun today, after 3 games with it I'm over 150 kills already, there is no recoil, the patch has made it like a rail gun.
They're going to have to do something about suppression for the CoD DLC surely, the maps are so small everyone will be constantly suppressed.
Generally it's just a laugh and I can deal with it every so often. But it gets tiring after a while. Then again, I've had some genuinely good games on it.

This morning on Matts server, playing as US we managed to take the ticket hall from the RU team. Then we pushed out of the ticket hall into the cafe area, the best part of the map. Then the server switched to Seine and we played that. Then everyone voted Metro back on. Wtf.

Outside of the ticket hall the map is actually very good, but the fighting always seems to stay inside. In most cases, whichever team takes the ticket hall is content to sit on their two capture points and just wait until the tickets count down while they rack up the kills, rather than actually push on to the third point.

Sitting on B on metro is far better for the other team than taking all 3 points and base raping them. If the US take A for example, the chances of the russian side taking it back are amazingly limited as its so damn easy to camp it. Same can be said for C on the other side as most people spawn directly in view of snipers, making them free kills.

Very few servers actually ban spawn killing, with the very best reseting the game (so both teams start back at their spawns with no flags capped) when one of the teams starts to get spawn killed. These servers are VERY rare though sadly, even though the amount of tickets you have remains after the soft reset.
love how people are still mocking cod yet its bf :D how loyal are ye :)
Are you saying Close Quarters isn't an obvious cash in on CoD players? Well I know you know it is.

DICE had the loyalty of people when the bought their games, if they're going to turn their back on what Battlefield is then they can't expect to keep the old players. They don't care obviously but they haven't really done anything to deserve loyalty.
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Imagine if the next CoD suddenly had BF2 size maps and vehicles, how happy do you think the fanbase would be about that?
I don't have any issue with suppression.

It is BF not CS or CoD.

Skill helps in BF but it's not going to set you apart from other players like it will in one of the other FPS titles.

If you are being suppressed take cover or move. Don't expect to take fire, spin around and let off rounds like in the movies.

Worst case, take a leaf out of these guys books!

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Gave it a quick go since the patch... what a shame. In a single stroke they've made this into quite possibly the least skill required FPS game of all time. CoD fans rejoice, you aren't bottom of the barrel anymore as for all the nubby nonsense in your game at least you don't have anything that actively punishes the handful of people capable of aiming at someone. Waiting for the patch that tones down / removes suppression.
I don't have any issue with suppression.

It is BF not CS or CoD.

Skill helps in BF but it's not going to set you apart from other players like it will in one of the other FPS titles.

If you are being suppressed take cover or move. Don't expect to take fire, spin around and let off rounds like in the movies.

Suppression has never been needed in battlefield before, it's a crutch for people that can't aim and makes it so who shoots first wins, before the patch it was a gimmick mechanic, now it's just an abomination.
It's a naff gimmick that just makes the game not fun, who wants to sit camping behind a wall all day to shake off stupid blurry vision. Majority of players on forums agree that the only ones happy with this change are the scrubs as it gives them a bigger chance of competing against the better players.
Suppression has never been needed in battlefield before, it's a crutch for people that can't aim and makes it so who shoots first wins, before the patch it was a gimmick mechanic, now it's just an abomination.

Remember, it's a team game; the general populace are headless chickens who run about solo but some of us use tactics, a support should be able to keep a sector of denial to allow friends to flank/move up to a position to wipe out the enemy. I like it, I'm not a scrub either so, if bad players use it as a crutch, then good players are godlike, amirite?
They should add actual teamwork tools to the game rather than add a blur filter and huge accuracy penalty to try and force battles. That's just lazy.

And everything suppresses, if it was just LMGs and they needed to be mounted of fired for several seconds at least it wouldn't be so bad, it also wasn't that bad before the patch.
Suppression has never been needed in battlefield before, it's a crutch for people that can't aim and makes it so who shoots first wins, before the patch it was a gimmick mechanic, now it's just an abomination.

Oh no, you poor pro gamers :(

Maybe you should swap to something like CS or CoD where nothing but your aim matters?
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