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i dont have any issues with the patch, quite happy really, some of the maps like Caspian boarder are a bit naff now, but overall quite happy.
wow suppression kills hitreg!, two guys in front of me just about to die then I get suppressed on the right hand side and none of my bullets mattered. So i had to run away :(
i dont have any issues with the patch, quite happy really, some of the maps like Caspian boarder are a bit naff now, but overall quite happy.

You dont find maps with aircraft are a pain to play with them decimating just about everything totally unhindered? :confused: Just about any aircraft map now is nothing but planes and helis laying waste to everything, and thanks to dice breaking aa missiles its tough to do anything about it. Just about any vehicle is getting raped by one pass from jets with rocket pods, heli's with missiles or lock on missiles.
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i dont have any issues with the patch, quite happy really, some of the maps like Caspian boarder are a bit naff now, but overall quite happy.

Same here.

Enjoying the patch but will be far better when Heatseeking Missiles work properly again.

Air is a little too superior at the moment if not kept in check by your own air assets. Very frustrating when you have no good pilots/gunners and they keep ninjaing jets/helos to only die 10 seconds later. The enemy team will own the sky in such an instance as ground units are largely ineffective.
I miss the tracer dart :(

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You dont find maps with aircraft are a pain to play with them decimating just about everything totally unhindered?

The AA guns got a bit of a buff and are now pretty lethal to jets. Aside from that jets have done fairly well in the patch, it now seems easier than ever to dodge missiles. On Kharg last night there were a good five minutes where I was constantly getting locked on and having missiles fired at me and in the end it was the chopppers cannon which killed me.

In saying that, I don't think there's a single map where just one side has choppers/jets, so if you're taking a pounding use the aircraft to kill the aircraft.
Anyone done much of the Co-op stuff?

I got a little frustrated with disconections last night, read the OcUK thread about turning off anti virus, and that worked a treat.;)

Just need reliable people now....I had one who quit within 30 seconds, a second flew straight into the ground on the second - heli mission and a third who quit when he got nailed just before the end of the third missionl.....sigh.....useless bunch !!:mad:

Hi mate - I haven't done any co-op yet, but would have a go at it some time :) add "nicks3607" on Battlelog if you like.
I don't have a problem with the patch but some things remain broken.

e.g Stinger missiles remain useless. The .44 magnum fails to kill at point blank range.

The hit-reg on the USAS with buckshot has also gone a bit "funky". My staple A-91 gun appears to have been left alone though.
Add to the fact that my screen gets what appears to be a moneyshot of vaseline slapped across it the instant a bullet comes withing 150 metres of me while somehow making my accuracy worse in the process

You mean within 1 meter? Learn to use cover.
You mean within 1 meter? Learn to use cover.

Yeah I would have never thought of that......The fact remains that in firefights whoever gets off the first shot has a pretty big advantage compared to other games, all it takes is one shot for it to count as supression so you get the blurred screen and around 20% accuracy penalty.
Yeah I would have never thought of that......The fact remains that in firefights whoever gets off the first shot has a pretty big advantage compared to other games, all it takes is one shot for it to count as supression so you get the blurred screen and around 20% accuracy penalty.

It depends.

A sniper bullet will more effectively suppress you than a standard rifle round. You can use suppression resistance to try and counter some of the effect.

I honestly don't find a problem with it, I admit the effect is increased from before but I haven't found my game has suffered because of it.

If someone gets a first shot at you, but misses, fire back at them while running for cover.

Treat it like you would real life.

In real life, if someone was shooting at you, you would not stand there and try and aim to fire back, you would dive for cover and then either wait for them to reload or try and fire back from cover.
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Well I've just uninstalled the game, the new patch has created far too many issues for it to be fun anymore.

  • The hit-reg is just unbelievably bad now, I don't know if it's due to suppression or the patch has lag issues, but it's much worse than it was
  • Suppression is now over exaggerated, especially from snipers
  • Tanks are now no threat whatsoever, mosts hits to one result in critical damage
  • The Igla/Stinger not only has shorter range but fails to get any lock at all when in range 75% of the time
  • Lock-on does not behave like they hinted it would in the patch notes to make up for the lack of range
  • The AA tank has been made even weaker despite jets being able to easily out-range it

Nearly all of the post patch practical changes (not the patch changes themselves, but how players use them) have further unbalanced the game. It's easy to tell when there are now at least twice as many snipers per map, players are leaving tanks at spawn because they are more vulnerable in them than they are on foot, and jets that have enough time and lack of threats to perform strafing runs on infantry, not just vehicles.

I also tried the stunt that RavenXXX2 linked to and it works, it's beyond stupid.

I would really like to know who DICE have been listening to, because pre-patch the game only needed some minor tweaks here and there and it would have been great, now it's just a mess. And now supposedly patches will be uniform across all platforms? Well how is that a good idea? The fundamental difference is that the PC version supports more than twice as many players, drastically altering the balance of the game. Looks like it's only going to get worse.
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I'm enjoying the new patch and suppression effects. Game just got a bit more realistic with this feature. I can see a lot of people dont like it though but i think its a good addition. They just need to nerf air threats a bit now to balance things up again.
Ragequit? No, the game has been made significantly worse than it was, sorry for not supporting a patch that makes a game easier for noobs and decreases the need for any skill, but hey, perhaps you're one of them. :p

Sorry, just cant take you seriously anymore after reading that lol.
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