Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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at end of day its not bad when it plays ok but like others said its got a lot of bugs that a lot of other fps dont. dice just seem to make buggy games / end tbh.

I'd say that it is also taking leaps and bounds above what other fps's do.

What are you comparing it to here? COD?

I really don't see the issue people are having with suppression.

Maybe it's because I've come from games like Red Orchestra where suppression is such a major part.

If I start getting shot at and don't die, I dive for cover.

People seem like they are expecting to just be able to run and gun.
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People don't realize BF2 didn't start out so polished, it took YEARS before it was up to the state it was today.

Whilst that is not an excuse for BF3 it is true. It took nearly 4 years in fact for the final fixes to come out.

And nobody start giving it the 1000+ hours on BF2 bs as you are looking at a near 2000 hour BF2 player here. Whilst that does not make me in any way more qualified to discuss BF3 I have put my hours in and I know full well, as with the entire BF series, the fixes will eventually happen.

In the meantime, stop your whining, man the **** up and adapt your gameplay like the rest of us. ;)
Whilst that is not an excuse for BF3 it is true. It took nearly 4 years in fact for the final fixes to come out.

And nobody start giving it the 1000+ hours on BF2 bs as you are looking at a near 2000 hour BF2 player here. Whilst that does not make me in any way more qualified to discuss BF3 I have put my hours in and I know full well, as with the entire BF series, the fixes will eventually happen.

In the meantime, stop your whining, man the **** up and adapt your gameplay like the rest of us. ;)

it fails at the fundamental basics of fps gameplay !

ea dice tend to make buggy games . they maybe good looking but the basics im sure they have wow players testing them.

fps games are basically shooting games

so shooting and hitboxes reg should be the first most important thing in the game. that is why its a fps (first person shooter )

does bf3 perform well in this area ? = no

map design

all the great fps titles have well thought out great maps . both good looking and well designed. dice got the good looking about right but design is pretty ****


as in any fps the movements animations should be fast fluid no glitching bugs inbetween simple processes like jumping should be simple going prone getting up climbing and so on.

dice and bf3 yet again fail on almost every animation like this in game !

how many times do you have to volt a fence ! 10 times then get shot. i know in cod id hit jump id be over it and gone. in bf3 i may not even get over said fence :D how bad is that that they cant even get over a fence in a animation and its not like its cutting edge jumping loooool

then take getting up :rolleyes: lets just wait a few minutes to get up from prone to fire. then you have the knifing animation :rolleyes: bfbc2 was better tbh fast and fluid.

basically the game is decentish but compared to fps games it is shallow and not finished. movements are clunky hitboxes are any mans guess and simple animations tried to be done fancy when a simple jump or fast move would have made it so much more better.

so for all those who knock games like cod and counterstrike and so on in one years time when the servers are still full on cod4 and cs see what game isnt ;) it will be bf3.

on a whole i enjoy the game and can be fun but thats mainly to do with having fun with the actual people on the game not the actual game itself.

in my top five fps it wouldnt even be in the top 5 .
yeah i was under no illusions as with bfbc2 i had many bugs and reg and game glitches but i knew people would be playing it in numbers.

id played cod4 to death and wanted something new.

now i am playing cod4 again and you just laugh to yourself at how bf3 is supposed to be best fps cant even get basics right.

if bfbc2 and bf3 were launched at same time bfbc2 would be the one with the players on . its a better game .
Yeah DG said it, still I and others will strive to bring battlefield back from the dumbed down, consolized mess it is, to a game that brings back true tactical gameplay with integrated teamplay tools. The sheep can stay in their perfect little battlefield wonderland.

And u been acting like this game is flawless.

I also think it was u who made the ''How many hours have you put into this game'' argument.

We like this game, but it has a ****load of flaws.
They say they will patch these problems like falling dmg from 2 meters and MAV riding. Hey guess what? It's not fixed after the patch.

There is no reason we wouldnt be allowed to moan at DICE/EA for doing a sloppy job so far because they did/do.

Latest example that im missing battlereports and medals i got ingame but dont get registered in the log and my stats even.

(to ocuk forummods, this aint a personal attack just having a grown up conversation, I would apreciate it I wont get a 2 day ban again for personal attacks.)

Well put. I don't want to hate the game, I want to see it improved to the proper standard it should be on PC.
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from xfire

♦ Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (38.5%)

♦ Call of Duty 2 (20.1%)

♦ Battlefield 3 (8.6%)

♦ Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (4.0%)

♦ Team Fortress 2 (2.4%)

♦ Medal of Honor Allied Assault (2.3%)

♦ Call of Duty (2.1%)

♦ Other (22.1%)
Are we playing a different game Dg?


BF3 has some of the most realistic and meaty guns I've ever had the pleasure of using in an FPS. The guns look beautiful and are realistic to the smallest detail. When you fire them they feel powerful, the sparks/muzzle smoke is spot on. The recoil is also as realistic as I've seen in an FPS. I've fired several assult rifles/pistols/sub machine guns (AK47, M4, Sig552, Thompson, Colt 1911) and the recoil you feel in game is both realistic and challenging, just like the real thing.


Have you actually tested the hitboxes? I have never shot at someone and not hit where I intended, UNLESS I was suppressed or lagged.
If you actually test hit boxes with a mate, you will notice they are pretty damn spot on.

Map Design:

I actually quite like the maps, sure there is room for improvement but in general they are pretty good. It also varies greatly depending on which game mode you are playing, a map played in conquest feels totally different from a map played in rush.


The animations are some of the best I've seen, reload animations are all spot on, no clipped of arms/guns etc. The running/movement animations of 3rd person models is also second to none, you will not find a single FPS game out at the moment with better animations, if you can, please link a video!
Getting up from prone: Go lay on the floor on your belly, then get up, tell me how long it takes before you're able to start running, now add 10's of lbs of equipment to your back along with an assault rifle, then see how quickly you get up.

This is about as realistic as you want it, and it has successfully stopped people from dolphin diving, which was a major gripe in BF2.

BF3 does pretty much everything better than any FPS currently out there, and it's only going to improve with patches.
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yeah i was under no illusions as with bfbc2 i had many bugs and reg and game glitches but i knew people would be playing it in numbers.

id played cod4 to death and wanted something new.

now i am playing cod4 again and you just laugh to yourself at how bf3 is supposed to be best fps cant even get basics right.

if bfbc2 and bf3 were launched at same time bfbc2 would be the one with the players on . its a better game .

bfbc2 is obviously more your type of game, I found it rubbish as I did CoD4. I don't want easy DM gameplay that gets boring pretty fast. I hate the whole stats and play to gain as well, sadly that has found its way into BF3. I don;t think you should be able to prone and get up in the flash of an eye, although being able to jump a 2ft fence at first go would be nice :D As for hit boxes and reg, there will never be a game that gets that right...
Davepen if you think they gunna fix it before warfighter good luck ;) there time will be spent squeezing more cash out of this before its dead in oct not solving bugs.

made for a shelf life of one year. like all games ea will release fps wise.

annual 1 year life span from oct -oct. get ready for same issues with moh warfighter.
Davepen if you think they gunna fix it before warfighter good luck ;) there time will be spent squeezing more cash out of this before its dead in oct not solving bugs.

made for a shelf life of one year. like all games ea will release fps wise.

annual 1 year life span from oct -oct. get ready for same issues with moh warfighter.

Battlefield 4 will be the next big installment, MOH will be more of a "Treyarch style" stop gap from a different dev team.

Also you realise they already have 2 DLC coming soon, the close quaters pack in June then also the armored pack later in the year, followed by yet to be announced packs, so much longer than October.
2142 lasted me about 3 years, and I was still enjoying it at the end. It is unfortunately the way games have gone - single player campaigns are all short, multiplayer is unpolished etc. They last a year and then they're forgotten. Deus Ex:HR and Skyrim are probably the only recent long lasting games that I'm aware of.
Yeah DG said it, still I and others will strive to bring battlefield back

Bring it back to what exactly? You do realise you are striving for nothing? Gaming has moved on and you and I have to deal with it. I wanted a modern vesion of BF2 and whilst I am not the happiest with how BF3 has turned out is IS a modern version of BF2. No amount of moaning will change it. BF2 was a one-off never to be seen again. If you love it so much why don't you go play it? There are still many busy servers around as I checked last week. I did not play for long mind, as I was getting pwned by noobs, which is far too embarrasing for a 3 Star General. :(

My gaming community have done what we can to make our BF3 server play like BF2 it works quite well. We have just changedd the server settings to mimmick BF2 as much as possible. Softcore but no health / vehicle regen, no 3d spotting and no stupid killcam. Thats all we can do and we just get on with it as it is still a brilliant game.
It is unfortunately the way games have gone - single player campaigns are all short, multiplayer is unpolished etc. They last a year and then they're forgotten.

BF2 and 2142 had no single player component.

The difference between then and now, isn't the quality of games (games were just as buggy then as they are now) the difference is how BIG the games industry has gotten. Game companies now have the money to pump out games more often than they did before, with lots of pressure coming from publishers to do exactly that.
it fails at the fundamental basics of fps gameplay !

ea dice tend to make buggy games . they maybe good looking but the basics im sure they have wow players testing them.

fps games are basically shooting games

so shooting and hitboxes reg should be the first most important thing in the game. that is why its a fps (first person shooter )

does bf3 perform well in this area ? = no

map design

all the great fps titles have well thought out great maps . both good looking and well designed. dice got the good looking about right but design is pretty ****


as in any fps the movements animations should be fast fluid no glitching bugs inbetween simple processes like jumping should be simple going prone getting up climbing and so on.

dice and bf3 yet again fail on almost every animation like this in game !

how many times do you have to volt a fence ! 10 times then get shot. i know in cod id hit jump id be over it and gone. in bf3 i may not even get over said fence :D how bad is that that they cant even get over a fence in a animation and its not like its cutting edge jumping loooool

then take getting up :rolleyes: lets just wait a few minutes to get up from prone to fire. then you have the knifing animation :rolleyes: bfbc2 was better tbh fast and fluid.

basically the game is decentish but compared to fps games it is shallow and not finished. movements are clunky hitboxes are any mans guess and simple animations tried to be done fancy when a simple jump or fast move would have made it so much more better.

so for all those who knock games like cod and counterstrike and so on in one years time when the servers are still full on cod4 and cs see what game isnt ;) it will be bf3.

on a whole i enjoy the game and can be fun but thats mainly to do with having fun with the actual people on the game not the actual game itself.

in my top five fps it wouldnt even be in the top 5 .

I'd agree, from 1942 onwards DICE have made overall fun games, but have always lacked in the ultra responsive, solid feel that other FPS games provide. Which wouldn't be so bad but then they clearly put an emphasis on close quarters combat in BF3 with so many non BF-like maps, as well as the upcoming DLC, which is them putting half of their latest game's content into their entire franchises weakest aspect.

All the gripes about what the latest patch did aside, I find my biggest problem with BF3 overall is just the complete lack of visceral feedback from what's happening and what you're seeing, which is mainly down to, yet again from DICE, poor netcode. This time they've just palmed it all off on the client, which is just an utterly lazy way out. I see most of the complaints here (probably mostly neil79s :P) are pretty much down to this one aspect.

The most obvious way the client side hit detection manifests is the getting shout after having run around a corner issue. But there are a few others which I see constantly and just chip away at me whilst I play. That feeling of having been instantly killed by someone? that to is down to clientside, that guy will have fired most of his clip at you - but did his animation reflect this? no, did any sound effects reflect this? no.

What you're looking at, even with good 20-30ms is always 1-2 seconds behind what's actually happening, if what's actually happening ever gets sent you way to begin with. So you see that guy mid reload animation, you rush him, you die instantly? lag your side? no, BS hacks? no... on his screen he finished reloading and has fired half his clip at you, the game just neglected to show any of that your end.

All just leads to a very disconnected feeling when it comes down to the core of the game, never makes me feel enthusiastic to keep playing or come back for more. Such a shame. :(
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I really don't see the issue people are having with suppression.

Maybe it's because I've come from games like Red Orchestra where suppression is such a major part.

I'm also a big RO fan. I have no real problem with supression, I think it's a great game mechanic for representing fear and shock under enemy fire. Unfortuantely though, the patch has really pushed it too far. Having the game artificially and arbitrarily make your weapon less accurate by introducing an increased cone of fire is frustrating and unrealistic.

Blurring the vision and making it a challenge to fire back is fine...but if you manage to get your sights lined up on target, you should still be able to return fire effectively. The way they've made it with the patch feels very forced.
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