Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Increased sharpness, increased gamma, increased saturation = way easier to spot the enemy in all situations.

It's great :)

Use littlebird, spawn points, profit?!?!?!?

Fly Westieee fly like the bird you are.....

Oh and i'm thinking that when I do FINALLY get ur tags....I might just print them out and put them above my monitor...SHINY THINGS :o
I just started using the FXAA Injector by danoc1 and I must say the enemy stand out a lot better now, loving it.

What is the latest official version? I keep seeing people post alternate versions... ah there we go... dave_beast.


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just been using Daves link! dont like what it does to the fonts but colours etc is a lot better and u can see things so much more clear! does effect FPS tho, is there any config tweaks to fix the fonts!
just been using Daves link! dont like what it does to the fonts but colours etc is a lot better and u can see things so much more clear! does effect FPS tho, is there any config tweaks to fix the fonts!

You've got to play with the parameters injFX_Settings file to get it spot on tbh.

Here's my settings, copy and paste them into your file and save it.
Turn off MSAA in game, turn off motion blur in game, antialiasing post to medium.

                             "USER" ADJUSTABLE SETTINGS

// TODO: Normalize values to be on a human range scale, whole numbers prefered, decimals usable for micro adjustments
// These values should have min/max limit checks included in their functions, so that the end user doesn't get crazy results

                        FILTER SELECTION
// Comment to deactivate an effect. 
// Example: To disable the tonemap effect, use // in front of #define USE_TONEMAP
//#define USE_SEPIA
//#define USE_VIGNETTE

                        FXAA SHADER
// Set values to calculate the amount of Anti Aliasing applied
float fxaaQualitySubpix = 0.4;  // Default: 0.80 Raise to increase amount of blur
float fxaaQualityEdgeThreshold = 0.0330; // Lower the value for more smoothing
float fxaaQualityEdgeThresholdMin = 0.0330; // Lower the value for more smoothing

//For higher precision in the calculation of contour, requires slightly more processing power
bool highQualitySharpen = 0; //0 = Disable  | 1 = Enable

// Set values to calculate the amount of  AA produced blur to consider for the sharpening pass
#define Average 0.8
#define CoefBlur 2

// Set values of the sharpening amount
#define SharpenEdge 0.2
#define Sharpen_val0 1.2

// Number of samples per pixel taken for the Bloom effect. Don't set it to high!  4 = 25spp, 8 = 81spp, 16 = 289spp
#define NUM_SAMPLES2 4 // Must be set with a value dividable by 2
float BloomPreset = 0; // Disabled = 0 (Valid Preset Values = 1 to 9) Preset value 1 to 9 takes control over the next 3 settings.
float BloomThreshold = 0; // The min. level at which the effect starts (Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning)
float BloomWidth = 0; // Sets the width of the effect (Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning)
float BloomPower = 0; // The power of the effect (Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning)

#define TechniAmount 0.35 // 1.00 = Max
#define TechniPower 5.0 // lower values = whitening

// lower values = stronger channel
#define redNegativeAmount 0.7 // 1.00 = Max
#define greenNegativeAmount 0.9 // 1.00 = Max
#define blueNegativeAmount 1.0 // 1.00 = Max

#define Gamma 1.00
#define Exposure 0.0
#define Saturation 1.4 // use negative values for less saturation. 
#define BlueShift -0.02 // Higher = more blue in image.
#define Bleach 0.2 // Bleach bypass, higher = stronger effect
#define Defog 0.02 // Strength of Lens Colors.
#define FogColor float4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) //Lens-style color filters for Blue, Red, Yellow, White.

#define Earthyellow // Color Tone, available tones can be seen in ColorTones.PNG (Do not use spaces in the name!)
#define GreyPower 1 //(Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning), defines how much of the grey color you wish to blend in 
#define SepiaPower 0 //(Valid Values = 1 to 9, use decimals for finetuning), defines how much of the color tone you wish to blend in

// Vignette effect, process by which there is loss in clarity towards the corners and sides of the image, like a picture frame
#define VignetteCenter float2(0.500, 0.500) // Center of screen for effect.
#define VignetteRadius 1.00 // lower values = stronger radial effect from center
#define VignetteAmount -0.80 // Strength of black. -2.00 = Max Black, 1.00 = Max White.

// Controls additional sharpening applied after previous processing. Strength should be max 0.25!
float Sharpen = 0.1;

// Controls the strenght of the limiter. 1.000 for default setting
int LimiterStrenght = 1.000;
Here's what it looks like on Metro (little bit dark due to converting in Windows Movie Maker)

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what ingame settings are u using? i use everything on low except mesh quality! which is on ultra!

i just want the "less cluttered" stuff from playing in low settings but better colours!
ahhh that config was way to bright! hurt my eyes and the font was like it was in really low resolution!

just gone back to default and its a lot better, weird!
Damavand peak

Such a beautiful scenery but ruined by poor hourglass map design. The tunnel is serious bottleneck in advancing forward to the other side.


the game would benefit hugely from having say another service tunnel to the side, and a flag in that one, and then maybe another flag on top of the tunnels, with some stairs up to the top, and an airvent system to drop down into the tunnels below.

the game would benefit hugely from having say another service tunnel to the side, and a flag in that one, and then maybe another flag on top of the tunnels, with some stairs up to the top, and an airvent system to drop down into the tunnels below.

Take the helicopter over the mountain.
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