Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Do you guys play the game alone, or usually as a team (i.e. using audio?).

I really don't find BF3 enjoyable when playing by myself, there are always too many other teams/squads etc playing as a group which makes it very hard for me to make good progress (although I admit I am not the best player).

Recently found a friend to play with, and so finding it a much more enjoyable experience.

Jump on the conquest 247 website where quite a few regulars of these forums hang out. We have our own teampspeak channel and would love to have you on. Normally have 5-20 guys on at anyone time.

Yeah I know that, personally think once a cheater, always a cheater and can't see anything being different just because it is a new game, although obviously they should be allowed into battlelog in order to be able to play single player. At least they show if the guy has been banned for the game, which will help server admins who are suspicious of them in the new games.

:eek: I actually agree with nexus on something...Cheaters suck..

Like Crinkleshoes :P
My BF3 has been random closing with no error messages or anything. Sometimes the game will hang (similar to what I used to get in cod on the PS3) and then close, but other times it will just close.

Is this common? Really annoying.

Jump on the conquest 247 website where quite a few regulars of these forums hang out. We have our own teampspeak channel and would love to have you on. Normally have 5-20 guys on at anyone time.

Cheers mate, will have a look :).
Mine is fubar'd tonight, but I think it's down to the connection.

I'm getting 44% packet loss to, and the forum is taking bloody ages to load tonight as well. BT naturally are reporting no problems but I think or even who host host Battlefield/Battlelog are having problems.

Sigh, first time I've managed to get online with the lads all week and it takes a massive steamer and wets the bed simultaneously.
Hey Haz, cheers for jumping on. Sorry I couldn't take time to say Hi properly, we were mid scrim. We do them 247 & friends every thursday and sunday. Normally a right laugh.

Would be back on TS myself..but relaxed :D
Any one with 2500k/3570k and 1GB 5850?

What is your performance like on medium settings in AK dlc maps ?

Yesterday on bandar desert,enemy scout heli came right in front of us shooing straight at us and the whole screen was cramped with infantry and vehicles aswell. The FPS dipped down to 20 momentarily on medium settings. This is with my Q9650@4GHz :eek:
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Hey Haz, cheers for jumping on. Sorry I couldn't take time to say Hi properly, we were mid scrim. We do them 247 & friends every thursday and sunday. Normally a right laugh.

Would be back on TS myself..but relaxed :D

Cheers, was good until my connection broke! I was shockingly bad compared to most of the players, I need to get practising! lol
Any one with 2500k/3570k and 1GB 5850?

What is your performance like on medium settings in AK dlc maps ?

Yesterday on bandar desert,enemy scout heli came right in front of us shooing straight at us and the whole screen was cramped with infantry and vehicles aswell. The FPS dipped down to 20 momentarily on medium settings. This is with my Q9650@4GHz :eek:
A new gpu would help mate, q9650 is still a good cpu. I run a 3570k at 4.2ghz, no better than my old i7 920 @4.2ghz, (well it runs 15c cooler). I had gtx 470's in sli on that setup, switched to a single gtx 670 wf. Average 75fps in bf3, but i use v-sync as im on a 60hz monitor. My 670 is running a very high overclock, 1320mhz on core, 7586 on memory.
A new gpu would help mate, q9650 is still a good cpu. I run a 3570k at 4.2ghz, no better than my old i7 920 @4.2ghz, (well it runs 15c cooler). I had gtx 470's in sli on that setup, switched to a single gtx 670 wf. Average 75fps in bf3, but i use v-sync as im on a 60hz monitor. My 670 is running a very high overclock, 1320mhz on core, 7586 on memory.

Yeah I agree I need a more powerful gpu. 5850 has enough grunt for medium settings, but not for anything higher in this game, if I want to play at smooth frame rates.
Tbh, the game still looks ok on medium settings. Look's wise, even on ultra bf3 is very ugly looking compared to moh 2010. Probably the best looking dice game in years. I played it on max settings with my old sli setup, 150 fps average and it looked gorgeous. Id ppst screens but theyre all in 1920x1200 res, which the forum doesnt allow. They make bf3 maxed look terrible.
I'm surprised we're even allowed to link to it on here as its definitely not family friendly.

It's not? when was this? oh wait, my bad. So it beats Youtube?

Watch my mate punch in a jet and a lot of tips u can pick up just by watching the way he flys

and Keyboard + Mouse is best for flying any vehicle in the game!

joystick is better for turning but ull struggle with aiming a lot!

u can still turn the same with mouse + keyboard bind +pitchup in jets to space bar and keep speed around 300 - 315 for optimal turning and be unpredictable too when turning... tapping S to break and shift for afterburners when going up, jets speed is effected by gravity

watch the video long 32 mins but its a superb :D

As great as his skills are, it's really boring. There's nobody really matching his skill to take him on. I was hoping to see some Top Gun style dog fighting. Not just him drilling down everyone. Some actual dangerous crazy fighting and flying. The video would have been epic if two people with that skill really going at it.

Funny the cheater in plane comment near the end. Sadly it's the longest 32 minutes I've ever viewed.

Funny though how nearly everyone drills on about this map being purple/dark blue. It's not really that blue on my screen, almost bordering on day break.
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So was I, hence "my bad". ;) On a serious note though, Youtube is the most shockingly disgraceful place I've ever seen. It gives a whole new meaning to free speech.
Tbh, the game still looks ok on medium settings. Look's wise, even on ultra bf3 is very ugly looking compared to moh 2010. Probably the best looking dice game in years. I played it on max settings with my old sli setup, 150 fps average and it looked gorgeous. Id ppst screens but theyre all in 1920x1200 res, which the forum doesnt allow. They make bf3 maxed look terrible.

I enjoy playing on medium settings as I find the game much more clearer and sharper compared to high or ultra (well my gpu can't run well on latter any way). The motion blur is off by default which is good plus gameplay for me is more smoother.
It also makes me wonder if I had 2GB vram on my 5850, how smooth the high settings would have been on 1080p. At high settings I think I do tend to run out of 1GB vram.
Is it still the case that BF3 pagefiles from HDD once vram has run out?
It's not? when was this? oh wait, my bad. So it beats Youtube?

As great as his skills are, it's really boring. There's nobody really matching his skill to take him on. I was hoping to see some Top Gun style dog fighting. Not just him drilling down everyone. Some actual dangerous crazy fighting and flying. The video would have been epic if two people with that skill really going at it.

Funny the cheater in plane comment near the end. Sadly it's the longest 32 minutes I've ever viewed.

Funny though how nearly everyone drills on about this map being purple/dark blue. It's not really that blue on my screen, almost bordering on day break.

It's the bluest I've ever seen anything, it's horrible.
It's not? when was this? oh wait, my bad. So it beats Youtube?

As great as his skills are, it's really boring. There's nobody really matching his skill to take him on. I was hoping to see some Top Gun style dog fighting. Not just him drilling down everyone. Some actual dangerous crazy fighting and flying. The video would have been epic if two people with that skill really going at it.

Funny the cheater in plane comment near the end. Sadly it's the longest 32 minutes I've ever viewed.

Funny though how nearly everyone drills on about this map being purple/dark blue. It's not really that blue on my screen, almost bordering on day break.

I remember punch from when I used to fly. Either they have seriously nerfed pods or his accruacy is off. Single runs used to be fine to take out tanks from he seems to be not quite getting there. I really love the look of that map though. Very nice indeed.
Takes two sweeps to destroy a tank, was on the same map yesterday destroying vehicles and keeping the AC130 out of the air.
Actually watching that video it just shows you that most people STILL don't even know how to break turn. It was relatively unknown when the game first game out (most people thought it was hacking) however now there are loads of tutorials out that exactly explain how to do it.
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