Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Hmm, think I'll start using the realmware colour tweaker too :p

We know some only use it to remove the blue tint but it's also used to cheat. For that reason we have added a MD5Tool scan that kicks for it over the past days. This is not an action from EA, DICE or Even Balance (PunkBuster). They have nothing to do with the current MD5Tool kicks for various .cas files.

If you are being kicked for MD5Tool Mismatch and it lists a file named cas_50.cas or higher then you have to remove the file and should preform a repair install using Origin to repair any game files that may have been modified by the tweaker.

We are not banning for it so removing the files you are kicked for and repairing your game install should stop you from being kicked. Please note that just because a player is kicked for this doesn't mean they are cheating.

We are not kicking for BF3 Colour Tweaker released by Realmware.

If these guys won't kick/ban for it, then Pb/even balance won't either, right?
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you wont get banned for it anyway youd get a kick first

i have got it running now :p its fine.

only thing which would be better if you could change settings while ingame to get it set to how you want easier. you cant change anything while ingame with it.
But that allows u to reduce sunlight intensity, won't that count as a cheat? Nice to see some colours but those settings are oversaturated for my taste.
Just had a quick go with the new settings, much better than DICE's "art direction" and far better than the FXAA injector, but unfortunately it doesn't change the game play/stacked teams :p


Yeah probably mort489 but I don't really care any more, the game is full of cheats already and full of bugs/glitches, which are far worse than the sunlight intensity and yet DICE does nothing about them......
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But that allows u to reduce sunlight intensity, won't that count as a cheat? Nice to see some colours but those settings are oversaturated for my taste.

Sunlight intensity = brightness on surface of ground.

It's misleading because a lot of people think it relates to the intensity of the sun itself which it doesn't.
well i tried metro , bizar and seine upto yet all awesome and a lot better realistic wise.

metro i can get it perfect outside but not inside :( . basically on some maps with the mod you have different sections or points. you have a setting for each .

so outdoors on metro inside and another part each are different because of location and lighting and so on. had a go with predator vision on metro aswell :D

bizar is spectacular and for instance down alley ways you can see bricks everything very clearly . only issue i found is cause the blue mask tint isnt on this masked the rising smoke which is on like every map and this without tint on is slightly annoying.

so if you can reduce the smoke it would be perfect and i mean perfect !
To be fair to the modders, some of the Karkand maps look so much more interesting with a splash of colour. I'd argue that it's how the game should have looked, far more vibrant.

Hmm, I think this won't be allowed either, gives far too much of an advantage still:


What I'm actually surprised at is why they didn't make some maps or all with different lengths of day to night to day transitions. You'd please everyone with something like that.

Imagine if the engine was set to time zones that the server detects and dependant on when you log on the maps could be sunrise, sunset, dawn and dusk times. I mean a game from 2010 on a console can do this for Gran Turismo 5.

Gameplay would be rather interesting if that was happening, no? same for rain, overcast, fog environments that change across the duration of the maps time.

In this modern age of gaming fixed weather seems so pathetic. It's always sunny. Nothing sparks up some interesting changes. You'd never get the same map sunny, fog or rain and at night whenever you go to play.

Imagine one of the maps with the containers, it's dull and overcast and there is thunder and lightning but one player gets electrocuted. I'd love to see a game like this have it's own day to night and weather system transitions.
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