Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Dg u need to do a guide to the colour tweaker and what settings u use for it I tried changing Caspian colours and it came out black and grey lol I just left it all on defualt and went back to fxaa!

all you need for basics is just on right hand side disable colour grading and sunlight intensity turn to 0 on red green and blue

you should get a highly natural look then with no tinting

remember certain maps have certain sectors so in the mod you need to do this for each section . for eg on metro you have three sections.

as said before once you get yours right you wont use normal again
After trying the beta and finding the game and origin to be pretty broken I finally caved in and purchased it. This was mainly because I got a new SSD so I have a bit more space and I am using my old SSD as a Steam/games drive. Obviously everything with Steam is intuitive - if I want games on my second drive I just install steam to that drive and bingo it's all done for me. I thought it would be a similar process for BF3 but I think I gave them too much credit. I did a quick search and it appears it is not possible to set the install location to any drive other than C:\ - is this correct, or is there some way of doing it that they just aren't aware of? I did come across a way of transferring the install from one drive to another but it seems absolutely ridiculous to commit 20GB of writes to my new SSD when I actually want it straight onto my old one!

Please tell me there is some way around this?!

Thanks guys

EDIT: After a bit of hunting about and trial and error I managed to get it sorted. For anyone wanting to do the same the trick is to set up an Origin account/client before installing BF3. I also installed Origin to the secondary drive but I'm not sure that's essential. First go to your drive of choice and make a folder there [default would be Origin Games] then go into Origin's settings and change the default downloaded game install folder to the one you just made [the key is to link to a folder you have already made as origin won't create a directory in the root of the drive or create the default folder for it to go into I found]. Then with Origin running I put the disc in [If you have the disc no reason to download all that data] and even though it says it's downloading it actually installs off the disc which is what I wanted. Now I just have to wait 3hrs for it to download an extra 5GB of updates :S
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You have massively over-complicated it. Just use Steam Mover.

I have BF3 on an SSD whilst all my other Origin games are on a mechanical, including Origin itself.
Hey PapaLazaru thanks for the tip, I've heard of Steam Mover but never had need to use something like that in the past [always had steam on the same drive as the OS on past mech. drives and never had need to have them elsewhere due to their size] and because of it's name it never occured to me that it could be used for Origin as well. I also thought it was something that was only used retrospectively to move games that were already installed rather than directing where new installs went.

I've just had a quick look at it and it appears like it uses junction points to direct installs to where you really want them whilst maintaining the default path within the applications? Might be something I will look into in the future if I get other drives and want to move my games around.
With my rig in the sig and a 7850, how well do you think BF 3 would run quality and FPS wise? I ask because i want to start playing this franchise on my computer starting with the BF 3 Premium edition.
Dice aren't going to implement the colour changing tweak.

"After discussing this further with my colleagues, we have decided to not implement this feature. This is the studio’s take on this matter, and I support this decision:

"As a studio, it is extremely important for us at DICE to have a unique identity in our games, not only from a gameplay perspective, but visually as well. While we appreciate that some players might want a slightly different look to the game, we are proud of the visual identity of Battlefield 3 and do not wish to change it."

I apologize for getting anybody’s hopes up, and if you have any further questions on this subject, I will refer back to the above statement."
Yep! What's ur point?

Point is, you're a cheat. You've got the option of making the game look like more than some ridiculous Pac Man like extravaganza, yet you turn everything down to low and use an FXAA injector to make "people" look sharper? What a noob. Looks like K/D ratio is more important than having a game that looks like it's from 2012 instead of 1982 for you. Hilarious.
Dice aren't going to implement the colour changing tweak.

"After discussing this further with my colleagues, we have decided to not implement this feature. This is the studio’s take on this matter, and I support this decision:

"As a studio, it is extremely important for us at DICE to have a unique identity in our games, not only from a gameplay perspective, but visually as well. While we appreciate that some players might want a slightly different look to the game, we are proud of the visual identity of Battlefield 3 and do not wish to change it."

I apologize for getting anybody’s hopes up, and if you have any further questions on this subject, I will refer back to the above statement."

where is that from?
Dice aren't going to implement the colour changing tweak.

"After discussing this further with my colleagues, we have decided to not implement this feature. This is the studio’s take on this matter, and I support this decision:

"As a studio, it is extremely important for us at DICE to have a unique identity in our games, not only from a gameplay perspective, but visually as well. While we appreciate that some players might want a slightly different look to the game, we are proud of the visual identity of Battlefield 3 and do not wish to change it."

I apologize for getting anybody’s hopes up, and if you have any further questions on this subject, I will refer back to the above statement."


Really have to laugh at the "we want our game to look visually different", what so you go and make it look crap to every other FPS game then.....

And also loved the bit "unique identity to our game" yeah you mean the way it is like COD with vehicles lol..........

Can't wait to see what the sales of BF 4 will be like.

Point is, you're a cheat. You've got the option of making the game look like more than some ridiculous Pac Man like extravaganza, yet you turn everything down to low and use an FXAA injector to make "people" look sharper? What a noob. Looks like K/D ratio is more important than having a game that looks like it's from 2012 instead of 1982 for you. Hilarious.

Actually the game looks great even on lowest settings, better than most games (with FXAA). Truthfully I can't see a huge difference between low and high settings, certainly nothing like crysis low and high settings compared.

Plus the FXAA doesn't really make things any sharper, it mainly brings colour to the game.

Also, westie has a 120Hz monitor, therefore wants to get 120FPS constantly.
Point is, you're a cheat. You've got the option of making the game look like more than some ridiculous Pac Man like extravaganza, yet you turn everything down to low and use an FXAA injector to make "people" look sharper? What a noob. Looks like K/D ratio is more important than having a game that looks like it's from 2012 instead of 1982 for you. Hilarious.

Hahahahahaahhahahaha I just spat food everywhere! Watch my video u mad bad player!

My bf3 still looks awesome so please don't insult pacman like that I'm surprised ur even old enough to know what pacman is!

I love raging kids with bad SPM KD etc whining always makes me giggle! So adjusting the options in a game dice made makes me a cheat and all the other thousands of players + people on this forum that use fxaa injector!

So please shut up with ya accusations ur boring me now! Hilarious!
Point is, you're a cheat. You've got the option of making the game look like more than some ridiculous Pac Man like extravaganza, yet you turn everything down to low and use an FXAA injector to make "people" look sharper? What a noob. Looks like K/D ratio is more important than having a game that looks like it's from 2012 instead of 1982 for you. Hilarious.

You obviously no nothing about FXAA injector.....It is not cheat, I use as the the in game colours look awful.
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FXAA injectors have been allowed in the game for ages now, i used to use one. But i can get the same results by using the game setting profile on my monitor. Neither make players easier to see, what they do is help with the washed out look of the game. I wouldnt like to think having a monitor with a gaming pre set would fall under the bannable offences category.
I used FXAA in combination with the colour tweaker, so easy to see and pick off the enemey, clear advantage over those that play in the blurry blue. So what?:D
I was actually looking forward to trying out the colour change options after reading so much about it. Looks like i won't now.
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