Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Dice said it was a cheat. You are gaining an out of game benefit that provides an advantage over other people. No its not like an aimbot degree of hack but I really feel that the people using it and trying to legitimize it are kidding themselves.
hahaha, should read posts from mordor members regarding that crap news :D

Loved this response by a guy who works for DICE/EA (was the one to say there would be an option etc.):

Haha now this is worth a **** You

Response from DICE/EA staff member:

Yep, this time well deserved.


All of BL is in rage :D


Dice said it was a cheat. You are gaining an out of game benefit that provides an advantage over other people. No its not like an aimbot degree of hack but I really feel that the people using it and trying to legitimize it are kidding themselves.

If DICE said that the FXAA was a cheat, then why don't they ban it.............

They have never said it is a cheat and they have never said tweaking colours is a cheat, only the method that people are using with that new tool (not the realmware) as it allows you to change bullet damage and other game mechanics.

Also using your logic, then that means anyone with a 120Hz monitor, anyone with 5.1 surround sound, anyone who plays with lowest settings, anyone that has a top end mouse/keyboard, anyone that is running at 60FPS opposed to someone who plays at 25FPS also have a advantage over other players, therefore they must be cheating.

Still can't believe that you think people who are using it are just doing it so they can gain an advantage, you really believe that? I played no better with the FXAA or realmware tweaker than what I did without them, I use it because I want to turn a game that looks ****, into a game that actually looks good with colour.
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Some of the stuff the Quake players did back in the day makes the colour injector seem changes seem laughable.

Turning everything down to low so everything was just in primary colours lol and it was considered normal and acceptable to make your game look like that.

Just look what happened when they made Quake Live, the left the players as bright green etc.. Without the players having to turn the graphics down lol
DICE haven't commented on that yet, just said they advise us not to use it, but they also said the same about the FXAA injector :p

They have said the MD5 tool thing (also tweaks colours but does the weapon damage stuff as well) could get you banned if you're caught using it. AFAIK, it is just kicks for now....
Hahahahahaahhahahaha I just spat food everywhere! Watch my video u mad bad player!

My bf3 still looks awesome so please don't insult pacman like that I'm surprised ur even old enough to know what pacman is!

I love raging kids with bad SPM KD etc whining always makes me giggle! So adjusting the options in a game dice made makes me a cheat and all the other thousands of players + people on this forum that use fxaa injector!

So please shut up with ya accusations ur boring me now! Hilarious!

Old enough to know the difference between "ur" and "you are" you illiterate noob. I love players that haven't got enough skill to have a decent SPM on their own, so resort to turning everything down to low and using an FXAA injector to increase notions of contrast so they can spot others before being spotted themselves. Then they get all "I'm so boss at this game" when in actuality their pseudo hacks are the main things that are giving them advantage - what's next eh? F*ck around with the game files so they remove tint and glare, then loudly proclaim that's not hacking either?

Wise up and play the game the way DICE intended - till then, you're a no mark, no skill, noob. End of.
While i can totally agree that messing with game files to tweak weapons etc is definitely not fair. Lowering of settings, i dont see any problems with this. I have two bf3 accounts. One on the spec in sig, another on a system with a lowly 8800gt graphics card. On the former rig i play on max setings, on the latter one i have to play it on low due to the limitation of the gpu. My scores per round are pretty much the same on both rigs. Ive never found FXAA injectors to make players easier to see, it simply adds a bit of colour to the game. Nowhere near the options that theese other utilities can do.

Bf3 has been rife with hackers from day one, and dice do nothing about them. Someone starts to improve the look of the game, they throw a hissy fit because theese 3rd party developers have done a better job. Then they get butthurt and threaten to throw out bans like ticker tape. If they had done their job properly in the first place, thered be no need whatsoever for FXAA injectors or realmware tweakers to improve the look of the game. The same team produced moh 2010, a stunning looking game in mp, then turned round and covered bf3 in a blue sepia tone look.:confused:
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Seriously this kid dropped on his head or something? How people can even say that hahahahahhaha so people with lower end gfxs cards MUST play on ultra or ur a cheating newb also dont adjust ya brightness thats a hack also lolol heard it all now. The thing is id play the exact same whatever settings i use my reaction time map knowledge overral skill gives me a much greater advantage then some poxy graphic settings! Also would u like to prove that im a noskilled newb?

Oh yea forgot to say I really care how good my typing is when using my phone! Ill take a lot more care next time! Pahahahaah! "Hilarious"
Old enough to know the difference between "ur" and "you are" you illiterate noob. I love players that haven't got enough skill to have a decent SPM on their own, so resort to turning everything down to low and using an FXAA injector to increase notions of contrast so they can spot others before being spotted themselves. Then they get all "I'm so boss at this game" when in actuality their pseudo hacks are the main things that are giving them advantage - what's next eh? F*ck around with the game files so they remove tint and glare, then loudly proclaim that's not hacking either?

Wise up and play the game the way DICE intended - till then, you're a no mark, no skill, noob. End of.

Hahahahhaa I seriously can't stop laughing! what's ur accuse then? U obviously are playing on ultra as Dice intended the game to be played! But still after reading ur sig your embarrasing urself by those 4 stats! Here's a tip play on low like every competitive BF player does and u might start to becoming an average player! Oh what an accomplishment that will be for ya! Also does having a 27" monitor a cheat over someone who uses a 22" it must be right they can obviously see more!
I get like 20fps on my fred flintstone desktop whatever the settings are, better hardware is obviously an advantage but not gigantically so. I think my lag is the biggest bias in the game Dont take BF3 too serious, I do better pressing space every couple of seconds to avoid hits

The OP should be edited for friendly allowed mods or standalone add ons to the game like the bf3 settings editor, useful to set max fps 30 on old rigs
I have no issue with spotting the way it was implemented in Battefield 2 as it's a sensible feature for a team based game where team mates will naturally communicate the position of enemies. Also it still requires the use of skill to make use off, as in you still have to locate the actual 3D location of the enemy and kill them with no assistance.

3D spotting is simply an aim assist feature, nothing to do with team play at all. It renders stealth, positioning and cover pretty much useless as people simply aim at the red triangle and fire untill their clip runs out or the enemy is dead.
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Hmm my general feeling is. Whilst it is no wallhack or aimbot.

It is an external program used to change the look of the game but can also make it easier to spot enemies using certain settings.
~ The answer to this changes depending on what context it's bought up in, if you ask about the colour benefits it looks great and makes people easier to see. Mention possible hack/cheat in the conversation and no, it doesn't help you see any better ;)

Lowering graphics settings has nothing to do with it in my opinion, thats up to your system. But using an external program to modify the game that can provide visual advantages in a competitive multiplayer enviroment is something that I would prefer wasn't there.

But it's online gaming, there will always be debate!
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