Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I am having this problem lately. Whenever I click on the BF3 window to play the game, the cloud sync only goes up to 5% and then it gets stuck. Afterwards I get an error message saying that storing cloud data has failed and do you still want to continue playing the game. :(

I am having this problem lately. Whenever I click on the BF3 window to play the game, the cloud sync only goes up to 5% and then it gets stuck. Afterwards I get an error message saying that storing cloud data has failed and do you still want to continue playing the game. :([/IMG[/QUOTE]

Its been mentioned the origin server is down and theyre in the process of trying to get another up and running, convenient timing with people using the vpn trick to unlock warfighter early.
this game drives me crazy, every time i play it i start to get stuttering/lag (not network related) after about 20-30 minutes of playing, its been like this for several months now ever since they released some patch.

i've no idea how to fix it either, it does it regardless of how high my graphics settings are, if i run it on low i still get the stutters/lag.

my system is

GTX680 2gb Ram
4Gb Ram
i5-2400 3.1ghz CPU

So annoying, every other game seems to be fine
just use the bf3 colour tweaker mod ahha can see every little particle on map now with no need to use injector ;)

actually playing bf3 again :p

also hopefully the promod being done continues to progress
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Pffft, forget about the FXAA injector, use realmware tweaker, allows you to tweak the colours to whatever you want, even reduce the sun glare etc. you wouldn't believe the advantage you get ;)


On a more serious note....So what if people use FXAA injector or realmware? Many people hate the **** "art direction" of DICE and actually want the game to have colour and some life to it rather than a dull, boring, lifeless game, which causes eye strain and thus you can't play for any longer than like 40 minutes.
Dg u need to do a guide to the colour tweaker and what settings u use for it I tried changing Caspian colours and it came out black and grey lol I just left it all on defualt and went back to fxaa!
I am having this problem lately. Whenever I click on the BF3 window to play the game, the cloud sync only goes up to 5% and then it gets stuck. Afterwards I get an error message saying that storing cloud data has failed and do you still want to continue playing the game. :(

Disable cloud storage. What do u need it for anyway?
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