Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Bf3 is running a lot smoother, a lot less laggy, (always get a bit at peak times according to whatever server im on) but thats to be expected in any online game. As for my own skill in game, lets just say that it needs a lot more work lol.:)

Went an ordered a new ethernet cable as well thinking the old one may have been damaged, ah well, at least ill be able to connect my blu ray player up to the router as well now.
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Glad you got it sorted. Didn't think that being near low ping players could cause you to lag.

If you fancy a laugh get your torrents running and max out your upload speed. I had an online backup running once which literally left the game with 0.00mbs upload and rendered the game unplayable.

Because i couldn't send my player movements to the server i couldn't move and was stuck on the spot. I could see everybody moving about around me (because my download speed was fine) but because the upload was maxed out i couldn't move. They couldn't kill me either as i was completely indestructable and not registering any hits.
I remember a year or so back going to play bfbc2 and leaving a few torrents running. Pretty similair to what youve described. Any torrents i ever run now are kept on my other system which is only used at night. I have another copy of bf3 on it, but it's rarely used. Apart from when my nephew likes to have a quick blast on bf3 against me.
Awesome, glad to see you've got improvements, though I'm still very shocked u have an 85ms ping :confused:

Broadband phoneline connection, Moscow to Milton Keynes server:

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In game it's down to about 50-70 now depending on time of day. Just came of a german tdm server that i play on regularly, ping at 80 ono, still pretty playable though. But i know that from trying the game on a mates system with bt infinity installed, the difference over adsl is astonishing.

Pingtest just now.

Unfortunately, infinity isnt available here in the forseeable future, though it's available in a small group of houses a mile away from where i live. Im in a village that is about 20 times larger. Gotta love bt lol.
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I bought this yesterday after another OcUK member sent me a discount code, I've only played for around 3 hours and I'm already ****ed off at the amount of retards online. I wanted this mainly for the team work but I haven't encountered any so far. I keep getting put into teams where people are just sitting in the spawn waiting for a helicopter, or they're just manning the AA guns in our spawn when the fighting is miles away. Either that, or I get people playing as Recon sat in the hills doing absolutely nothing productive while I single handedly try and take objectives and inevitably end up getting my ass handed to me over and over because I have no support. :mad: :(

Also the starting weapons for the Support class are all beyond terrible, when do I unlock something a little more manageable? I'm finding the RPK and the M27 to be a real handful when it comes to recoil.

M27 IAR is one of the best weapons in the game.
setter try turning off interrupt loading in your network adapter and any energy saving stuff too

Anyone got a link to the injector? I lost it in the sidegrade to windows 8
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I've played 360 hours and the teamwork doesn't really get any better:/

When I get on a team that is actually playing the objective it feels amazing, but it seems to be 2/3 times I'm on the retard team. I think I prefer Rush too, it seems to have much more structure to it and it feels more realistic in terms of tactics. Conquest just seems like one great big cluster**** for the majority of matches, especially when your team mates can't fly for toffee and your opponents are straight out of Top Gun. :mad: :p
Thanks, realmware seems like a lot of effort to tweak I just want to drop something in because the shades of everything is too similar for me currently. Maybe my eyes are bad.
Played some CQ247 earlier. Such a difference to softcore mode, first time playing hardcore. Did ok on Operation Firestorm, then got raped on Caspian Border.

Think I'll stick with it after being addicted to Metro 64player (no explosives) :o
Thanks, realmware seems like a lot of effort to tweak I just want to drop something in because the shades of everything is too similar for me currently. Maybe my eyes are bad.
FXAA improves the colours very nicely, (though i just used the game setting on my monitor for that), with the colour tweaker, the only thing i removed was the colour grading. Half blind in one eye here, and tbh the good eye isnt getting any better with age.:D Btw, how is performance in the game under win 8 so far?
Played some CQ247 earlier. Such a difference to softcore mode, first time playing hardcore. Did ok on Operation Firestorm, then got raped on Caspian Border.

Think I'll stick with it after being addicted to Metro 64player (no explosives) :o

Jump on our teamspeak channel with us. Makes a world of difference having comms. Details on ;)

Thanks, realmware seems like a lot of effort to tweak I just want to drop something in because the shades of everything is too similar for me currently. Maybe my eyes are bad.

It takes a few clicks, all you need to do is untick a box on maybe 15 pages, press save and you are done. So easy, even I could do it.
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