Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I'm so gonna rape with the littlebird on these new maps gives me an excuse to get 100 service stars with scout helis now ;)
Wow, that looks sweet. Some tight chopper flying. Will be really urban by the looks of it. I love to clear buildings with a good squad.
Brown is the new blue don't you know.

Another artistic effect by DICE, obviously designed to mimic the post earthquake dust cloud that hangs around from all the ruins etc..
The maps look great imo. Gonna have a blast with this.
As for the brown/orange..Well it's DICE cant make things proper.

Ill see if people are getting banned for the colour tweaker once this goes live. If not thats going to be used again for sure.
Had a strange issue just now. Joined a server, on the weapon loadout menu, no equipment was showing up, i could scroll through the list but no weapon image appeared. Proceeded to join the game anyway, no weapon model on screen just crosshairs. Decided to quit but the game then froze, ctrl alt-del didnt help so had to do a hard reset. Anyone else seen this happen.

EDIT: Joined another server, got in and was able to kit up properly, joined the game fired a few shots, weapon dissapeared again. Followed by the same as above when trying to quit.
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aftermath looks awesome, roll on the 4th!

what class gets the x-bow? is it going to be available straight off the bat or is it an unlock?

Its not class specific and you get it by completing an assignment

"Win 3 rounds of Scavenger"

As for the different bolts, they are assignments too. Check on battlelog for more details.
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