Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I think you will find it was 90 kills as infantry...Penquin just beat him to the top with 97 in LAV.. If you hadn't bugged out that round, you too woulda enjoyed the mass raping. Prob one of my best rounds ever that one, kept punch alive as much as shooting fools.

I have to agree that HC is easier to kill, but much easier to die as well. I really do not like 3D spotting but hey, for Level it is all good. Would you agree that SC mode is easier for vehicles tho? I mean external camera makes things much easier to spot etc. Not to mention in SC you never shoot at people (when in vehicles), you just shoot at Doritos's.

For me it's more the fact that I can bombard a tank with RPG after RPG but it is repaired faster than I can damage it.

You're doing it wrong if you find that. Its one hit disable to the rear, or two hit if they have reactive armour. Either that or just use a javelin.

If you can't sneak up round the back of it and intend on just running at it head first then no wonder you're getting shot. BF3 is a game of paper scissors rock, and if you just run head first at a tank, the tank is a rock and you're trying to tackle it with scissors.

In order to take out a rock, you need paper, so you approach it differently. Everything in BF3 has its strength and its corresponding weakness. The tank's weakness is the rear of it it and its lack of maneuverability in confined spaces.

Also fell in love with the coaxial gun on the tank after watching Nicz_DK use that.

That thing is effective :D

The HMG has become to the go to gun since they nerfed the cannister shell. Its great for taking out scout choppers too :

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That's all well and good but in my (limited) experience on SC tanks always hang back in friendly territory with 1 or 2 engineers behind them, and as the maps are such bottlenecks and getting through 20 war-hardened infantrymen (due to said hanging-back) is not the easiest task, shooting a tank in the rear is nigh-on impossible. <3 tracer dart BC2 :cool:
Well play smart then. get round the back and kill the rep *****

Rule #1 of softcore, always kill the rep ***** first. If there is infantry around then, sneak by them. In real life you'd never run head on at a tank and expect to take it out, the game is no different in this respect. A tank should be a scary and strong opponent that you have to think about engaging.
Pfff **** that, taking tanks head on is part of the fun :D (worked better in BC2 when c4 was actually a formidable weapon ;))

Btw, what u are suggesting involves a 20 kill streak followed by 2 RPGs to the rear of the tank...
Well play smart then. get round the back and kill the rep *****

Rule #1 of softcore, always kill the rep ***** first. If there is infantry around then, sneak by them. In real life you'd never run head on at a tank and expect to take it out, the game is no different in this respect. A tank should be a scary and strong opponent that you have to think about engaging.

Unless you're running with C4 :D Suicide run!!
So many brave support guys I've seen do this and succeed. I feel i should take my hat off to them, shed a single tear and salute.

Nope, admitted is easier to kill and be killed. Hardly an admitance that SC is harder.

SC mode is so so easy in a vehicle compared to HC mode! If I play on a normal server I do the same as I would on a HC server..It's just that the only normal I play is LevelBF with some of THE BEST (sc) players in the world.

Unless you're running with C4 :D Suicide run!!
So many brave support guys I've seen do this and succeed. I feel i should take my hat off to them, shed a single tear and salute.

TY Rossi, us C4 ho's do it for the lolz...I am quite good at dodging tank shells now, however if they have LMG / are dead!
c4'ing tanks/apc's was a lot easier in bfbc2, nice that you could go recon with an assault rifle and c4 equipped. A lot more difficult in bf3 due to proximity scanners. I probably destroyed more vehicles in bc2 with c4 than rockets or mines combined.

Regarding rpg/smaw, i had a few rounds last week where times i hit hummvees with upto 4 rounds, still wouldnt destroy them? Didnt see anyone getting out to repair them either.
stoned and why do they play normal ? ;)

youll get there eventually :p

also play 5v5 8v8 with decent players and you wont do the same . reason why i actually said to stop playing hc is so the ones that are decent out of your lot go on to be good players. you have potential but sitting spamming nubs on hc stacked servers just doesnt improve you as a player. maybe with westie and co youll see why i actually see what im on about.
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Level Battlefield

Sharqi - RU Tank

i started off slow as i had something in my eye for about 4-5 mins but then it gets crazy!

top players are all vehicle whores and dont want to give up their doritos, thats why they stick to softcore
It is nothing to do with SC or HC IMHO. It is about who you play with and play against. Westie taught me to tank (I spent a lot of time repairing him a few months ago), Penquin taught me to LAV and many fine players taught me how to play as Infantry. When I say taught, I mean I payed attention to how they play and tried to improve myself.

You need to adapt whatever mode.

Oh and DG, me and the 247 boys play 5vs5 and 8vs8 all the time....Do you? Nope :P
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sc, easier to stay alive for longer, hc easy to rack up more kills, but youll die a lot more. Doesnt matter either way for me, what with my super skills.:D
Also most players I know would rather play hardcore if FF was turned off and 3rd person view as enabled as jets are useless without it!

This is public btw!
exactly :D

i know you play in 5v5s stoned i see u have mixed results but as said youll become better playing with better players in normal in smaller games.

spamming hc servers teaches you nothing about any game but it is fun in public servers. i dont play bf3 much cause too me it isnt competitve .

id rather play proper competitive designed games as cs and cod 4 promod for that. bf3 is a bit of a laugh if i go on it and thats all.

i was going to do the small teams on bf3 but there just isnt enough places or skilled ladders teams to play against most are low to med pubs with a couple of decent teams who just dominate everyone.

thing is i think that your lot if you play a bit more serious would do better than some of the comedy teams who go to iseries in bf3 for eg :p
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