Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Not sure, had a quick look and there were only 3 premium aftermath servers, all empty and with premium disabled, about 7-8 full/half full servers.

Since ticking "other" for player count, there is a decent amount more now.

Had about 4-5 rounds on sas scavenger, was good fun, didn't encounter this problem:

You get folk camping the weapon spawn points as they know it's like flies on ****

It helps that the weapons change each time for each spot and aren't always just the same. Although tbh, I was doing pretty damn well just running around with the beast revolver :p :cool: Love that gun!

The other maps are really good (not the Markaz Monolith :p) especially talah market.
Ok anyone want to try and figure this one out. Flying along pretty high in a jet, enemy aircraft are at the opposite side of the map (firestorm) all of a sudden I get the lock on sound then the incoming missiles sound goes for about a half a second max then I explode in mid air and get told "bad luck".


There was nobody around me at all, everyone was out of missile range, no soflams in sight, yet it seems I get locked onto by some kind of phantom missile launched by something so close it must have been able to see what I had for breakfast, yet when it hits me it was a "bad luck" death. And yes i was running air radar and there was quite literally nothing anywhere near me, full health as well as I was only in the air 15 seconds or so before it happened. Its things like this that really make you go "wtf" and seeing as the game can only chalk it upto "bad luck" its going WTF as well. :confused:
Could have been a Javelin as they will chase you for ages.

The incoming missile alert went for a split second max, I was pretty high up, a javelin would have been beeping the whole way. Plus why was it a bad luck death? Just seems to be one of those random BS deaths that makes no sense.
btw dmferret, which combatevolved are you? Quite a few on BL :p

Hey you took the plunge. How much did you buy it for and where from?

My Tag is

combatevolved-DF my bro is combatevolved-RF so there are probably a few online.

I'm usually on the PHX Talah TDM server always busy with 64 players virtually all the time often with people queing to get in. Be warned though there some pretty smitt hot players on there Van panza, (gibratar) ghost ferret, (portugal) lubetastic (norwegian) and quite a few others. You probably make a load of battlefriends on this map.

Its can also be a mud slinging fest particularly if arse holes are glitching on the roof. We tend to mortar the fuzz out of them and spam nade them off the roof.........And of course verbally abuse them

So if you turn up expect to learn the map and angle's for a good few hour or even days to get the most out of this exciting infantry level and mode IMO...

The chap mentioned above that maybe you have less server options because of the premium verse vanilla BS, hopefully not....

Anyway hope you get on............

P.S had a great weekend of battle................Also bought some cheapo's off steam Max Payne 3, Metro 2033, Sleeping Dogs and Hitman Abs some are like 75% off Total bargain.....

Looking at starforge Alpha seems interesting but undecided if its my cup of tea or not........
Markaz Monolith is a good map but it only really works for me in the scavanger mode, conquest on this map does lend itself to chronic campers high up in the department store and around the first floor flag

Azadi palace TDM is pretty good offering intense CQ battles on the upper floors of the palace with good intermediate range street to street fighting. Also has tanks and Hummers and RU eqivalants!!!!!
£7.99 from cjs :)

Added you just there. I am usually on at different times so could be on around 3pm-6pm or/and later at night sometime.

Ok thanks, usually not fussed on TDM, but it might suit talah market quite well.....

Had quite a few rounds on that map yesterday so know it pretty well and fortunately didn't have many roof campers, at least not on inaccessible areas ;) Although that was with scavenger mode only so perhaps with TDM there will be quite a few more campers and I'll need to learn those places :p I am quite an aggressive player so you will very rarely see me camping in one area unless there are a ton of enemies nearby.

Probably doesn't help! (premium should never have happened! :mad:) But at least for now there are a decent amount of non-premium servers, although not very many servers running rush mode for the aftermath maps......

Yeah markaz monolith isn't a bad map in scavenger mode. The camping around the B area is unbelievable! What really ****** me of is when enemies are just camping at the top but not actually doing anything to take the flag! :mad:

Dice should have a height limit on certain areas of that map (when not in the heli) as it really ruins what is a superb map imo (in conquest anyway)

I really like azadi as well, only played on scavenger mode though so the gameplay could be quite different with vehicles.

So great not having jets or apaches/vipers on these maps, really don't like them!
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the landslide wins absolutely ruin this game.

Hope to god dice have done something about it in bf 4.

Landslides are a frustration.

All it takes is a highly coordinated elite squad working together using voip and you can easily rack up a 15-20 to 1 kill streak. But getting a squad to efficiently work together is like finding rocking horse poo....haha....Too many cod style run and gun players not even able to pronounce the word tactical play let alone partake in such an undertaking.

Sometimes it feels like a map full of noobs doing random crap...with the few good players scooping up the kills.....

But it is entertaining I suppose....:cool:
Sometimes it feels like a map full of noobs doing random crap...with the few good players scooping up the kills.....

Most games that seems to be what it is, you get the occasional good game with 2 fairly evenly matched teams, but more often than not its 1 team pumping the other with ease.
I don't know what it is as with the CQ maps, it is always very close, like no more than a hundred ticket difference and quite often it can change i.e. one team that is wining might not be in 10 minutes. Every other map = landslide win 8 games out of 10 :confused: Hence why I mostly play CQ maps now :p :o

The annoying thing is, I very rarely encountered this in BC 2.

I try to find servers that mix the players up DURING the match not AFTER the match has ended like many servers, pointless doing it that way......

Some admins must stack the teams too as in quite a few servers you will often see all the low ranks on one team and high ranks in the other team.

I really just don't get where the fun is when one team gets steam rolled? :confused:
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