Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I don't know what it is as with the CQ maps, it is always very close, like no more than a hundred ticket difference and quite often it can change i.e. one team that is wining might not be in 10 minutes. Every other map = landslide win 8 games out of 10 :confused: Hence why I mostly play CQ maps now :p :o

I try to find servers that mix the players up DURING the match not AFTER the match has ended like many servers, pointless doing it that way......

I don't know if some admins stack the teams too as in quite a few servers you will often see all the low ranks on one team and high ranks in the other team.

I really just don't get where the fun is when one team gets steam rolled? :confused:

I have seen some suspicious "switched by admin" activity on some servers in the past, it was like that battlefield friends vid where the admin was switching the "good" players to his team.

I don't get the fun in a steamrolling session either, but then again some people just HAVE to win and it doesn't matter how they do it, cheap or not. Can't have their stats being negatively affected now can we?
Landslides are a frustration.

All it takes is a highly coordinated elite squad working together using voip and you can easily rack up a 15-20 to 1 kill streak. But getting a squad to efficiently work together is like finding rocking horse poo....haha....Too many cod style run and gun players not even able to pronounce the word tactical play let alone partake in such an undertaking.

Sometimes it feels like a map full of noobs doing random crap...with the few good players scooping up the kills.....

But it is entertaining I suppose....:cool:

So answer me this then. If you join a game or are on the winning team, leading by 500 tickets and there's 500 tickets left, do you swap sides because you hate landslides that much? I suspect you wouldn't. Landslides do happen, but its often because a team plays well and co-ordinances and plays as a squad, NOT because the game is broken. A squad on TS can dominate a server, the same way an organised squad with two Javelin equipped engineers, a Support dude and a Recon hiding somewhere close by can as good as shut down 3/4 of the map to enemy vehicles. The game is geared towards squad play unlike CoD and long may that continue.

Also, FWIW I absolutely hate servers that swap during the game. I was on a Grand Bazaar game a few weeks ago, the team was doing great but the map itself was pretty even, they had two flags and we had three but the scores were rather different. It was a 2.5k ticket server and we were ahead by over 800 tickets with about 1.5k to go on their side. Then people started getting swapped to the 'losing' side until the teams were four or five players out of whack. Then we got spawn camped despite being ahead because of the larger number of players and the game ended with us being camped into oblivion. I worked DAMN hard to get into the top three on my side and despite the scores the game felt very evenly balanced. Then the balancer took over, screwed me and some other players over and despite that we lost cos we got spawn camped.

Also 9/10 I'm squaded up with my mates, I play on your server because my mates are there. I want to stay in the squad with my mates. And don't swap single players from a full squad either. Swap lone wolfs or single person squads first!
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Anyone else really new to this? :P
Looking for someone to join at some point or a server thats noob friendly.. I'm really good at FPS gaming on the console but new to the PC side of it so :)
So answer me this then. If you join a game or are on the winning team, leading by 500 tickets and there's 500 tickets left, do you swap sides because you hate landslides that much? I suspect you wouldn't.

Would there be much point if he did? 1 person swapping sides is not going to change a team getting steamrolled into a team holding its own.
I have seen some suspicious "switched by admin" activity on some servers in the past, it was like that battlefield friends vid where the admin was switching the "good" players to his team.

I don't get the fun in a steamrolling session either, but then again some people just HAVE to win and it doesn't matter how they do it, cheap or not. Can't have their stats being negatively affected now can we?

I like servers where they show it in the chat log box as you are aware of what is happening, who gets moved etc. as opposed to the sneaky ones that move the weaker or better players to the other team without the other players knowing.....

Indeed :o And unfortunately DICE have made people even more paranoid about their stats with battlelog etc. and having them so easily viewable to everyone else etc. :rolleyes:

Have said it before and will say it many more times :p but stats like k/d ratio, skill etc. need to go especially when this game is supposed to be about team/squad work not lone-wolves....... so the only stats that should matter are the ones like revives, heals, supply, accuracy, w/l ratio etc.

I can guarantee you that removing k/d would remove so many problems i.e. camping, useless snipers that are too afraid to step out of their base as their precious k/d will go down the drain. The only problem is that it would be harder to detect cheaters, however, you can still find out if someone is cheating via other stats. Either remove it completely or at least remove it from the scoreboard during the game.

Regarding the above post, I don't bother to switch team if I am on either the winning or losing team as I doubt that I will make any difference to the outcome at all, as said this isn't COD, you need more than 1-2 players to make a difference.

I don't really mind if there is a huge ticket difference (although a difference of 500+ tickets is taking the **** imo) as long as the team aren't getting completely raped i.e. spawn die spawn die + not being able to capture any flags back etc. that is when I want the teams to be balanced.
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I try to find servers that mix the players up DURING the match not AFTER the match has ended like many servers, pointless doing it that way......


The only time you should be team swapped is if you are one of the last joiners and you are auto-balanced to keep the team numbers equal. Swapping good team players to the losing side is just taking the ****. They help the team to get in a winning position, then get penalised?

Makes no sense and would just put good players off from playing on those servers.
Recently did a fresh Windows install, and since installing BF3 + latest AMD drivers my frame rate has been awful. So bad that I can't even aim because it's so slow.

Anyone else had this problem?
I think I am on the losing side most Games I play. :D

But I do have my moments win or lose.:)

I think that if you start to let things like being on the losing side a lot bother you then your not really enjoying the game for all its worth and should move on.

Who wants to sit there pawning noobs all night anyway ? Sometimes I switch to the loosing side if they are being bottle-necked in the uncaps just to see If I can cap the flag nearest to the enemy's own uncaps.

You can have your own private mini game within the game.

Some times it will take me a few spawns before I get a decent run but when I do It's brill.

It reminds me of football this game instead of setting up goals its setting up Flags for others to cap.

Most of the best servers are German. IMO
Just wondering but does anyone else find it easier to use the lav-d for taking down aircraft rather than the Tunguska? I dunno what is, just seems like the minigun being offset seems to give a guide to leading targets, which you obviously don't really have on the Tunguska.
So answer me this then. If you join a game or are on the winning team, leading by 500 tickets and there's 500 tickets left, do you swap sides because you hate landslides that much? I suspect you wouldn't

Infact on many occasions ive switched to a losing team, because my mates or family members are on that team. You feel almost obliged to join them.

Last night was the pits, there was a hacker killing everyone with single head shots from an m16 from anywhere on the map i left at 995 tickets. That dirty shunt had a 211-10 KD. Infact tonight i'm reporting him to EA. Like that is gonna help though!!!
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Swapping good team players to the losing side is just taking the ****. They help the team to get in a winning position, then get penalised?

Makes no sense and would just put good players off from playing on those servers.

I suppose...... (although I wouldn't move the top 3 players), however, the problem is when you do it at the end, most of the players leave thus the balance isn't properly done and would probably need to be done again since you have new players that are even worse or better, rinse and repeat after that round. Servers where they do that way at the end, the next match is still a steam roll half the time from my experience, it really makes me wonder what the point of that plugin is........ where as servers that do it throughout the match be it manually or automatically aren't as bad and as a result you have a more fun, closer intense battle, well I do anyway.

At the end of the day, I much rather have a "good fun" game throughout (regardless of what side I am on) even if it means me being switched to the losing side in order for the entire game to be more fun and a close match as opposed to an easy victory just for the sake of my stats.

i.e. just had a few good rounds on wake island (rush) and it was so close! Both teams were very evenly matched and it was just so much more fun as opposed to the usual steam roll i.e. defending team raping the attack team as soon as they step out of their base or the attack team just taking the coms in seconds whilst killing anyone as soon as they spawn

The server choice is really doing my head in currently, fed up with the lack of good servers. Would love for dice to be more tight fisted with the server controls/choice as I spend ages trying to find a server that doesn't have the following:

- loads of tickets
- only 1 or 2 or 3 maps available
- instant vehicle respawn

And of course the other stuff; non premium, 32, 48, 64 and other players, low ping so usually german or UK servers etc.

I really do want to like this game but all these niggles really annoy me :o :(
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