Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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The guys in 247 are marvelous and it is surprising how different you expect someone to be when playing them in BF3 vs. TeamSpeak etc. Their Metro svr is awesome for action - especially when with clan mates - and they are all well admin'd.

That said, 'teaboy' is an aggressive little child. He kicked me for simply asking him to chill his beans. He has never got anything nice to say in chat. Always "stfu" or similar. I always complain about people using M320s... it is annoying. And yes, I get carried away sometimes, but just to kick is petty. And, as always, I was top of the svr heading for 100 kills. I deserved my ban though as I then went on to berate him with abuse and harsh language... but I was upset. I would suggest you look at who you give admin to.

So here is my apology for the 247 guys but not to that keyboard warrior $3&1!!!!. I cannot face your forums

I am avoiding that svr (and BF3 tbh) but hope to see them on the battlefield in BF4, when I am sure I can contribute a lil' somfin' again


Ahh badboy, good to see you're moaning on here as well.

You got kicked because each time you come on the server you do nothing but moan and give abuse to players. That evening you also called a player "A fag". That is not the kind of thing we want directed at players on our server.

You got banned because you came back on the server and give even more abuse, but as I said to A5h and Onegun you were unbanned later that evening.

Also you call me a keyboard warrior? I wasn't the one threatening to slap me at a LAN and looking to know were I lived ;).

Also! I did tell one of your clan m8's you were welcome to come on our TS and have a chat, was which was something you never done.
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How come you don't post a screen grab of his foul language ? Sometimes I play with my Son so I'm glad he didn't witness this so no I will not apologize whether he kicked me or not he's still a butthurt on account of his attitude and his foul mouth.

I just posted what I said as I noticed another overclocker have an issue with the same admin. but hey it must be us eh.

You like your clan to have a presence on this board yet dont like it when you get called to account for anything negative.

In any case I bet anybody could doctor screen grabs if your petty enough.

So if reputations of others is of utmost importance to you then make sure that they have one worthy of upholding.

Also what is your admin to server ratio ?

I do swear a lot I must admit. But you came on ranting about me kicking you which never happened.

Also BF3 is a 16+ game, so your child shouldn't be seeing anyway ;)
Badboy i really wouldn't recommend calling out teaboy in real life for a fight. He will eat you for breakfast and defecate on your corpse when hes done with you. Those northern irish lads are crazy.

Your worried about swear words when hes that age? I'd be more worried about STD's.

I'd also be worried about him developing an unhealthy obsession with ladyboy or midget porn. We all have our vices.

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Tea is tea, kun is kun, badboy is badboy. We all have our ways.
Once i invited you onto ts badbay all was fine, ingame chat is the worst in games tbh. Not just bf3 , WoW is even worse ;)

To the guy with the 17 year old son being worried about our chat ;) thats the least you need to worry about. Just make sure you are there when he calls up at 05.00 ****ed and on ghb and doesnt have a clue where hes at. Thats what a father is for ;)

Matt leave my pr0n preferences out of here please ;p
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To the guy with the 17 year old son being worried about our chat ;) thats the least you need to worry about. Just make sure you are there when he calls up at 05.00 ****ed and on ghb and doesnt have a clue where hes at. Thats what a father is for ;)

As mentioned, my ban was justified I raged at an admin. I was totally peeved at teaboy for defending Terminator800. Now it seems I was bang on and he was hacking lol!

And yes, Kun, I did appreciate being invited on and as I said, it is surprising how it changed things. I did apologise to 247 but I have had enough of teaboy as I am sure he has enough of me.

Back on topic again - bloody benjo and his RDS M40A5 :( Ban all weapons except for ones I use... in fact, no weapons for my enemies at all. Yeah... there, I said it
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