Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Finally having a good close game on Firestorm after joining a team with 1 flag, and my connection dropped for the first time in months :( Just bloody typical. Game ended 29-0 before I could rejoin.

Computers hate me.
Finally having a good close game on Firestorm after joining a team with 1 flag, and my connection dropped for the first time in months :( Just bloody typical. Game ended 29-0 before I could rejoin.

Computers hate me.

Always happens,was 129-17 on Bazaar Inf only and my video driver went. Reverted back to previous drivers as I keep getting crashes with 320.49. Oh yeah, then I rejoined on Seine, went 80-15 and then got switched to the team getting raped. We all switched and made it a very close game, if not quite turning it around. But still, I hate the balancers where they switch the good players. If you do well for your team you get punished for it, simple.
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Banned from yet another noob server/admin :rolleyes:

in game

"nexus you stupid noob"

"haha u mad bro?"


Got to love mad little kids :D Couldn't stand being owned by the AEK!
Absolutely nothing other than killing him all the time :D

It was the start of a new match on damavand peak (rush), he came down in the jeep, I fired m320 at it, he jumped out so I shot him with the aek and then the above was said. Before that, on seine, he put "aek noob, use a different gun and get some skill" lol :D

So avoid this server:
Ah, same old "You can't kill me on MY server" crap then :D

Seriously though, what is up with every chat window in every server being dominated by "Blahblah NOOB" comments?
Same thing with people moaning about snipers camping. Isn't that what snipers are supposed to do?

But hey, what do I know? I'm a noob...
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