Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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The guys in 247 are marvelous and it is surprising how different you expect someone to be when playing them in BF3 vs. TeamSpeak etc. Their Metro svr is awesome for action - especially when with clan mates - and they are all well admin'd.

That said, 'teaboy' is an aggressive little child. He kicked me for simply asking him to chill his beans. He has never got anything nice to say in chat. Always "stfu" or similar. I always complain about people using M320s... it is annoying. And yes, I get carried away sometimes, but just to kick is petty. And, as always, I was top of the svr heading for 100 kills. I deserved my ban though as I then went on to berate him with abuse and harsh language... but I was upset. I would suggest you look at who you give admin to.

So here is my apology for the 247 guys but not to that keyboard warrior $3&1!!!!. I cannot face your forums

I am avoiding that svr (and BF3 tbh) but hope to see them on the battlefield in BF4, when I am sure I can contribute a lil' somfin' again

Thing is with the m320 the more you make it apparent you hate it the more people will use it. Trolling with it on Metro was one of my favourite things to do. I haven't experienced so much hate since my camping days on COD 4.
Are you sure it was a kick and not EA disconnecting you ? :D

Tends to happen right after he's told you to eff off.:D

you know, i don't mind people being wrong on the internet, but not when it messes with the reputations of others. If you feel you must perpetuate the myth that you were kicked for killing an admin too many times i will post a screengrab of the server logs for the time.
the reputation of the server i play on along with the people who admin it means a lot to me and i'd rather be doing something more fun than this, but i feel they must be defended.

for those not interested i have put this in spoiler tags

you will have to click the image to see it fullsize. you can see the time he left the server and rejoined by what he says in chat between 1.22 and 1.24. Also above the chat table is where all his previous bans and kicks would be (even after they expire) and he has none. he's never been kicked or banned from that server.

reddandoc i think at least you should stop making snide comments about getting kicked by teaboy, and really an apology is in order cos he did nothing wrong at all.

And as for BadBoy i checked out your incident at the time it happened cos i happened to join the server just as you got kicked.

i'll put this in spoilers too for those not interested.

what i have to say about this is that you were initially kicked for spamming the chat with hacker accusations. i don't have teaboys chat but i know he was asking you to cool it with the chat spamming. When you came back you were excessively abusive towards the admin and were banned and kicked. the ban was immediately rescinded by teaboy himself.

furthermore the player you were complaining about was eventually banned for having a suspected wallhack. me and several admins observed him for several rounds. i joined his squad and just followed him around for a whole round and later i switched sides so i could see if he killed me when i hid in weird places.

we don't just ban people when another player starts spamming the chat with hackusations.
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I think I admitted I was in the wrong. I did accuse Terminator-T800 for hacking. And yes I spammed chat. I honestly believe it though as he is dodgy as ****. I checked his profile and it was soooooooooooo a hacker account. Low hours, high KDR. He used smoke+irnv to mask his wallhack

But my comments re. your admin are true and honest and are not just related to that night

Just to be clear

KICKED because teaboy is a keyboard warrior
BANNED for a very legitimate reason, which is why I didn't question it.

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reddandoc i think at least you should stop making snide comments about getting kicked by teaboy, and really an apology is in order cos he did nothing wrong at all.

How come you don't post a screen grab of his foul language ? Sometimes I play with my Son so I'm glad he didn't witness this so no I will not apologize whether he kicked me or not he's still a butthurt on account of his attitude and his foul mouth.

I just posted what I said as I noticed another overclocker have an issue with the same admin. but hey it must be us eh.

You like your clan to have a presence on this board yet dont like it when you get called to account for anything negative.

In any case I bet anybody could doctor screen grabs if your petty enough.

So if reputations of others is of utmost importance to you then make sure that they have one worthy of upholding.

Also what is your admin to server ratio ?
i have better things to do than doctor screen grabs. check the pixels if you like. also echelon only hold a few lines of chat so teaboys were overwritten long ago.

just admit you were wrong and stop bringing it up
I think I admitted I was in the wrong. I did accuse Terminator-T800 for hacking. And yes I spammed chat. I honestly believe it though as he is dodgy as ****. I checked his profile and it was soooooooooooo a hacker account. Low hours, high KDR. He used smoke+irnv to mask his wallhack

But my comments re. your admin are true and honest and are not just related to that night

Just to be clear

KICKED because teaboy is a keyboard warrior
BANNED for a very legitimate reason, which is why I didn't question it.


T800 was cheating. Took a while to prove but banned now.
I don't tend to visit your server that often but looking at those screenshots, christ. I remember being 16/17 and seeing that kind of abuse and even then thinking how can people be that childish. In turn looked at the profile of one of the above thinking 16-20 but wow was I wrong. It's a game kids and even if it does make it angry surely you could actually be clever with your insults rather than sounding like Kristin Wig in Paul :D
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