Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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I play on this server where you never see an admin played on it for months and never seen one yet. I cant understand it myself as servers are not cheap its a bloody good server aswell.
Think I'm banned from nearly every UK server going.... go on 11 clan server or BnB bullets and then see how long u last lol!

Best servers around are mostly French or German servers.... USA servers are good for Reg but the players are so bad
Think I'm banned from nearly every UK server going.... go on 11 clan server or BnB bullets and then see how long u last lol!

Best servers around are mostly French or German servers.... USA servers are good for Reg but the players are so bad

I dont think your banned from ours yet :p
So ever since I updated my GPU drivers, I've been unable to play fullscreen, only windowed mode.

I can change my resolution down, then go back to 1920x1080 and It plays fullscreen, however as soon as I alt tab (which I do frequently), It goes back to windowed mode, so not a permanent solution.

Anyone had this before? Any fixes? It's getting seriously annoying.
Think I'm banned from nearly every UK server going.... go on 11 clan server or BnB bullets and then see how long u last lol!

Best servers around are mostly French or German servers.... USA servers are good for Reg but the players are so bad

yeah when i played regular a lot of the servers with 100 plus pings and reg was amazing. my normal ping on eu server 15 :p fail
some of the admin are ok on banana republic, some are idiots though. like a lot of servers :)

Got kicked by an Admin on banana republic for shooting into RU spawn on Kharg Island. He was shooting at me in a tank so I TV'd him and got kicked. Turns out the person I was shooting at was the Admin!
Hold on......... the servers with pings over 100 and you have amazing hit reg :confused: Just shows how broken the net code is then :o

Do you have the network slider all the way to the right or the left for them?

Saying that, I couldn't put up with the rubber banding/lag.....

On the topic of the network slider, supposedly it is making a return in BF 4, lets hope DICE explain what it actually does this time as currently I don't have a clue where I should put it (think I just left it in the middle)

Also, they made the comment "best hit reg./net code in gaming currently".............
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the hitreg before they swopped it to accommodate consoles was best early in alpha.

then they spun some bs abut pc priority then admitted they lied near release and consoles were priority :p

also they dont want people like me having a advantage with a low ping so they use what they use now and give advantage to high pingers :confused:


cod 4 reg in bf id play every day. worst thing is they could do it but choose to use the crap they use now arggggh so infuriating :p

best thing is they made moh 2010 which has amazing hitreg :confused:
Ping has 0 relevance in bf3... I've played with 5 ping and had crap hit Reg and played with 150 in level bf and USA servers and Reg is awesome... it's mostly down to quality of the servers..

I play with the slider all way to the left or in bf3 settings editor I use 0% :)

I also use the TCP network tweaks as well.... Google it as can't link am at work.
whats the editor you use westie ? no recoil aim assist on ? :p

also what mouse u use by chance ? :D

Yup, the alpha was amazing for hit reg and in general, the feel of the gameplay (avoiding all the bugs :p), not to mention no stupid "artistic filter" crap........

How on earth do you put up with the rubber banding though?! I can't stand it with even a 100 ping on UK, German servers! Such a PITA when running around a corner or trying to go through a door way.....

Can that realmware BF 3 settings editor get you banned etc.? I thought DICe/EA had patched BL/game so it would no longer work or you just get constantly kicked from PB enabled servers iirc? Does it still have the tweak to turn of the colour grading/blue filter?

That TCP tweak stuff looks interesting! Not sure which program to use though :o :p It won't affect my download or/and upload speeds at all in order to achieve a better "quality" connection or whatever though?


Just installed the settings editor, no colour grading option :( Not much there that isn't in the game editor (well nothing that I would touch/use anyway) so uninstalled :p
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Got kicked by an Admin on banana republic for shooting into RU spawn on Kharg Island. He was shooting at me in a tank so I TV'd him and got kicked. Turns out the person I was shooting at was the Admin!

yeah they're quite hot about kicking for shooting in to base. but as I said before some are idiots
Sucky trigger happy admins has been around since the dawn of time and unfortunatley will always be a part of most dedicated server based online games
I'm sure low pings are penalised in bf3 too. I usually ping 17-18 on 247 but often people with 80 pings or so can toast me in one bullet. My reg increases if my housemate is watching YouTube or something. Everyone I point q bullet at dies so quickly whilst I remain almost invincible or so it seems.

I know there wilk be people out there generating false lag to benefit and that annoys me
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