Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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Actually, thinking about it, I'm almost certain that if that was a cutscene they would have spotted the dodgy floating gun and fixed it. Which leads me to think that this is legit realtime in-game footage. In which case... :D
These days cutscene graphics are ingame graphics. Especially with Bad Company games!
Actually, thinking about it, I'm almost certain that if that was a cutscene they would have spotted the dodgy floating gun and fixed it. Which leads me to think that this is legit realtime in-game footage. In which case... :D

Or they knew you'd think that...

Nah, i'm certain it's in game. The animations, while excellent, show visible signs of 'transitioning' between states, something you're likely to see in in game footage.
theres actually less gun sway on the bf3 than moh if you check a video out side by side with similar weapon

the angle of the hold the bob of the gun are the same though ;)
Or they knew you'd think that...

Nah, i'm certain it's in game. The animations, while excellent, show visible signs of 'transitioning' between states, something you're likely to see in in game footage.

Aye. I'm definitely not suggesting that it's not in-game, but there's a chance it could be purpose-made animations etc. rather than "natural" in-game footage, if you see what I mean. Although I think your observation of the transitions between stances is spot on. Looking highly promising, this!
Which floating gun? I can't see it.

last part of that gif, right in the foreground. the player who is being dragged off-screen appears to have dropped it and it's floating above the ground (evidenced by shadow far too far away from the gun, or visa versa if you see what I mean). It happens all the time in these games. Especially with guns protruding through walls, barrels etc. It's just dodgy collision detection. One of the hardest things to get right in game engines.
last part of that gif, right in the foreground. the player who is being dragged off-screen appears to have dropped it and it's floating above the ground (evidenced by shadow far too far away from the gun, or visa versa if you see what I mean). It happens all the time in these games. Especially with guns protruding through walls, barrels etc. It's just dodgy collision detection. One of the hardest things to get right in game engines.

its a pre_alpha btw ;)
its a pre_alpha btw ;)

true but I wouldn't be at all surprised if these issues show up in the final. or in future games for that matter. it's just one of those things that is taking a long time to be ironed out as it's so complex. I do wish they'd put a little more effort into it though, as it's awfully annoying being shot by someone who's gun is poking through a wall or a barrel :) it'll happen one day when cards are able to handle much higher res meshes.
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last part of that gif, right in the foreground. the player who is being dragged off-screen appears to have dropped it and it's floating above the ground (evidenced by shadow far too far away from the gun, or visa versa if you see what I mean). It happens all the time in these games. Especially with guns protruding through walls, barrels etc. It's just dodgy collision detection. One of the hardest things to get right in game engines.

Well spotted i thought it was just laying on the ground.
Is that a cutscene though, because i can't see a weapon? I guess we won't know the true extent of BF:3 until the beta appears.

Edit: Seems to be, being dragged.

Of course it's in game, the person who has made the gif has just cropped the source video, meaning he has cut out your character dragging the man down.
dom are you mad? they didn't have floating guns in BF2...but then you probably wouldn't be good enough to play it anyway as you're only level 39 in BC2 - as if that could prepare you for the pinnacle of elite shooters...
The amount of whinging on the official forum is amazing. "zomg dice why did you only show off sp!!1111". The games got maybe 8 or 9 months before hitting retail (assuming it does this year) but it seems people want every scrap of info and video footage right now. Its like they've never waited on a game before and seen how companies release info and gameplay over the months before release.
It looks nice but I remain to be convinced, until I see big open maps with vehicles actually being used by human players I won't be getting too excited.

City maps were only invented because consoles could only cope with small gaming environments, although the developers/publishers would obviously pretend otherwise.
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