Battlefield 3 thread - Server details in opening post -

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At the end of the day, all this wanting of "realness" doesn't mean the game is going to incorporate it.

With mainstream games like this, the "realness" from the community's point of view will be that everything is in line with the real-life counterparts. From the developers' (money-making) point of view, the realness will result in some nice graphics and some decent physics.

Don't forget this will be deployed to consoles too. Even though DICE have said that the PC is their main target, don't forget that the consoles also reap in huge amounts of money. As a result, the gameplay needs to be simple-enough for console gamers to "pick-up-and-go" with the game.

As someone else has mentioned, if you want realism, go play a sim. Sorry to disappoint a lot of you, but this won't be that realistic to the extent of which most of you are expecting.
if its not a realistic as BF2 then it will fail in the eyes of many BF2 fans and might as well call the game bad company 3 instead.

no one wants BC2 done with 64 players. people want BF2 done using the frostbite 2 engine..
Sorry, but in what way is the current BF2 realistic?

"I can't see further than 200m away, there's an awful lot of fog around!"

"I like to jump up and get down!"

*empties clip into one person, 1 hit*

Nice perception of realism :p
The first one is an engine limitation nothing about realism there.

Second thats just players taking advantage, hopefully prone will be more like in DoD so no more dolphin diving.

And the third one...well...didn't your parents ever teach you to fire in bursts? Hopefully the hitboxes will be more accurate in BF3.

One thing that really needs to be addressed is knifing. I think it should go back to being a separate weapon like in BF2...can't see that happening though.
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Atomic: Well, I can tell you that we’re looking at PC as our main platform for the game. We're gonna support 64 players, dedicated servers... that’s basically it.

Atomic: That’s basically it?

Patrick: Yup.

Atomic: Anything else you can talk about in terms of-

Patrick: -A lot of people ask us about 64 versus 128 or 256 players. Technically, we can go to 256, we’ve tried it. We play tested with 128. You’ve got to make a game that’s fun to play. And, arguably, we think that the most fun you can have is when it’s between 32 and 40 players. And we’ve done substantial research into this and tested 128 and that it’s not fun. Maybe we haven't done our design work good enough, but we just feel like there's no point in going higher than 64.

Atomic: So are you planning any sort of dedicated server model for consoles?

Patrick: I can’t talk about that but we're absolutely looking at it, yeah.
The world record distance kill for ages was held with a machine gun. They are just as accurate as sniper rifles.


dont suppose youve got a link to the story?

M2 as a sniper rifle

The M2 machine gun has also been used as a long-range sniper rifle, when equipped with a telescopic sight. Soldiers during the Korean War used scoped M2s in the role of a sniper rifle, but the practice was most notably used by US Marine Corps sniper Carlos Hathcock during the Vietnam War. Using an Unertl telescopic sight and a mounting bracket of his own design, Hathcock could quickly convert the M2 into a sniper rifle, using the traversing-and-elevating (T&E) mechanism attached to the tripod to assist in aiming at stationary targets. When firing semi-automatically, Hathcock hit man-size targets beyond 2000 yards—twice the range of a standard-caliber sniper rifle of the time (a .30-06 Winchester Model 70). In fact, Hathcock set the record for the longest confirmed kill at 2,460 yards or 1.3 miles (2,250 m), a record which stood until 2002.[43][44]


But yeah it wasn't an LMG like you run around with in BF.
Snowed under this week with work grrr, was hoping to get something on the front page of this thread...

Dont suppose if any1 can spare a min they could prehaps to do a little update on BF3 with Video's, links and tweets etc. I need to update the front page of the thread.
if it was similar to BC2 you would just shell the building for 10 mins untill it comes down.

There are actually quite a few maps where this happens and its really annoying...for example in Port Valdez you position the USMC tank far out of the Russian compound near some engineers and then shell both MCOMs until you destroy them. Kind of defeats the point of the map.

They shouldnt put MCOMs in buildings. But I am all for total destructability. Its kind of weird to play FPS now where you cant blow holes in the buildings.
The most unrealistic part is how easy a grenade blows off the side of a house, a fragmentation grenade isnt that powerful or directed

A bullet travels for as long as it takes to fall freely from your shoulder to the ground. Speed would determine how far it goes I guess, some are supersonic so take speed of sound as a guide maybe
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found this in my inbox tonight :)


if its not a realistic as BF2 then it will fail in the eyes of many BF2 fans and might as well call the game bad company 3 instead.

no one wants BC2 done with 64 players. people want BF2 done using the frostbite 2 engine..

Sorry, but in what way is the current BF2 realistic?

"I can't see further than 200m away, there's an awful lot of fog around!"

I for one do not want this game to be realistic. I want it to be fun.

I dont want every building to be destructable. I dont want random deviation like BF2 and I dont want stupidly oversized maps like BC2.

If you want realism, go and play a flight sim.

Are you trolling? Oversized BC2 maps? Half of them felt smaller than my living room, go play CoD...
Even Heavy Metal isnt that 'big' of a map because all the control points are laid vertically and you can only move up and down the map basically.

But Harvest day isnt that bad. A lot of open area and varied layout of control points. Many ways to flank the enemy control point and many routes to take.
Apart from that most maps are extremely vertical and small.
LOL at 'I want this to be realistic like BF2'

I love both battlefield and COD series but realistic? Lol, I think not!
Battlefield 3 Developers Call Their Competition Lazy - Speaking in the latest issue of Official PlayStation Magazine - which is arriving with subscribers now - DICE general manager, Karl-Magnus Troedsson was more than confident in his stunning FPS, cautioning the competition: 'they had better watch out'. 'Our competitors are getting lazy,' he said. 'They're using the same engine, the same recipe for building a game. At some point you need to take that leap. I haven't seen them take that leap since a long time ago. We are doing that now. They had better watch out. We are coming for them.'
LOL at 'I want this to be realistic like BF2'

I love both battlefield and COD series but realistic? Lol, I think not!

I think people are speaking relatively. It's obviously not a realistic game in same vein as OFP/ArmA but it still has gameplay elements that make it more realistic than your average FPS, and this is what people want conserved in BF3.
PR Dynamic Sky Video

That's Project Reality, not BF2, you can't compare the two. If someone wants it as realistic as "BF2", then they get the points I made above.

PR is great, absolutely love the mod and spent a ridiculous amount of hours playing it, but even that has it's limitations in terms of "realism". I've stopped playing it because it got a lot of attention in the vanilla version and as such hundreds / thousands of new players came in and sort of ruined the development, for me anyway. The Devs focused more on making it "mainstream" rather than sticking with what they had...
commander mode dropped!!! ****sakes


jesus is this game heading towards a console port? if bf3 is basically bad company 3 with higher player count why bother?

my dark predictions of this game turning into a console port might come true

ahh well if this turns out to be BC3 them in out. i will stick with arma 2 and its project reality mod
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