Tried the beta just now, high fps on auto config of ultra tho there is a bit of a weird movement in the game like its got smoothing on max or somit like its very slow to turn or move around but smooth with mouse movements kinda thing tho hard to explain, i bumped the mouse smoothing up which helped the speed of mouse movements in game but still feels really weird to play like.
I noticed some hickups in fps when turning kinda like when in games when you move your mouse to look around and you get a drop in fps cos its loading the textures or somit. I duno it seems like that. I did notice the 4 cores maxed out bug tho well not maxed per say but about 80-90% tho cant recall it being 100%. I hope they fix the bug where it uses high core usage on all 4 cores. As cant be right really no game does that to my knowlage and i doubt bf4 is that much better than 3 to warrant that cos it looks too much like 3 to me.
Vram usage on my 670 was about 1750mb so 2gb cards are fine with bf4 at 1080p on ultra
Thats good to know.
Also i noticed my the bf4 process used about 2gb of ram. Tho being 64bit i thought it might have used a little more but still its a lot for a game considering its still rare for me at least to ever see a game use 2gb but then again most games are 32bit.
I think i was getting about 60fps ingame tho due to the issues with fps and the cpu going high bug i think which is causing my fps to have sharp drops to 30. I might not try it again till this gets fixed.
Gfx looked nice tho i suppose tho for the life of me i couldnt spot enemies very well and ended up dying most of the time i tried the beta tho to be honest it was just a 10 min go.
Oh and the loading... Damn that was taking ages. This is on a crucial 128gb ssd m4. Nuts aint it. Hope this also gets fixed.
Oh im using the latest whql nvidia drivers btw. Not bothering with latest betas cos its mainly for sli for bf4 as im sure others have said older drivers are fine and sometimes better than the betas for bf4. So not gona bother getting the betas.