Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I've got a question regarding the tactical map. If I press M, can I have the tactical map on a separate screen while playing the game at the same time. If so hows it done? Do I drag tac map across to second monitor for instance?

when you load up the game in your web browser, on battlelog, down the bottom should be a blue status bar telling you if you are "connecting" or "loading level" or what ever. after the game has loaded so far, there appears an option of this blue bar for "battlescreen". Simply click that and it will turn your battlelog page into a full page map with live updating. simply drag your browser to your second monitor and enjoy the big map as you run about :)
We had some fun rounds last night. :)

Yeah, i was an Engineer for the first part as i needed to get the points up in line with the other three. Medic was fun, revived a few people, heroic leaped to Goon to rez him at B and gunned someone down coming round the corner. Also standing on top but slightly in front of the person i revived so they don't get hit whilst firing so whoever i revived could get away.

Really good fun and that map makes your reactions sharp.
Not entirely sure if I'm using the SRAW properly, seems top take many shots to blow any vehicle with it, Im just slowly tracking the targets, am I meant to liek slam the rocket into them?

Bf games are notoriously bad for hit reg. The last moh games were great, almost cod standard. Bf3/4 really benefit someone with a high end fibre optic connection and a nice low ping. Im on bt adsl, upto 8mb but it rarely hits 4mb. On a uk server you get beat up pretty badly against lower ping players. 1v1 you fire first, but your already dead on the lower ping guys screen.

Sub 30 pings here on many servers, time to time see sub 20 too.
BT Line ~16-20Meg, Ethernet to router
They pretty much ruin BF. Whenever i join a server i'm always nervous if i get kicked for my nationality - they say "play on a server in your own country" - or for Admins that can't accept a good player when they see one (i'm not great but i do get moments where i feel godlike).

Thankfully i play on TFU's server now (they know me), or British ones when i can find them.

They really do.

I play on consoles where the servers are owned and run by DICE. Players can rent them from the xbox / PS store, but for most game modes there are plenty of DICE servers left, running vanilla games with no admins and no stupid admin made up rules.

Its just so much more of a joy playing on these where you can just get on and play and not have to worry about getting kicked. Yes no admins means you get the occasional idiot, but the amount of idiots is vastly less than the annoyance you get from the stupid player run servers and butt hurt admins.
Only issue I had with admin was getting told off for using RPG's on infantry.
Silly rule, then again I do think I annoyed MangoBreeder on TFU a few days ago when a stray RPG clipped a barrel beside him lol
I was playing on a Corsair owned server over the weekend which was administered well. That said I have not fallen on hard times due to admins yet.

I can't play for too long without crashes still however, have they patched it yet?! I find quitting on map changes and re-joining helps.
when you load up the game in your web browser, on battlelog, down the bottom should be a blue status bar telling you if you are "connecting" or "loading level" or what ever. after the game has loaded so far, there appears an option of this blue bar for "battlescreen". Simply click that and it will turn your battlelog page into a full page map with live updating. simply drag your browser to your second monitor and enjoy the big map as you run about :)

Sweet man, thx for taking the time to post that.
Add me combatevolved-df.. :)
if you running about and have a rpg ready and see a player its tuff you having it :D people crying cause its infantory haha :D

Unfortunately on normal mode, you fire your RPG or SMAW, it hits them and then they kill you with their shotgun because they have 20HP left. Good game DICE, good game ;)
Still not sure what weapon to go, I play as a medic and mainly use either the first carbine you get or the M416, still neither feels like the right weapon for me.

Also not sure what I should have, if I should have the medic pack and defib or have a 2nd launcher...

What is a good 2nd launcher thing for a medic? Is there any good anti vehicle ones?
im personally just doing all the weapons like i did in bf3 then when i finished them all play with favs.

upto yet favs are ive found and most accurate

338 Recon sniper (monster gun )
UMP-9 this is a great gun ! almost like the ump in bf3 alpha before nerf.
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I added their server to my TS in case it happens again lol :p

I'm always on their TS, anybody is more than welcome to join whilst playing on their server. :)

I used my RPG yesterday on the middle tower to kill a bunch of people, i didn't get told off for it, but i did feel dirty afterwards, especially as no vehicles are on Operation Lockdown.

Really dirty, Wes...
Ok then Rroff, since you are doing the right things, let's talk about weapons. What are you using with what attachments?

A tip for everyone..NEVER....EVER.....EVER..Use muzzle brake :D

Mostly AK 5c with holo, magnifier, heavy barrel and stubby grip, but also used various other weapons including the U-100 mk5 quite a bit.
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