Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

I was getting fantastic fps on parcel storm just now, then I went on flood control and my fps plumetted.

It was fine when I switched to the medium preset but then the fps just drops through the floor at seemingly ramdom moments.

If all the maps will run as well as parcel storm does then I'll be a happy man, and still using socket 775 stuff.

I still maintain BF3 is better looking.
What's wrong with the Muzzle Break?

I disagree with the earlier muzzle break comment based on the following vid from Levelcap & trying it out myself. I previously stayed away from anything with major penalties to accuracy but it makes sense and works in practice.

I tried it last night and it certainly makes a difference on rifles and LMG's. Just used the starter LMG but guessing it would be good on guns with higher fire rates also.
ACE 52 has better damage yes, but the range (Max distance and velocity) is lower. That and the rate of fire and magazine size being lower, means that i'd choose the ACW-R.

Really does depend on your style of play i suppose and what works for you.

Edit: AK5C looks damn good.

According to battlelog ACE 52 has a range value of 42 compared to ACR which has 25 :confused:

IIRC ACE 52 must have one of the best Range/Damage/ROF combinations in the game.
M249, AK5C and M4 and all beauties.

M4 is great if there are only a few players as its burst fire and you can really appreciate its finesse. (Also special forces use this baby quite a lot ala strikeback.)

M249 is great for maps like locker where the 200 round mag deploys relentless hurt, suppressive and leathal fire power.

AK5C is a powerful balanced weapon suitable for virtually all situation except long range.... And its single verse automatic spread is one of the best on bf4 according sythic, with only the Aug from what I can tell matching it.
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I disagree with the earlier muzzle break comment based on the following vid from Levelcap & trying it out myself. I previously stayed away from anything with major penalties to accuracy but it makes sense and works in practice.

I tried it last night and it certainly makes a difference on rifles and LMG's. Just used the starter LMG but guessing it would be good on guns with higher fire rates also.

I don't watch all these videos for stats etc, but generally i'll choose the attachment that reduces Muzzle Drift for LMG's.
I've seen that a few times now, it appeared to happen when people have jumped out of the chopper, the rocket just goes around and around :confused:

Looks good tho :p

AK5C seems my mainstay atm shame it doesnt have burst tho

REally depends on how you use it and how you play.

I'm loving the Scar as assault, because of the way i play, the extra damage works for me. Maybe that's the case for you as well with the carbines?
Try both our for a few hours and decide for yourself tbh.

Just use the stats as base to work on, but make your decision on your experience of the weapons.
EA can quite frankly go and get ******.

They have pushed this game out far too quickly and have not done proper testing. I literally cannot play the game for more than one round without something happening. Memory leaks being the worst.
The muzzle break reduces vertical recoil so just drag the mouse down as you fire instead. Vertical recoil is easy to manage, what it does it increase your spread. Spread means your bullets go further from the centre of where you are aiming at essentially. If you want to reduce V recoil use the angled grip

Lvlcap is great at what he does but he hasn't got much of a clue if he is using muzzle + stubby.

On my phone so can't show the stats. If you don't believe me just go to symthic as linked above. Check accuracy plots as well as weapon comparison.

IIRC the numbers correctly most BF4 guns have a start spread if around 0.2 whereas BF3 was 0.075 so horizontal recoil / spread is your biggest problem. HB is good at reducing horizontal recoil / spread but your recoil control will need to be even better as it adds 50% V recoil.
Most of the time i use a standard barrel and a grip. Otherwise having an extra on the barrel just causes complications.
The only exceptions are:
Heavy barrel: Sometimes apply only if the vertical climb is low on the gun in the first place.
"Flash hider": Use on heavy support guns when unloading suppressing fire at the opposition.
Suppressor: When i'm running and gunning as recon, staying hidden and being a sneaky ****.

They're the only barrel changes i make.
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